hstoblish Member


  • You might also find that if your form and ability have improved significantly, you're actually burning less. In addition to the tracking advice above, I'd suggest attempting a new type of exercise to shake things up.
  • Do you mean hurt as in post work out muscle fatigue? Or while you're working out? As for motivation, keep in mind that habits are better than motivation. And for keeping you moving, a dog is the best help. But if you don't have or want dogs, find something you love that involves moving. Anything you love - from…
  • This is a tough one. I also picked something down to give me some space from the high end of my BMI (5'3", CW 150, GW 135.) I got down to 135, but it put it back on from pregnancy. Once I hit the 135, I'll reassess. I know I'm happiest a bit lower, but I might achieve that same look with weight training, staying at a…
  • Yes! After my last pregnancy I found the forums helpful, but this time I'm finding that to be less the case. I think it's just that this time, I know what I need to do and I just need to do it.
  • Smart! I might go for a run when someone else can watch the kids. Get away from the screens.
  • I'm mostly just at home and bored.
  • I think there is a while victim, perpetrator cycle that is hard to break unless you just want to step out of it and shrug it off. Personally, I don't feel judged by the article, because I don't actually do the things he's talking about here - aside from the fact that I try to come at fitness from a place of love/self care…
  • Are you sure you're not just "modest shaming?" /sarcasm.
  • I think so too. For me, this didn't resonate, but clearly others found it helpful. Personally, I just found this had less to do with fitness and more to do with justifying judging people who take a different approach.
  • Exercise is key for me. I literally feel better about my body immediately after a workout. It's also this difference between me looking like I'm just skinny and looking nice. Hell, in some ways, I'm losing weight so that I can do the things I want to do, like rock climbing. I cannot stay bottom heavy and expect to rock…
  • My husband sent me shopping with my Sister in law for Mother's Day, and I got three medium sized shirts and had to go down three sizes in jean shorts! So now I've got clothes that fit and that I feel great in, plus I can really see the size difference.
  • Meh, I disagreed with most of it. It's entirely possible to love your own body without broadcasting it (I agree that it comes across as false when shouted from the rooftops, hit that's not my own battle). I've literally never said this out loud, but the advice to work out because you love your body rather than because you…
  • I regained because of pregnancy, but I fully expect to come back at different intervals once I've weaned off of needing to track to maintain (I'm losing now, but I'll keep tracking in maintenance for awhile). The reason is that I'm short at 5'3" and I expect to shrink to closer to 5' over the next 40 or more years. This…
  • I've had a few people notice that I'm looking different lately! And my last physiotherapy appointment is coming up tomorrow. It's been slow this time around (After baby #1, it felt like it melted off!) but progress is progress!
  • A few things. First off, you're going to be ok and so is your baby. You'll find a weird well of resilience you didn't know you had. You'll lose the weight because you're young and you're planning to breastfeed. I think the advice to talk to your doctor is great. From one mom with anxiety (and body issues, though not an ED)…
  • Yes. The theory is that you eat back your exercise calories. Some recommend that you only eat back a part because MFP "overestimates" exercise calories. Depending on your weight and goals, eating 1200 might be low. There are some great threads here about setting goals and eating calories back. Good luck!
  • I use honey. I premeasure 2 tbsp every morning and that's all I get (unless I get super tempted!)
  • You've got a few options. -eat fast food but stay within your calories the rest of the day -Never eat food from your work -try something in the middle, like fridays you get a meal from there! Or eat the burger but not fries etc. (I'd try to combine this with some behaviour modification where you try to sort of turn…
  • So this is kind of weird, but at 18, I would consider having a parent go with you for no other reason than people over 30 are taken more seriously with their health problems. It sucks, but if you're not getting anywhere, having your parent demand an ultrasound might help.
  • Repairing after damage is hard mentally because there is a certain frustration in not being able to do what you did before. If you're anything like me, it's a real hit to the ego. Walking is great. If you can afford a physiotherapist, they can help you rebuild safely. Your abdomen will build back faster than you think. And…
  • 1 take a week off to maintain. Just give yourself a tiny bit of a break IF you know you're the type of person to go back to it. 2 try something new. New exercise class? Something crazy like aerial yoga. A type of movement your body isn't used to, or something you'd have been too self conscious of before etc. It'll both…
  • To be able to do all the things I could before I got sick and had kids. Including feeling good about what I look like (getting there), rock climb, run, lift heavy stuff, etc. I never want to feel limited again. I want my kids to see me kick some serious *kitten*. My daughter is fearless and she also wants to be just like…
  • Also, my issues were accompanied by the symptoms of IBD and a number of other things. Find someone who will treat the underlying condition not the symptoms.
  • Seriously, please get an ultrasound. You can PM me, but my story is pretty scary. What I learned is that sometimes you need to advocate for your health hard. I saw multiple doctors before I found one who took me seriously. If you have a protruding abdomen, especially one that is getting worse, you need to get it checked…
  • Get it checked again. Is it hard? If socampbout at a doctors office until they give you an ultrasound. I had to push hard for a diagnosis, but abdomen bloat was my big symptom for something serious. Good lick
  • Yup! 5'3". The women in my family shrink like crazzzzy as we get older too. Not looking forward to attempting to maintain when I'm 60 and 5'1 (or even lower).
  • Try replacing motivation with habits. If your habit is to pack a lunch and not eat out, that'll help. If your habit is a walk, that'll help too. According to the meditation workshop I recently attended, so lots of people comit to something for that length of time (starting over if they skip a day.) Also, I've found that I…
  • One of my major fitness goals right now is to get into climbing shape! It's great fun and really feels like an achievement. Plus climbers are great people (fun, relaxed, generally good to be around), so that's nice. It's not s. Easy sport if you're bottom heavy, but still doable (hence me working on upper body strength…
  • We've got similar stats (I'm 5'3" at 154.2 last weigh in). I'm currently on parental leave and home with a 3 year old and a 7 month old. Revently, I stalled out but really I needed to increase exercise and tighten up my logging. I had myself as sedentary for awhile and just switched to lightly active, and changed my loss…