

  • I should have said, "no matter what congress thinks about pizza."
  • A soda is pure water that has had CO2 dissolved in to through various methods. A soft drink is soda water with flavorings. A pizza is never considered a vegetable, anywhere. In school it is considered (wrongly in my opinion) a complete meal as most of the FDA food groups are represented with in a slice of pizza.
  • There is no sweetener of any kind in the small packets of Kool-Aid. If there was, then why would the directions say add sugar? There are three kinds of Kool-Aid that I've seen. Unsweetened packets Sweetened with sugar jugs Artificially sweetened large packets
  • But!!!! If you don't spread the word to Facebook, they'll never know the joy of MFP. Come on people. Spread the word! LOL!!!
  • Plateau? So? When your body is ready it will start losing again. I sort of agree with the post above, trick it with some food. I"m not sure about a whole week because of your routine. Don't panic over a single week.
  • I agree. It looked good on TV and has people talking.
  • But, any calorie restriction will work. We go to the grocery and fill up in produce and meats / seafood. We buy canned tomatoes but for the most part avoid the canned food aisle. Same for boxes except oatmeal. And we go to the frozen section for veggies and stuff like that. If the WW food has ingredients that you don't…
  • Sometimes you have to just restart. Forget the past failure or successes. I know a person that was at a 5k race and saw no "ghetto booty" as she put it. That encouraged her to begin running.
  • Yes. You should log it. Log anything that is above and beyond not doing anything. MFP has different walking routines. Just choose the one that's the closest. Keep the activity level the same.
  • It's as much about the kind of calories you eat, not just calorie reduction. You shouldn't drink beer or eat pancakes because you need calories. You can eat anything you want as long as it is in moderation. Look up recipes on They have a Cooking Light section. Some of the servings are high in calories but…
  • I do. I've been doing this 28 weeks and averaged 2 pounds lost per week. That was my goal.
  • Cauliflower Puree instead of potato. Not the same, but close. We like it.
  • I would not skip he meal. Like Chrissy said, eat light. But maybe work a little more tomorrow. Consider this your "cheat" day. I know many hate that word.
    in Adviceee Comment by tnknights July 2011
  • Cooking Light Sauces.
  • Count the fitness calories. Your Net at the end of the day should be real close to your goal. Yes, you must eat your workout calories or your body will go into starvation mode and protect the fat.
  • It's super easy to use. The calories probably aren't super accurate. Mostly because there's no heart rate monitor. But it can be fairly accurate once you calibrate it. Not perfect, but close enough for very good encouragement.
  • The "smartest" thing to do is after a cheat / overeat / just didn't care day is to get back to your normal routine the next day. Everyone has heard that anything under 1200 and your body goes into survival mode.
  • They seem to be based on the weight you entered. But that in itself is just a generalization. Use of the heart rate monitor is more accurate. And even them you should back out the calories you would burn anyway.
  • A few months ago this was me. I played baseball and softball all my life. Quit due to ankle issues. The short of it is, I got to where I couldn't walk up steps without losing breath. And it was bad. So I started walking. A little at a time. Shin splints started. Very painful at times. So I started walking less and setting…
  • Amen. Go outside. Walk. Mall. Anything but TV. TV will remind you of food. You need to break old habits.
  • You will plateau, get stuck, gain,... many times. Change it up some. Trick your body by eating just a little more. You will begin to lost a little and then all of the sudden a pound will be gone. Do NOT lose hope. It'll be worth it.
  • MFP can't track HR. Someone put the formula in MFP. Calories burned depends on sustained Heart Rate. You can do the same activity twice for the same length of time and get different results. All depends on how high your HR stayed. Trust the HR monitor more than MFP and enter the totals it gives.