I live to travel!
Paris, France. Born and raised. I've lived in China and Argentina though.
Nutella and hazelnut ice cream
Is this an actual debate?! Like 'would you rather die from...'??!! I'd say consider both of those things depends on ourselves, one should focus on avoiding both. (Coming from an ex-obese, ex-smoker who plans on living forever! ;))
I think what matters the most is to find what works for you, at a given moment in your life. We all have to go around a lot of things to try and fit exercise into our lives. I usually wake up at 6.20am to be at the gym by 7. I'm in a 'snooze button detox' and don't use my phone as an alarm clock anymore. So up it is.…
So true. I'm an early bird (for workouts, I won't be able to do anything else). And I'm actually in owe of people that can work out at nights. I would NEVER go. Life happens all the time!! There would be excuses every night.
Perfect! You like great. Awesome job!
The main thing I wish I knew when I started is: 'Lose the weight the way you plan on keeping it off'. It changed everything.
Laughed at??!! People are jerks! Good job on going.
<Those boots!
I'm from Paris, France. Born and raised but I've lived in China and Argentina. Feel free to add me!
Vanity was the starting point. I wanted to look good. And cute clothes. EVERYTHING else (energy, strength, agility and so on) turned out to be huge unexpected rewards. I didn't plan on feeling sooo good.
Eating my emotions. Only reason.
Thanks!!!! CICO all the way and strength training. On the mind part of the game: keep it real, fun and sustainable! And support system!
THIS!!! And I SUCK at math!!
So perfect!!! Thanks!
That working out is never gonna get comfortable. That it's not supposed to. You feel cheated on when you realise that later on... AND CICO, all the way!
"Just calorie estimating" We most likely have a winner. Weigh your food for a week. I'd bet a lot than you're in for a surprise.
Do not overthink it. If any damages has been done, it's done. Plenty of water, exercise, healthy amount of healthy food and you're good to go!
First, a weekly test might be to much of a stress. Like a daily weigh in. Consider yourself a winner already. It zipped all the way up. It will fit you well in a month. If anything, I'd order some spanx to be safe on D-Day. But you won't likely need a bigger size. 30 days shred should give you some amazing results around…
So, you've lost over 30lbs in 6 weeks and your trainer isn't pleased with THIS week results?! I wouldn't be pleased with the trainer. +1 to fire the trainer!
Nice thread! I checked out some of those accounts, they're awesome. Just started an IG to document my journey and stay accountable.It's all food, fitness (and "mind fitness") and motivation. Feel free to ad me @somedayistoolate
You look amazing. Be proud!
This is amazing! Great job!!
What a difference!! Awesome job!
Those legs of yours are to die for!! Seriously, awesome job. You're an inspiration!