Stop thinking of exercise as optional. It's not, Might as well commit to it, schedule it, and don't allow yourself to break the schedule. It's not optional. Brushing your teeth isn't optional. Putting on deodorant isn't optional. I can guess lunch isn't optional. So, walking becomes that 45 minute thing you do at night,…
I will always end up doing the right thing, once I've exhausted all my other options.
Being healthy, thinner, fitter are admirable goals. Achieving those goals may have unintended consequences. My wife did not join me on my fitness journey, and her jealousy of the time I'm taking for myself has been replaced with jealousy of results. I would have thought after 15 years of me as a diabetic, and my heart…
before and mid:
That certainly is an interesting take. My research uncovered that a warm up cardio before strength training activates some calorie and fat burn, strenght training - though it doesn't burn a lot of calories - does activate muscle's fuel-burning potential, and the cool down cardio puts the body in an extra prolonged state of…
Depends on your goals. Cardio warm-up BEFORE strength training AND cardio cool-down AFTER strength training puts the body in a greater, longer fat-burning mode.
You might need to prepare foods a few days in advance. If you have a food processor, the Engine 2 Hummus is very simple, and it lasts me a week. Cherios and Soy milk is a quick breakfast. Something more hearty - 1 apple, 1 banana, .25 sup of walnuts. Lunch for me is usually a salad with a no-oil dressing and a cucumber and…
Also - questions on protein came up. My new favorite sources are tempeh and seitan. Since I do strength training, I also use a vegan protein powder from Plantfusion on strength training days.
So 8 weeks a vegan: the day after Father's Day to today. Whole-food, plant-based diet. Highlights: 26 lbs lost. Doctor took me off insulin. Exercise regularly with measurable progress and more energy. No major problems: one day, had honey-wheat bread when nothing else was available, and I had to relinquish my Vegan ID card…
I eat vegan, but if honey wheat bread is the only thing I have with which to shell my meatless, dairy-less sammy, I'm not going to go into an existential quandary about exactly who I am and what I espouse. I have made a lot of culinary sacrifices, gladly, and have the results to prove it. Sometimes ya just run out of dark…
I was around 20 lbs into obesity. Went on 800-1200 cals a day - vegan cals at that, and was eating on something most of the day. And I was exercising often twice a day, every day. My energy's up, lost 25 lbs, and I'm eating 1400, 1500 cals a day, still doing cardio 1-2 times a day, 7 days a week, and strength 5 days a…
We don't have an accent. Ya'll do. In college, we were discussing dialects, and our language arts prof gave us some trivia: a lot of southern euphemisms and manners of speech are Appalachian based (no surprise). Before you start to paddle faster because you hear banjos, bear with me. The folks from Appalachia were cut off…
Day 1: UPPER BODY PUSH DAY: bench press, chest flyes, military presses, bench dips, push ups. Any exercise where you are using your chest and triceps to push things away from you. Medicine ball throws if you are pushing from the chest or throwing overhead/overhand. Day 2 - UPPER BODY PULL DAY: standing curls, preacher…
I've lost 20 so far in 7.5 weeks, ideally I want to lose 40 more *!! of fat !!*, but I don't care how much lean I put on. I guess I'll gross another 20 lbs lost before I bang the gavel on the current goal. I'll be upping my protein intake to do this, starting this coming week. More muscle = faster metabolism = more…
I "eat" vegan rather than "am" vegan - I've adopted the diet because of health reasons and not ethical concerns. And I'm new - 7 weeks. Yesterday I had made everything for my sandwich, and found out I had run out of my whole grain whole wheat. The only thing in the cupboard washoney wheat bread. I ate it. I don't feel…
I'm eating a vegan diet not out of some ethical concern, but out of health concern. So, here's my advice. If you are concerned about the slaughter or treatment of animals grown or hunted for food, either become a vegan or vegetarian (veggie eaters will welcome you into our fold), or work past your own concern, accept and…
I've been reading about actual fat loss, and this fact caught my eye. When the fat cells get depleted of their fatty contents, the body fills them up with water. This causes that change from dense, harder fat to "jigglly" softer fat. (This is exactly what's going on with my Mr. Dunlop - y'know, "My belly Dunlopped over my…
Health vegan. Keeping my leather shoes. But I haven't felt this good in a long time.
Whole foods plant based - Vegan in diet, but I still wear leather shoes and belts and there's wool in my suits. Also, no refined/processed/bleached foods like oil, white flour, white rice, corn syrup. So, I'm diabetic, cardio patient with one heart attack, 5 stents. I'm trying to lose weight, become healthier, and reverse…
There's a misconception among uninformed diabetics that foods with sugar or carbohydrates are bad. I know I avoided carrots and sweet potatoes in my first years, and sweet potatoes are one of the absolute best foods for diabetics. Unless you go totally Atkins, sugars and carbs are unavoidable. The trick is to get the other…
Hollydubs - my cardiologist said he had no problem with it, and he even suggested a couple of fad diets his patients have had success with. My endocrinologist - I usually see his PA, who doesn't see a problem with it. With the positive effects it has had on my blood sugar in just a week, I'm sure my endocrinologist would…
scb515, Obiously, beans. Quinoa is a grain that has a surprisingly high protein count. Sweet potatoes. Peas. Corn. Brocolli.
Go - don't be confused. I was considering Paleo also, and still might if vegan becomes too hard. Or flexitarian. My cardiologist recommended gluten-free or no-white, for some reason. For me, though, I just figured I didn't want to be on a diet, I wanted to have a diet. So, throw away the fads, go with what seems to work…
12bfree, You are absolutely correct about calorie intake. The great thing about no-oil vegan is that 300-500 calories of plant-based whole foods reaches biological satiation, where oil and meats pack on the calories in much smaller packages, less filling packages, so you eat more. NaeNae, The first few days were OK. I'm…
Whole foods plant based vegan-type diet (no oil, no refined crap like flour or sugar). BREAKFAST. Either a bowl of 1 diced Granny Smith APPLE, 1 diced BANANA, and 1/4 cup of walnuts OR 1 bowl of steel cut OATS, (made with half cococut/almond MILK, half WATER) and 1 diced APPLE or BANANA. Around 400 cals. LUNCH. Lately,…
Yes, you eat food, I eat stuff food eats. All very interesting. Maybe this thread isn't for you...?
Was this gestational diabetes or straight-up, bad genes Type II?
Here's my reason for intending to exercise yesterday: I started a program at, and yesterday was marked on the calendar as shoulder-abs-calf day - a pretty much light day I could do from my home set of weights. Here's my reason I didn't do it: it was cold. And it was Christmas. And I was nearly in a…
The voice on the other end of the phone said if my feet go below 3.5 mph, my treadmill explodes. (my real motivation for individual workouts is along the same reasoning: if I don't workout today, I won't achieve my goals, and only bad will come of it.)
The wheat noodles taste like cardboard. On spaghetti night, we use this stuff: , with a low-sugar sauce from Ragu ( ) and add turkey meatballs (…