Do you REALLY need to eat something before running?



  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    ok, thanks, I feel much better.

    My husband thinks it's really weird that I drink coffee right before running. I dunno. I can brew it super quick in my Keurig and just feel like I have to have one cup before I do anything in the morning. Although I'm sure it's mental, because the caffeine doens't have time to kick in byt he time I"m on the treadmill.

    oh, and I drink coffee too before morning and afternoon workouts and my husband thinks it's crazy and yells at me. I don't consider it any different than if I were to drink a redbull or something, but I will continue with my coffee addiction.
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    I think it not eating works for you, then why change it??? We are all different. If I have to eat 30mins before any exercise I get sick, dizzy and occasionally faint. and I have to eat substantial carbs, fruit or milk just wont cut it with my It does suck coz like today i had to get up extra early to get my bowl of porridge in 30mins before my bootcamp at 6.15!!! xxx
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    ok, thanks, I feel much better.

    My husband thinks it's really weird that I drink coffee right before running. I dunno. I can brew it super quick in my Keurig and just feel like I have to have one cup before I do anything in the morning. Although I'm sure it's mental, because the caffeine doens't have time to kick in byt he time I"m on the treadmill.

    oh, and I drink coffee too before morning and afternoon workouts and my husband thinks it's crazy and yells at me. I don't consider it any different than if I were to drink a redbull or something, but I will continue with my coffee addiction.

    There is plenty of evidence that coffee right before a workout is beneficial, it raises your heart rate, and makes you burn more calories while not putting in any more effort. That's why caffeine is a banned substance at the Olympics (in high doses). I usually have a cup of tea 30 mins before running.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    If you don't need to eat that's fine. I personally would pass out :laugh:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if it aint broke, dont fix it.

    I personally cant get very far on an empty stomach, so even if i am running very early i will have a coffee and a banana first or i find myself feeling sick and faint, but im really not good with low blood sugar. Others wont necessarily get affected as much. Lots of people prefer to exercise on an empty stomach.

    Its all about what works for you. we are not all the same.
  • theMightyAnt
    When I know I am going to run in the morning I often eat a banana (or half) AS SOON as I get up. Then leave the house around 10-15 minutes later. By the time I have run for 15 minutes and I need the energy more I find that it starts to kick in
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I do this plenty of the time also.

    If I am running more than a few miles I will try and eat just a little something so I dont clunk out @ mile three....
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    There is plenty of evidence that coffee right before a workout is beneficial, it raises your heart rate, and makes you burn more calories while not putting in any more effort. That's why caffeine is a banned substance at the Olympics (in high doses). I usually have a cup of tea 30 mins before running.

    Caffeine was unbanned at the 2004 Olympics, mainly because that restriction was "impractical" aka dumb.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    You don't need to eat if you don't want to. I never eat before running in the morning and run 60+ minutes. A glass of water and cup of coffee is enough.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I do not eat before I work out in the mornings because I end up with tummy trouble. But I DO make sure I eat and drink as soon as I can after I am done with the workout. I think doing what works for you is best though.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    There is plenty of evidence that coffee right before a workout is beneficial, it raises your heart rate, and makes you burn more calories while not putting in any more effort. That's why caffeine is a banned substance at the Olympics (in high doses). I usually have a cup of tea 30 mins before running.

    Caffeine was unbanned at the 2004 Olympics, mainly because that restriction was "impractical" aka dumb.

    I didn't know that!
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    If you feel fine, I think you're safe. I always eat first becuz I feel wimpy if I don't. Everyone is different though! :)
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    For me it's totally a mental thing. I work out right when I get home from work, before dinner. Last night, however, I didn't - DH and I went to dinner first. I wound up eating something that was pretty high in calories, and it put me over my daily allowance by a pretty big chunk. My mind frame was thus changed from "Okay, I have this many calories left for supper" to "Yikes, I really need to get a good workout in!" - which is a hard thing to think about on a full tummy. [I did it, though! Yoga AND the elliptical!]

    I would rather look at it as completing my calories for the day, rather than havnig to burn off excess, if that makes sense. I don't necessarily feel guilty for going over, but it's not conducive to the overall plan of weight loss/being healthy to go over all the time. :)
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    If you feel really sore after your work outs, you might want to try eating something with protein. I don't remember all the facts, but certain proteins help muscle breakdown and repair. You may not have problems, but eating protein prior, might help you recover a lot sooner.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    ok, thanks, I feel much better.

    My husband thinks it's really weird that I drink coffee right before running. I dunno. I can brew it super quick in my Keurig and just feel like I have to have one cup before I do anything in the morning. Although I'm sure it's mental, because the caffeine doens't have time to kick in byt he time I"m on the treadmill.

    oh, and I drink coffee too before morning and afternoon workouts and my husband thinks it's crazy and yells at me. I don't consider it any different than if I were to drink a redbull or something, but I will continue with my coffee addiction.

    There is plenty of evidence that coffee right before a workout is beneficial, it raises your heart rate, and makes you burn more calories while not putting in any more effort. That's why caffeine is a banned substance at the Olympics (in high doses). I usually have a cup of tea 30 mins before running.

    That's great information, thanks!! I will have to print this out for my husband so he'll leave me alone!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    If you're going to be running for an hour or more, then it's a pretty good idea. Otherwise, it's not that important.

  • cono0507
    cono0507 Posts: 10 Member
    I've done it both ways and definitely perform better with some fuel beforehand. If I'll be running more than 45 min, I definitely eat. These days it is usually half a bagel with peanut butter.
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    There are some words on this site that make me scream, and top of the list is "you're supposed to..."

    You're not "supposed" to do anything. There are no hard and fast "this way and no other" rules.

    Fasted cardio (working out on an empty stomach) is a fairly well-known technique, and it suits some people, especially if exercisisng first thing in the morning. On the other hand, some people find they get dizzy if they exercise on an empty stomach, or can work-out better if they've given their body some fuel first.

    If it suits you, and your body is letting you know it's OK with that, then carry on! Good luck.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    do what works for you. i usually need to eat something, either a cereal bar or a small handful of almonds to charge my batteries up!