kessler4130 Member


  • There are a lot of professional body builders and trainers alike who promote cheat curls as a formidable movement, usually superset with seated controlled curls followed by drop sets. You must find a happy medium between load and form, if you sacrifice progressive overload for form and vice versa you are doing it wrong.
  • Fire your trainer, if anyone should be doing any movements at all, it would be dead lift, squat and bench press, I also say standing overhead press.... but never see anyone but me do it lol. Anyways, visit the following you tube channels, they have a lot of information to offer. Candito Training HQ, Strength Camp,…
  • When I am at the gym, everyone else could be on fire and I would not notice, I am there to do what I need to do. And fact of the matter is, anyone I see there, even if they have clearly treated their body with reckless abandon, I am glad to see them there doing something to better them self. Trust me, the only people being…
  • Dips, my shoulders are a train wreck, for upright rows I simply use a cable cross over and rope, works great.
  • Everyone assumes we say the things we do about these reckless diets to be evil and destructive, the truth is that we all started somewhere. I was recklessly dieting at like 1800 calories at 300lbs with that "a calorie is a calorie" bull crap, well long story short I lost a lot of lean body mass because I was uneducated and…
  • Your body will need macro nutrients to recover, and it is best not to wait until the next day. From my perspective, a decent amount of protein and simple carbs that will spike your insulin to quickly transport the nutrients is preferred shortly after my workout. Oh and get a new Doctor.
  • As stated before, calorie surplus, macros should be 0.8 to 1 grams per lb of lean body mass, fats should be higher than when cutting, the rest are carbs. I prefer to bulk at 500 calories over maintenance, some prefer 250, that is just to low for me. If you go overboard on drop sets or ad any cardio, chase your cat through…
  • A carb is a carb, there are no bad carbs. Your body sorts macro nutrients just like a change machine would, you eat food, carbs go in the carb slot, fat goes in the fat slot, protein goes in the protein slot. Your body doesn't care what year the nickel was made, how rusty the quarter is, macros are macros. Rice is fine, it…
  • Weight loss is not linear, and your metabolism makes adjustments constantly based on your caloric intake, that is why people who are cutting weight have refeed days, you see similar issues when you phase from cutting to bulking. You will see an almost instant increase in body fat which seems to taper off as your body…
  • I usually eat 7 times a day.
  • If you want it bad enough you make it happen, I get up at 1:30 am to do HIIT and eat breakfast before going to the gym at 4 am every day, not because I want to be up when everyone else is leaving the bar, because it is my lifestyle at this point.
  • No one is trolling her or being disrespectful, and to even insinuate that her doctor is qualified to put someone on a 800 calorie diet is insane. The best thing she can possibly do is increase her caloric intake over weeks, by 100 calories a week up to about 1800 calories for a month or so and see how that effects her…
  • Unless you are 4 foot tall, you are going to cause severe damage to yourself on a 800-1000 calorie diet with 0 carbs. The only advice that needs to be given is..... stop. I am sorry I try to help everyone, but this kind of voodoo diet is just reckless and dangerous.
  • Usually its fad dieters, those who change their lifestyle would have to be completely reckless to go back, hell I have one day a week where I totally yolo it (yesterday! 5800 calories, no f%$#% given) and have zero issues.
  • Well aside from the fact that half of this is entirely true because science is a real thing that actually exists, and your body is designed to preserve fat to an extent to provide you energy to find food so you can .... well not die. However it would only do this in a long term starvation situation where it would begin to…
  • I ate an entire container of Ice Cream Yesterday, all 1320 calories worth, zero f^@%$ were given lol. Then I ate more, its all in my diary, I ain't skeered !
  • I get more attention than I know what to do with now, but am to busy training and eating to take advantage of it lol.
  • I had two idiots walk up behind me while I was doing squats this morning, one sat on the decline bench behind me, the other leaning against the smith machine. I continued with my routine, did another set and added some plates, at this point my blood is boiling because there is a completely empty squat rack next to me and…
  • Your body can make up the difference in fats and carbohydrates if it needs to, but it cannot synthesize amino acids to preserve muscle. Muscle repair, recovery and growth all contribute significantly to your caloric needs, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn. Protein is the alpha macro nutrient,…
  • Please keep in mind, regardless of what anyone says, straps exist for a reason. I do not use them for my warm up or high rep sets, but do use them on my 1RM sets and such. If you are having grip issues do not be afraid to implement straps, the primary purpose for doing dead lifts is to strengthen your back, core,…
  • I threw away a baked potato yesterday after I remembered I revised my meals due to excess carbs yesterday, I regularly throw away an ounce or 2 of salmon or chicken if it doesn't fit my macros. I stopped buying a weeks worth of chicken and salmon because I am to stupid to remember to thaw it, or it stays in the fridge too…
  • Looking at your diary, you are most likely not in enough surplus, basic rule of thumb is a 500 calorie surplus, I seriously doubt your maintenance intake is 1800-1900 calories. I would also drop your protein to 0.8 to 1 gram per pound of lean body mass, 260 grams would sustain Jay Cutler, you would be more than fine at 200…
  • it's hard to say, but could also be from elevated estrogen levels, couldn't tell you why but I can tell you estrogen increases water retention.
  • Your protein is dangerously low, and calories in general are even more concerning. You could cut weight at 1600 calories a day, 95 grams of protein, 55 grams of fat, and 195 grams of carbs. You are shutting your body down the way you are trying to lose weight.