ahoy_m8 Member


  • Patience will be your strongest ally in weight loss. It takes several weeks (at least one full cycle if you are menstruating) to observe your own personal water weight fluctuation pattern. Weigh daily, naked, first thing in the morning after using the restroom. If you want to experiment, drink a glass of water and weigh…
  • Isn't that the most ridiculous thing? It has been that way since I started logging on MFP several years ago. Not to be a Negative Nellie, BUT.... in general the platform has lost functionality, not added it, over the years. I keep my recipes and notes in Evernote, FWIW. Love the workarounds, though. Great idea about…
  • @Womona Good luck in your match! @lmlmrn I have never undertaken an elimination diet, but did discuss it with DD#2 when we were looking for a Dx for gastric issues before she went to college. Ultimately she decided she wouldn't be able to execute, because of access/control over food available and more so her own commitment…
  • Thank you @MissMay and congrats on winning. Goal: M-Th AF F-Su <2
  • Hi, LA friends. Love the Grand Canyon pic. Looks like you guys are having so much fun! Funny pink bubbles story, too. I usually avoid tonic because of sugar, but you all have convinced me to give it a try. What happened to October? Went by too fast. Not great on the alcohol habits front. At the very least I'm usually…
  • @westrich20940 I am a numbers person and your advice works well for me. I think calorie counters are in the minority, though. People do lose weight without counting. Maybe even most people who lose weight do it without counting. OP, you have my sympathy. My kids really did not like the cafeteria options, and on the salad…
  • @Michieb125 Inspirational birthday reflection. Hope it's your best year yet! What a fun week, but I've been all over the place with diet, haven't logged anything while travelling (restaurant meals are just hard to guess), and had drinks every day. I didn't have to, but I did. Now I'm back home, playing catch up and need to…
  • In terms of meal planning, here's what I do. Sunday: smoke or roast a whole chicken. Have chicken, polenta & green vegetable for dinner. Make 1 gal stock with the carcass in the slow cooker. Lunch during the week is some variety of chicken-cabbage-lentil soup. M-W: Dinner utilizes cooked chicken (Chicken mole on winter…
  • Ditto to all of this. I really struggled with it, too. Super demoralizing. I also lost weight because of not keeping much down. My OB said nutrition requirements are a lot more important in populations where baseline nutrition is poor to start with. For healthy women with nutritional needs all met before morning sickness,…
  • I do this with KC illuminate, too. The difference is I do not feel bad about it. If I have 4 glasses, I count it as 2 equivalent full strength and call it a W.
  • I've never heard of vegan gelato. I do agree with the others that it does sound like a constant source of temptation. You have strong discipline, @MissMay. Happy Friday, all. I had 2 bday parties this week -- one I hosted and another at a friend's last night. Stayed AF at both, and used the calories for dessert instead.…
  • Wow! Happy birthday to all you October babies. Here's hoping this is the best year yet for each of you. I'm so disappointed with myself I didn't even shake up a margarita yesterday (which is our usual Sunday pattern when smoking on the grill). I had an awesome September, finally getting away from the TX heat. Restarted…
  • Greetings, all. I've been out of the loop in glorious New Mexico all month and am kind of sad to be back home. A little overwhelmed by everything on my desk. I was alone (and AF) M-Th and had family or friends all the weekends (lots o drinks). So I didn't improve or backslide appreciably either way. There were no scales…
  • Hoo boy. Howdy y'all. I wish it felt like a change of seasons, but it's still >100F every. single. day. Happy Labor Day to those celebrating it. Pressing on into September, still working on the very same AF goals: M-Th AF F-Su <2
  • I also am thinking about @MissMay. It has really been the summer of natural disaster for her! Nice seeing you @dawnbgethealthy and great month for you! Nice seeing new posters, too.
  • QFT. Maintaining takes mental effort for me (sometimes more that it seems like it should) but it's always worth the effort. On many days, I WANT to eat/drink more. On any day I COULD eat/drink more. Some days I DO have more. It's the average that counts. To answer OP question, I have not upped my weight range to get more…
  • Happy Friday, LA friends. @Womona what a fantastic trip! Sounds incredibly fun. Returning home full of love and the same weight on the scale is a big "W." @MissMay your vacation time will come! I was sorely tempted to start my weekend early last night with a glass of wine. Honestly, the only thing that stopped me is not…
  • To be fair, I have heard obesity doctors characterize this as a lifetime drug. Like blood pressure medication. When a patient stops taking it, the doctor expects the appetite (and therefore body weight) to return to the same state as before taking the drug. Maybe motivated patients can wean themselves off the drug and…
    in Wegovy Comment by ahoy_m8 August 2023
  • It sounds to me like you know how to eat to lose weight. You have had a lot of success so far. And it's awesome you have discovered you love strength training! So, so good for you. I don't think you need to change your diet much or at all to support the addition of strength training (assuming you had decent nutrition…
  • Aww. Very sweet reflections on your MIL and many thanks for the kind thoughts. We honored her in several ways I think she would have liked, so that is a comfort. Honestly, the heat (over 105F day after day after day) is a beat down. I think it's a version of SAD people in northern latitudes can get. August has always been…
  • Greetings, all. Thanks for the cute kitten pics. Yes, finding such tiny creatures all alone in the rain just seems crazy. You are sweet souls for taking them in. Was it @Michieb125 who tried the KC Illuminate SB and felt like you went overboard? Apologies if I'm conflating comments. The first time I had it at home, I drank…
  • Very inspiring plan, @itladyee. That is a lot of change! I hope it unfolds in a totally delightful way.
  • I am so sorry about this. It is good you had not yet arrived in this beautiful historic town. Surely there is a way to rebook to something else. Just tragic for all. 1000 missing I heard on the news last night.
  • Very sorry for the DD concerns. It can be so hard. Good on you for developing new stress responses. I started my career in military satellite engineering (Reagan Strategic Defense Initiative for those old enough to remember). The project looked a lot like SkyLink, and all the SkyLink news has made me wander down the "what…
  • @RockinRobyn672 Mancation :D Good on ya for keeping it to 2 with multiple destinations on a date night. I'd put that in the "W" column. @womona YAAAS on the plastic cups. I've gotten snobby in my old age or something, but I enjoy is so much less in plastic, it's almost not worth the calories to me. So happy you got the…
  • Thank you, @MissMay. We're staring down a long hot August with no travel to break from the heat. Just going to take it one day at a time. DH is taking an AF month, and while he never expects me to abstain with him, it's really helpful!
  • @dawnbgethealthy We will miss you on the forums tons but I totally get it with time management! You do A LOT. Will always be glad to see you pop in. @Michieb125 I hear ya'. My kids are all adults, too. It's really hard when you see them hit a bump in the road or struggling. @tmbg1 Best to you and your DS, and ditto to what…
  • Yes, yes. Ha. Many many posts *replete with photos* of beautiful and creative mocktails in attractive stemware. This thread is into it. @dawnbgethealthy I hope you enjoy your day off. Guurl, you deserve it. AF so far this week. Bought some Illuminate to try at home this weekend. DH has been talking about August abstinence…
  • Gonna chime in with others saying undereating is a recipe for failure. Get an appropriate amount of nutrition for an appropriate rate of loss (and be patient about it.) An unrealistic plan will not be sustainable long enough to get the result you want. Maybe we're all misunderstanding your post, and what you're saying is…
  • Fun product discovery last night in the LA (vs AF) wine department! Ok, I confess I did not stick to my plan to drink tequila at the party. I saw people with glasses of wine and that just looked good. They were serving 2 reds and 1 white -- a Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc. DH downed 2 glasses like it was water, and after…