Warrior Goddess. I like that! add me if you like :)
add me if you like :)
add me if you like! im on every day, and kinda addicted to the site now :smiley:
add me if you like :smiley:
maybe subconsciously you think that you should be able to taste the food? I don't know how long ago you went into cardiac arrest, but it might just be your brain still remembers that food tastes good, so it says to eat.
that's great! it must feel amazing!
I have tried this on and off too, but im in it for the long run thing time! Lets do this :)
I am on multiple times a day, so add me if you like!
I know for me that it took a while to get into the habit of eating less, but I've been here a month now and it has become a LOT easier, so don't lose hope!
you can add me if you like!
good luck :)
cause for celebration? I think yes! good job it must feel amazing to finally see that number you wanted :)
I just hit 45 days a little bit ago, and on a few times a day, so friend me if you like! I also try my best to read everything my friends post :)
im doing 1200 cals, and it works fine for me, and you can add me if you like :)
im on the 1200 cal goal, and I feel like it gets easier the longer I do it :) you can add me if you like
you look beautiful! that kind of dress is my favorite, and you are rocking it!
hi, you can add me if you like! I'm 5'4 and trying to get around the same weight as you. I'm also really active on here (27 day streak!)
alright thanks for all your help guys! I'm not very patient when it comes to weight loss, but that's just something I will have to work on!
you can add me if you like! I like anime and video games, but I'm still an amateur with both :)
thanks for all the responses! all you guys helped!