I MAY have just hit my goal weight!

I say "may" because I am currently on vacation, and didn't weigh myself on my normal scale - so there is bound to be a margin of error with either scale I am using (digital scale at home tends to be 1.5 lbs heavier than calibrated digital scale at the gym)

My hotel has a balance beam scale. Normally I do a naked weight, but that isn't really an option in a hotel fitness center so I had my swim trunks on. I was shocked to see that I was EXACTLY my goal weight! Thinking it was wrong, I slid the balance to my weight before I left on vacation - which made for a pretty big "clunk" as the balance beam hit the metal.

This is a new hotel with new everything.

I'm curious what my scale at home says. I am taking Amtrak back home -- anyone who has taken a long distance Amtrak train first class knows that the food just doesn't stop coming! So by the time I get home I may have jumped up again. Who knows.

Cause for celebration?


  • lexie62208
    lexie62208 Posts: 22 Member
    cause for celebration? I think yes! good job it must feel amazing to finally see that number you wanted :)
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