LESS Alcohol ~ AUGUST 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,502 Member
    @MissMay We are very grateful you were not there. I cannot imagine what the residents and people stuck there are going through. I closed my eyes this morning and tried to send healing vibes to the citizens and the Island itself. It is heartening to see people coming together to help in any way they can.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Very inspiring plan, @itladyee. That is a lot of change! I hope it unfolds in a totally delightful way.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 544 Member
    @MissMay luckily you were not in Lahaina for the destruction. Very sorry about your vacation plans, it seems surreal. In CA where I live, a small town called Paradise burned completely down a few years ago and they lost everything, literally. Uncontrollable fires are so scary.

    @itladyee good to see you! Best wishes for your fall plans, keep us posted.

    @ahoy_m8. I like your idea of half strength drinks , thumbs up.

    Speaking of half strength, I purchased a bottle of KC’s SB “Illuminate” while on a grocery run. The fact that it is LA in terms of less alcohol content and calories per glass is a big plus for me.

    It’s going to be an AF weekend for me - heading to a total body strength workout and then clean day. We’ve had lots of family in and out this week and it shows.

    August Goal = 19 AF days
    Totals: AF Days - 5
    A - 6
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 544 Member
    Sitting here calculating weekly health goals vs actual met.
    Goals met: LS, WL, hike, sleep, new book, and three total workout classes at the gym.
    Not met: Exceeded total planned wine days by 2. I think I love the KC low A / low calorie so much I went overboard. Going forward, I would like to keep it to 1-2 glasses MAX per A day no matter the A content. That equals no more than one bottle of wine per week. Just doing the calculations and writing this down, I would like to reduce that even more. Looking forward to a change of seasons very soon, how about you!?

    Planning for a better week ahead with quite a lot of early commitments.
    August Goal = 19 AF days
    Totals: AF Days - 5
    A - 7
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    9 - AF
    4 - A
  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 364 Member
    @xbowhunter ...👏👏👏👏👏
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 544 Member
    @xbowhunter you worked your plan to honor yourself, huge kudos! Decisions are so empowering when we actually listen ourselves and take action on them.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 544 Member
    Had some wonderful thunder and lightening here last night and it seemed to help cool things off a bit.
    Committing to meet my AF goals for this month.
    We’re getting ready for an upcoming vacation to the PNW, Idaho and Montana with a lot of driving involved. Can’t wait to be intoxicated by the forest, lakes and mountains!

    Goal = 19 AF days
    Totals: AF Days - 6
    A - 7
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,309 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    AF = 11
    A = 2

    Attended a 50th b day party yesterday. All the usual suspects were there. They kept asking me over and over to have alcohol. I held my ground and said "no thanks non for me".

    At one point some were getting angry with me. Even my spouse was shaking her head at me. Wow just wow! Thanks for the support!!

    Any who! I did it and felt great about it and woke up this morning feeling great. No hangover!! Lol

    I have broken the alcohol stranglehold... :)


    Nicely Done!!!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    10 - AF
    4 - A
  • RockinRobyn672
    RockinRobyn672 Posts: 907 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi All! Robyn here in VA Beach. drinking less for overall health & weight loss. I usually post the next morning. I've adjusted my August goals: 1) 16 AF days; 2) No late night snacking; and 3) Weigh less at the end of August than the beginning.

    Mon 8/14: AF - I've gained at least 5 pounds over the past couple of weeks. Over July and August, I've fallen back into some of my old habits. Monday was a better day for having some discipline (no A and no late-night snacking). My plan is AF Mon - Wed. On Thursday, we have very good friends coming for the weekend (hooray!). LA and less food will be a challenge.

    Rolling Total: 4 AF Days out of 14
  • 2timesacharmmfp
    2timesacharmmfp Posts: 76 Member
    Will be 10 A/5 NA after today. Still on track to meet my goal this month of minimum 12 NA but hoping to exceed.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 544 Member
    On track to meet my August goal of 19 AF days.

    Posting to include today and sending encouragement to those who need it.

    Totals: AF Days - 8
    A - 7
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    11 - AF
    4 - A
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    A day today, but I am limiting myself. One drink, instead of the usual...several? I dunno. I've been losing count most nights. Honestly, I'm sitting here thinking I'm on that threshold - that drink just didn't taste as good as it should have. I haven't started microdosing yet, that will probably come later this week.

    We've been eating at Govinda's a lot, and I gathered some things to cook some Indian dishes. The plan is to make large batches, break them up into portions and freeze them, vacuum seal them and have them ready to throw in the sous vide so I can just grab a few out of the freezer and have dinner going. I can continue to refine recipes and processes, and add variety. I'm not a vegetarian, but the food there leaves me satisfied and not particularly feeling like I missed out on meat.
