

  • Congratulations on these achievements! YEs, just stay in the perimeter of supermarkets lol
  • Aw that sounds frustrating...i know my weight fluctuates, lighter in morning always 2-3 pounds heavier by the end of the day. Just keep at it you will see results!!!!
  • Good article. Thansk for sharing!
  • Yeah..i get that feeling all the time...standing out a like freak because I am not pigging out like everyone is!
  • There was a little party at work and I work with children so these volunteers brought these big fatty cream frosted cupcakes. They passed them out to the kids then asked if any of the staff wanted any. Me and a couple of girls declined the cupcake. This one lady began eating a cupcake and said, "How can you refuse a…
  • Like everyone else, I agree you look fab, but I know u are also looking for suggestions to lose those last few pounds. You may be plateauing so it is hard to lose these few lbs. Try do some high interval work outs that increase the intensity of your training and adding in more weight resistance training. Adding the muscle…
  • I've been cooking a lot of vegetables and just making things from scratch, but I am having a hard figuring how to count these dishes.... Anyone else having this issue or has a solution for figuring out the calorie counts? Plus, tofu sure increases in fat when fried a little! GEEZ!
  • great post, thanks for sharing!!
  • When I step on the first few steps it does start to move...but after a little bit, it stops. So you just have to walk a few of the steps and it will come to a stop, then you can start entering your settings. It is a good work out, I huff and puff everytime I am on it! Just to be sure...I am talking about the stairmaster…
  • that is FAST! I run like a 12 minute mile and I am pooped already!
  • The most i've done on a treadmill is 3 miles! So that is really good! How long did it take you?
  • awesome! Did you do on the treadmill or run outside?
  • For the first time ever, I've worked out 9 days in a row! My motivation has just been sky high lately! I know you're suppose to have a day of rest...but I am on a roll! Plus, the workouts are of varying intensities so I don't feel too worn out. I am going to see how long I can do this for...
  • Not yet...taking it slow.
  • I am trying to meet my daily protein grams but is has been difficult since I've gone vegetarian. So i am wondering what other vegis are eating to get enough protein? I eat the tofu, beans, and nuts but I then also go over my daily carb grams too!
  • That sounds delicious! and a lot less fattening than the fried tofu! Yesterday I had 9 oz of fried tofu which equaled to abou 700 calories!!
  • Or how about grilling it? Maybe on a forman grill...i wonder how that would turn out...
  • I was fryin until it got nice and crispy, which is so yummy...but I think not very good for the fat count? I stuffed it with chili, lemongrass, and seasoned salt, then fried it up. Your recipe sounds yummy. I've heard people baking tofu? Do you get a crisp from that?
  • I was fryin until it got nice and crispy, which is so yummy...but I think not very good for the fat count? I stuffed it with chili, lemongrass, and seasoned salt, then fried it up. Your recipe sounds yummy. I've heard people baking tofu? Do you get a crisp from that?
  • How bad is fried tofu for you? It tastes so good fried!
  • Maneater Nelly furtado Some Gwen like Holla Back girl Cascada Everytime we Say goodby and some techno infused stuff... Really weird, but I listen to this crossover classical stuff. IT is traditional classic pieces thats been revamped with intense techno beats which REALLY keeps me Running FAST!! Some faves: Vanessa Mae:…
  • I was just at the website. I watched the Meet Your Meat video and i started to cry seeing how all the animals are treated. I don't think I can look at a piece of meat the same way anymore. I am going to try to be vegetarian, so if any if you veggies out there have some good tips on food I would appreciate. Also,…
  • Tom yum soup is pretty safe. I've eaten a dish called Crying Tiger which is medallions of beef on salad. Stay away from curries and noodle dishes!
    in Thai Food Comment by violetvy March 2008
  • What's ur fave music for cardio? When I run I like to listen to some fast intense beats... Please don't stop the music Maneater Hollaback girl Lose control are few tracks I have right now that are pretty motivating... I also listen to some techno infused violin sounds funky but it really keeps me going on…
  • I totally have a friend like that! She'll always make comments about the foods I eat or don't eat and make me feel weird for not eating enough. I just don't get that feeling that she is being supportive at all. I think others have had that feeling too, so hang in there and try to resist as best you can! I know i can't…