motivation is a *****, no?

nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
really struggling for motivation with exercising.
I know im lazy! thats how i got here!
working long hours then just wanting to veg out when i get home.

but also putting hands up as its all my fault.


exersize motivation, how do you guys keep going?
/actually get started??
any foods that will help me see results with the exercise? atm im doing cycling with weights but need to start doing cardio.

complete exersize tool but trying :)


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i work 12 hr night shifts..there are times the last thing i wan to do is workout..but i just keep my work momentum going and go straight to the gym after work. then go home and rest a good rest.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Also, think about things you can do at work. HartJames posts mini challenges on here, which I think are great - 150 squats a day etc. I make it up at work by doing 10 every time I go to the ladies (theres room in there, and no-one can see! lol) also, can you go for a 5 min work-related walk for 5 mins every hour or so, or run up the stairs each time you do the stairs?
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    You keep going when you find something you actually enjoy doing.

    It sounds like you think exercise is a chore, and therein lies your problem.
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    big time!

    when I'm doing it, its not too bad, its just getting to doing it! im the biggest procrastinator ever!

    I've fastened a vogue mag to by stationary bikes handle bars, makes me cycle harder!!!
  • Whiskey_Byrne
    Whiskey_Byrne Posts: 58 Member
    I work in an office and find it hard when I get in to get motivated, so to stop myself from getting to the Veg stage I get in and don't sit down. I'll start to prepare dinner straight away, then while Dinner is cooking I'll get on the Wii and do some exercise. Have dinner and clean up behind myself (all going towards exercise). I go for a walk with my friend twice a week as well to catch up with what she's been doing and always take a relaxing bath before going to bed. Keeping to a routine helps as you don't need to think about it after doing it all for a week or so. All the little bits I do around the house add up. I put the most used foods in my house on the bottom shelves of the lada/ pantry so I have to bend to get them same with the fridge. Cupboards I put the most used foods on the top shelves so I have to stretch to get them.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Start off slow and give yourself weekly goals. I started a few months ago with just 3 30 minute workouts. I tried different things. Eventually I worked up to 4 one hour cardio workouts of swimming or treadmill. And I have upped myself by adding this one week mini challenge of adding pilates in. I wanted to see how I would feel doing it for a week with my other activities. Set small goals and work up to your eventual routine. It's now become habit with me.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    My motivation is knowing I need to work to get to where I need to be. No one is going to make me skinny and fit. I am the only one who can do that. Excuses are for lazy people who expect to be carried through whatever their trial is and I refuse to make excuses. I am not going to be a lazy *kitten* any more. I will go workout and I wont be the person sitting on the sidelines anymore.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Finding out I was diabetic Dec. 2009 was a big motivator for me. I was taking all kinds of meds, 5 different kinds. 3 diabetes related , 2 for high blood pressure, plaque in arteries. Lots of walking, a little jogging here and there to mix it up plus strength training by Jan 2011 I was no longer diabetic or had high blood pressure. My doctor took me off all meds. I recently had a check up and still going strong. All I take pill wise is a multivitamin and fish oil.

    My other motivation for excercising and keep going was jogging. I started @ 440 lbs. I don't break any speed records, or have completed marathons, yet. I mixed it in little by little with all of my walking I do. Friends, family, people I told this about all were against it. They said it was bad and unhealthy for my joints to be jogging at such a heavy weight. Even my doctor was against it. I got stubborn and did it anyway. I've yet to injure myself or stop. I got good shoes and my joints feel fine.

    I work graveyard hours 11:30pm - 7am so I have a strange sleep sechdule People think I am werid cuz I excercise @ 2-3am. It works for me. I'll continue on til l'm dead.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Finding out I was diabetic Dec. 2009 was a big motivator for me. I was taking all kinds of meds, 5 different kinds. 3 diabetes related , 2 for high blood pressure, plaque in arteries. Lots of walking, a little jogging here and there to mix it up plus strength training by Jan 2011 I was no longer diabetic or had high blood pressure. My doctor took me off all meds. I recently had a check up and still going strong. All I take pill wise is a multivitamin and fish oil.

    My other motivation for excercising and keep going was jogging. I started @ 440 lbs. I don't break any speed records, or have completed marathons, yet. I mixed it in little by little with all of my walking I do. Friends, family, people I told this about all were against it. They said it was bad and unhealthy for my joints to be jogging at such a heavy weight. Even my doctor was against it. I got stubborn and did it anyway. I've yet to injure myself or stop. I got good shoes and my joints feel fine.

    I work graveyard hours 11:30pm - 7am so I have a strange sleep sechdule People think I am werid cuz I excercise @ 2-3am. It works for me. I'll continue on til l'm dead.

    Thanks for your post. I too am Diabetic and am trying to really lower my A1C dramatically as well. Went from a 9.7 to a 6.6. I hope to get that even lower!
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    i found a class i really enjoyed and went with someone to begin with and then its a spiral, the classes i go to are now 3 times a week, i do the c25k three times a week to train for two 5 k races, and shortly I will be doing boxing bootcamp twice a week, i think if you can push yourself to do 1 class or exercise a week, you will eventually be hooked, once i got hooked on exercise, the healthy eating and treats begin to fall into place and now when i have my rest day, i feel really lazy but its a good chance to catch up on TV LOL. The class i got into is Zumba, its dancing and doesnt feel like exercise but you can burn 400-800 cals a class :D
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    For me, I either build it into my day (cycle to work instead of bus, use stairs instead of lifts etc), make it a group effort ( I go to running club every Tuesday) or, I think about the impact I know not exercising has on the scales at the end of the week. That thought alone usually helps! With the weights, I just think about how i want to be toned when I'm finished losing and not 'skinny fat'.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Weights are a great place to start and I know getting up the willpower to face a 45 minute run is difficult. Personally I spend a lot of time in front of the computer at home. So if I'm not working out, that's where I am avoiding it. Now pinned to my monitor is a photo of me in nothing but shorts displaying everything I'd like to change. It's also the fourth image like it I've used (the others were removed and destroyed by demons) but I'll keep at it.

    My average week is between 50 and 60 hours. Busy weeks can close in on 80. I just have to find what motivates me and make sure it's in my face everywhere I try to hide from exercise.
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    I get up at 5:00 am to work out and find if I give it too much thought that is when I find excuses not to do it so what I do is just get up and do it no thought about it, working out has become a habit as it will for you in time. Just remember give it no thought just do it!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Honestly I hate exercising. The only thing that I found to make me do elliptical is that I watch a good TV program while I am doing it. So long as it's decent, I can forget that I'm running and if I set the timer for the length of the program I just chug along until it's over. Also I try and walk lots, that counts, so I go out of my way to walk instead of taking the bus for any journey I can walk in under 1 hour, especially at weekends.

    If all else fails get an exercise buddy who can guilt-trip you into it. There's nothing like emotional blackmail and early morning guilt to get you to go running...