

  • nope no blood tests, just felt my stomach and blood pressure and breathing tests, I will wait a few weeks and then go back and demand blood work i think.LOL. Xxx
  • you are like me its all or nothing(well less than we are told to) I think maybe concentrate on eating more earlier in the day will help, i know if i eat a large breakfast I still want to eat like normal the rest of the day. I could never say eat a snack after dinner, because thats when the binge is more likely to occur. I…
  • ohhhh huni good luck I wish you all the strength and willpower. Its not easy recovering from any eating disorder, but I sure hope and believe you will do it. Take time out to love yourself, do something daily that you love, like painting, dancing, reading, painting your nails. You are beautiful! Please remember that…
  • true motivation for me. Well done you have done so well(and made me jealous)....LOL.xxx
  • It looks right to me. roughly when i run for 30mins my Maximum HR is 187 and my average HR 171 and it says I burn 250-300cals, but remeber you have to minus what you would normally burn. So my BMR is 1440 says if i was in a coma i would burn 60cals per 60 mins and for 30mins it would be 30cals minus this from what your…
  • i love the ability to to dance like a lunatic in front of people(we even do a chicken dance and a smack that kinda dance!!!!!HAHAH), make friends, have a giggle, and dance to some good upbeat music. and it does tone up and burn cals. its my stress relief for the week. You know when you are at home and you close the…
  • i started with logging it as high impact aerobics, and then when I got my HRM polar FT4 I started logging it as zumba with the exact calories my HRM recorded which is usually approx 600-650 for 60 mins. But we are all different and the classes are a bit different with different instructors. xxx
  • I think it not eating works for you, then why change it??? We are all different. If I have to eat 30mins before any exercise I get sick, dizzy and occasionally faint. and I have to eat substantial carbs, fruit or milk just wont cut it with my body.lol. It does suck coz like today i had to get up extra early to get my bowl…
  • OMG hunni, you have muscles!!!!! I'm jealous. I have the same problem my weigh wont budge, but i defo have a higher body fat than you, im soft(everywhere LOL) But maybe get your body fat measured, you may have a low body fat and therefore because its low your body doesnt want to lose anymore fat(which is essential for your…
  • my weight defo goes up the day after each work out. so I have to have a rest day before my official weigh in day, crazy huh?? xxx
  • congrats on getting to your goal weight, u shud be proud of yourself. Maybe stop login on MFP for say a week and stop weighing food and yourself, and then after a week. i find i subconsiously try and choose things that will put me in my calorie goal. A bit of freedom may let you actually eat more. Also eating more at…
  • i used to eat mainly carbs and fibre, but have felt alot fuller since upping my protein, it has also helped me tyone up a little easier. eggs, tuna, and chicken and low fat cheese are my staples.lol.xx
    in Protein Comment by tinareet June 2011
  • thanks :) xx
  • thanks alot everyone, of out on the search for quinoa at weekend.xxx
  • I've got W3D3 tomorrow. Can I join??? xxx
  • I'll do it!!! 10,000 calories burnt for June here I come :) xxx
  • female 22 from England :) you are more than welsome to add me :D Xxx
  • to begin with rest in between each run, and make sure you stretch after you run. I think eventually you can build up to every day, but if your legs feel tight its not worth risking it as if you run through the pain it could lead to shin splints. maybe do a walk on your rest days if you really wana get some exercise in :)…
  • also the people that generally go on biggest loser are obese or morbidly obese so usually they can do a drastic routine like 1200cals a day and 7 hours of exercise to lose weight quickly. However, I would worry about their mentality, stress levels and future eating disorders. I know I would go crazy doing that. I go a lil…
  • i get panic attacks quite often, but have never had them in your sleep, all i can imagine is that you are stressing out before you go to sleep, which then causes a nightmare, and because panic attacks normally happen when you are scared, your body reacts in your sleep. so maybe try relaxing before you go to bed, make sure…
  • wow and what a good time for a very first 5k that happened accidentally :D xx
  • I'm a B/C cup and yep it makes me look flat chested too and my HRM chest strap connector sticks out the same as my boobs, so i look like ive got three boobs, and i get red faced and sweaty and that too, but i just think ohhhh well, at least I'm doing exercise, and just get on with it. I think of it like a uniform, and i…
  • I do C25K tues, thurs and either sat or sun and then do zumba mon, wed, and fri. Also next month i will be doing boxing bootcamp on tues and thurs aswell to build me upper body strength. I have heard weights or strength training is a good thing to do to build up your strength, i just hate it tho(boring).xx
  • thanks guys, cardiotrainer doesn't run in the background on my phone. i think ill have a look at runkeeper and endomondo :) xx
  • I always thought good running shoes and running on grass instead of the road makes it a bit gentler on the joints. Have u thought about power walking as an alternative?? But if you love running, carry on go gentle, stop if you feel any pains, always do your warm up walk and stretch after and try grass if you can. I think…
    in Running Comment by tinareet May 2011
  • hiya, yes it is definately because you aren't eating enough, you must eat 1200 MINIMUM and tbh i find if i eat at 1200 i still dont lose(infact i gain) I have found somewhere inbetween 1300 and 1400 is best for me, which is about right as my BMR is approx 1400 but it is defo a slow journey. I burn naturally in a day 1700…
  • I'm 5'5 and 148lbs and have only lost 3lbs since i started this a month and a half ago and to be honest I have lost most of it since I started C25K and concentrating on what I'm eating at the weekend(which is my downfall) It will happen hunni, but maybe concentrate on being healthy and eventually the weight loss will…
  • i think somewhere in between the slim and middle guy, but minus less huge traps(im a freak and have a weird phobia of this muscle LOL) :) is what i find attractive, but lots of different people find different things attractive so whatever is easier for you and is your natural body shape go with it just like us women have…
  • i found a class i really enjoyed and went with someone to begin with and then its a spiral, the classes i go to are now 3 times a week, i do the c25k three times a week to train for two 5 k races, and shortly I will be doing boxing bootcamp twice a week, i think if you can push yourself to do 1 class or exercise a week,…