FXOjafar Member


  • If you're not eating low carb/keto then you should have a checkup for diabetes. Diabetic Acidosis is dangerous. Ketosis is not dangerous when you are there because of a ketogenic diet.
  • No everyone gets the keto "flu". I didn't. One sure fire way to know is your pee smells like distilled dinosaur sweat. Sickly sweet. You will also wake up one day with an immense amount of energy and be jumping out of your skin to go for a run! Your breath may also get an acetone smell but I don't get that either. My…
  • I have a Ketonix sport. I love seeing the changes during the day. I blow green in the morning usually, and orange in the afternoon with the occasional read. It's different to urine strips. Ketonix shows recent ketones whereas urine strips show where you were several hours ago.
  • I just broke through a 6 month stall. What kept me going was getting fancy fitbit aria scales. They measure body fat as well as weight. I noticed that while my weight was stalled in a 2kg range, my fat went down and lean mass went up (I've been bushwalking). I also lost an inch in the waist. What finally broke me out was a…
  • Your current one is so cute :)
  • Sounds depressing. Just eat clean and make your own food from natural ingredients, and you won't need any detox.
  • Firefly Starhunter Odyssey 5 Kyle XY Wilfred (Australian version) Star Trek Enterprise
  • I had appendicitis about 6 months after going Keto. It wasn't the cause although circumstantial evidence for knee jerk reactions says so.
  • I gained 2kg during Ramadan :) All water weight and from lack of sleep though I think because I've lost 1kg of that already! That extra hour of sleep from not having to wake up early for suhur really makes a difference! Also I was in a plateau before Ramadan anyway. As they say, KCKO :)
  • My problem is that I stop losing if I eat too little. A 15% deficit for me puts me at 1800 cals but if I eat less for a few days I stall badly. Eating over 1800 starts weight loss again. Weird but that's the way it works.
  • 1) No. I tried eating less and exercising more. I just gained weight. 2) You could be losing fat and gaining muscle. Do your other measurements. 3) WHAT you eat has more of an effect on weight loss. Just sayin' :)
  • Fat/Protein is easy. Eat some meat. Chicken thighs in cheese sauce (Cream, cream cheese, and some blue cheese :)) comes to mind. Steak and Eggs? Bacon? The possibilities are endless! How have you worked out your macros anyway?
  • Have more fat! I've been keto adapted for well over a year and today after a BPC I went for a 7.5k walk before lunch, and now I'm sitting at my desk doing the restless bouncy leg thing. I have to MOVE! :)
    in So Tired! Comment by FXOjafar June 2014
  • Nuts. I can sit there and eat them all day and go way over my protein goal :)
  • My way is try my best to eat keto and to guesstimate what I've eaten. One day over in calories isn't going to hurt. Eating too many carbs would though. I don't want to feel that awful again lol.
  • I eat Keto which is even more restrictive although I don't know what is restrictive about eating all the eggs, meat, cheese, cream and veges (except starchy ones) that I like :) All I am missing is chips, pasta, rice, bread and sweets that are full of sugar. How is that restrictive? Edit for on topic: I do frequent my…
  • My morning variation is BPC with added chocolate protein powder and flax meal. That will fill you up until late afternoon for sure! :)
  • If you want to lose weight with ketones, eat a ketogenic diet. It's quite simple. When you enter nutritional Ketosis, your body makes it's own ketones out of fat. Losing fat that way is a bit of a no brainer.
  • I lost 2kg in 12 weeks at Weight Watchers cutting calories and low fat. I've lost 32kg in approx 18 months cutting carbs and eating more and going full fat. Go figure :)
  • I was Vegan actually! Yes they did. Explain why I was in such a bad state, despite eating the magical low fat diet with plenty of fruit and veg! Yet when I dropped the carbs and started eating high fat, moderate protein, the weight dropped off (despite many years of dieting including Weight Watchers and failing dismally)…
  • Carbs are bad because they made me fat and pre-diabetic. Now that I restrict them to under 30g a day, I've lost 1/3 of my body weight and 1/2 the gain of the last 14 years, and I am no longer pre-diabetic and I have a normal blood lipid profile and blood pressure. Now, tell me again that carbs are good? :p
  • I would definitely drop the Atkins bars. They contain Maltitol which has an insulin response similar to sugar which would stop you from entering Ketosis. The odd one might be ok once you are fully keto adapted a few months down the track, but give your body a chance to get keto adapted first,
  • I measure at the belly button separately from my waist. I call it my "Muffin Top" :)
  • I don't trust over processed protein bars but what Quest has going for them is that they don't use Maltitol like the other protein bars. That stuff is as bad as sugar!
  • Also, ketostix have a time lag. They show what was, not what is. If you want realtime monitoring of ketones, use a blood meter or breath gadget. Darker purple on ketostix may also mean you need to drink more water ;)
  • Best by dates are just that. Best eaten by that time, after which it may degrade. If it smells ok, go for it :)
  • Magnesium will help your cramps. You need a balance of Sodium/Potassium/Magnesium. Get some bone broth on with added "lite" salt :)