threechins Member


  • A belated addition to say thank you for this thread since I've just spotted mine reset on 1 July too. I know intellectually what cookiealbright said is right, but the streak is important (and yes, mine is/was pretty big) since it represents consistent logging and, through that, honesty about diet.
  • Not much sympathy here, is there? It might be in the future that you'll look back and think you're a brat. It might have been in the past that others felt you bragging was insensitive. But we live in the present, and in that present you are missing running and he is reminding you of that. I don't think it would be at all…
  • Welcome and good luck. Having just hit 40 it isn't all that bad (although I say that being the fittest I've been in my life, it's a great way to feel hitting that milestone).
  • "I have science thing. Give me money. I will give you snake oil that pretends to use that science thing." It's actually quite a good scam, because if it works (and I'd bet the diet suggests eating fewer calories than you expend, with a bit of dressing up) you credit the product, but if it doesn't, people will tend to blame…
  • Reading through this quickly I think I've taken the award for biggest gain. 10.2lb since last Saturday. Not at all fussed, I logged throughout the week, so know that while there'll be a couple of pounds there, most is water. What has been a real lesson for me is the effect the excess of Christmas has had on me, constantly…
  • I'm not quite sure from the profile if you are from Cardiff, Wales, or Cardiff, Washington (or Western Australia), but assuming the Welsh one then for UK sites I've always found to be good, especially if you aren't worried about getting this seasons latest colours. They are usually among the cheapest and…
  • I'm still waiting for a replacement, but am interested in how you find the alarm. I've read mixed reviews—and my wife doesn't use it—but was wondering whether you noticed a difference with the smart alarms or power naps. It attracted me in the hope I'd find getting out of bed for early morning runs a bit easier. (A slow…
  • My wife now gets an email (via IFTTT) when I don't get enough sleep. Not sure it helps me, but I think it helps her avoid—or at least understand—my grumpiness.
  • Lotus caramelised biscuit spread.
  • I'd echo what others say: if you eat it you should log it and not worry about what others are doing if it is working for you. I'm a bit of a hypocrite writing this because my diary is not public (though password shared with some) but I can tell you that alcohol features regularly, as does Domino's, the one bit of junk food…
  • My experience (with a touch over 60lbs lost) was that no-one really mentioned anything until fairly recently. Then it was mentioned so much it went through flattering and into tiresome. I'm not sure why I managed to lose 45lbs or so with little comment. I suspect the more recent weight loss added more definition so it was…
  • My experience has been weekly is fine. A lot of people on here will talk about 'zig zagging' and starvation mode, and I've no idea whether or not there is any merit to those arguments, I've just found that if I have an overall deficit at the end of the week I lose weight. The way I do it (which I'm not proposing or…
  • I didn't know that the Up had been re-released but have (and use) both a Fitbit One – I'd previously had an Ultra – and a Fuelband. Reading the previous posts I think it's ultimately a personal decision, I've never had the problems others here seem to have with the Fitbit recording extra steps, and both it and the Fuelband…
  • Thanks. Was feeling I needed to do something, just wanted a bit of external confirmation that I wasn't being premature.
  • I got one about eight weeks ago after close to nine months on a weight-loss plateau (despite being assiduous with logging and exercise). I've lost weight every week since then, usually close to what my calories in-out, with a Fitbit adjustment, would predict. Basically the Fitbit has taught me that I'm a lot more active in…
  • I obviously cannot comment on that aspect of running with a bag!
  • One other thing that no-one has mentioned is that it's useful to have a bag that changes your centre of gravity as little as possible so it has less impact on your normal running gait. The problem with a bouncing bag is not so much it's bouncing (it's impossible to stop that when you think about the movement involved in…
  • I'll add to the other voices... you'll be fine. I started by running every day (and I mean every day), basically just starting off and running as far as I could until I had to stop and gradually watching the distance grow - so it is possible. Having said that, looking back it isn't the best way to start! Make sure you're…
  • Much easier to take in than it is to take out. The real issue isn't the weight you've lost but the inches. The adjustments have to be done at the seams, which means that you end up having things like your back pockets on trousers moving closer to each other, or jacket pockets moving towards the side and under your arms if…
  • I'd go for do it yourself. My approach is three to four runs a weeks, one of them a long run and the others at your base distance. In our case, 2-3 at 5k and one long run. The general rule of thumb is that you don't increase overall distance by more than 10% a week, and don't increase any run by more than 10%. (Sorry…
  • Avoid seams and ideally get something like a pair of cycling shorts to wear (underneath everything else, if you aren't the cycling shorts type). If you want to know real agony though, try runner's nipple - a curse on long runs when a sweaty top starts chafing on your nipples with every step, and if you don't know what it…
    in Chafing! Comment by threechins May 2011
  • Not sure why but I didn't click with the C25k. I started by running as far as I could on day one, then again on day two, and so on. Having said that, it has worked wonders for my wife and I'd echo the various bits of advice about music, making your own podcast is great, I actually made a set for my wife so it was me…
  • I've no idea what others mean, but for me it's basically no limits. I 'cheat' every Saturday - kick off with weigh-in and run, then don't worry about what I eat/drink for the rest of the day. I still log calories, but if I want a junk food pizza and it'll take me 1,000 over my net target, I have it. It's probably not what…
  • Hi, I've added you (from London). Anyone else feel free to add me.
  • Agree with lots of the others. Basically, you just have to want to quit enough to go through a few months of pangs (which isthe basic premise of the Alan Carr book)! I smoked for 7-8 years, usually 20-30 *kitten* a day (many many more if I was out) and tried quitting a few times but never succeeded. However, I'd always -…
  • I wouldn't be so sure, if he's anything like me then the small barriers matter. I went through a phase of cycling to work, but my wife eventually tired of the bike in the hall and moved it to the shed. The 'hassle' of unlocking the shed was enough to stop me - the two mile ride, hills and weather didn't stop me, it was the…
  • I'm absolutely astounded at the response to my post, and all the friend requests (I think I've added you all, but prod me if I haven't). I think we should all head to the 'man cave' - whatever that is - and talk geo-politics. Or sport.
  • Different circumstances, but here for the same reason!
  • Don't objectify us, we're people too!
  • It's usually a sign of civilisation...