LESS Alcohol ~ AUGUST 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,076 Member
    AF = 6
    A = 2 (2 sleeman clear beers and one shot of cream liquor)

    So far so good and don't miss the booze. :smile:

    This Saturday I will be tested big time. I will be attending a 50th B day party and the shots will be offered to me over and over. The reaction I get when I say none for me thanks will be priceless! :open_mouth: )

  • RockinRobyn672
    RockinRobyn672 Posts: 907 Member
    @Michieb125 I am retiring after 30+ years. Same here that it was a good and steady career and that I'm thinking about what I might have done instead. I'm looking forward to the next adventure. For now I've signed up for a Google digital marketing/e-commerce course to see if I can help both my DS2 and my DH expand their businesses.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,418 Member
    7 -AF
    2- A
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,584 Member
    I seriously appreciate the uplifting energy and the motivation you all give me. Apologize I do post less only because my work hours have been taxing (ahem...toxic).

    Your posts make me think of what is getting in the way of the self-change that I want. I hope you all contemplate this also because we are all very capable of meeting our goals if we remove the barriers in our way.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    MissMay wrote: »

    Had a giant margarita at a newly opened Mexican place Sunday night
    I had to have hubby finish it for me as I could feel my scalp getting itchy which is an indication I have had ENOUGH.

    My God, how big was this Margarita????? Haha! My tell is that I start hiccuping!!!!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    edited August 2023
    Michieb125 wrote: »
    Happy hump day!

    I worked M-F my whole adult life and retired after nearly 30 years solving other people’s problems (corporate mgmt.). It was a good and steady career but sometimes I think about what I might have done instead. Can’t go back, but now each day is anew and I don’t have the stressful performance standards any longer. Only my own.

    I have an ongoing very personal issue going on with my DD and won’t over share here. But what I want to say is I am aware that I used to use A as a coping mechanism and yesterday, I didn’t have that ‘automatic urge’ after she told me some concerning news. I’ll take that as a win and stayed AF.

    August Goal = 19 AF days
    Totals: AF Days - 4
    A - 4

    Hugs to you, and wow what a thrill to not feel the urge to reach for alcohol during a stressful moment!!!!

    As for “what could have been”, it’s never too late to explore your interests and take a job in a new field! You’ve got another 3- 4 decades in you!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    The reaction I get when I say none for me thanks will be priceless! :open_mouth: )

    Hahaha! That alone will be worth being AF, never mind all the other benefits! Good luck!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    I was totally AF last night! Came home at 8:00, ate dinner and then right to bed. No stolen sips of hubby’s wine for this girl! This morning I stepped on the scale and whoosh! My weight is way down!

    Tonight is wine night so I’ll have one glass, but nothing more when I get home. But it’s planned! Tomorrow, I’ll be home and want to crack open that Kim Crawford Illuminate. So will that count as one drink or two considering it’s half the alcohol? Haha!

    Big challenge is that we have a grad party on Saturday, and Sunday my son gets commissioned. We will have a little of the special occasion cognac, or the good champagne, or both. So my upper limit of two is still safe.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,076 Member
    AF quote for the day.

    Why did you quit drinking Alcohol?

    "I didn't quit drinking Alcohol. I stopped poisoning my body with alcohol and gained my health back."

    Any more questions?

  • RockinRobyn672
    RockinRobyn672 Posts: 907 Member
    Hi All! Robyn here in VA Beach, drinking less for overall health & weight loss. I usually post the next morning. August goals: 1) 16 AF days 2) Daily workouts; 3) No late night snacking; 4) Lose ~3 pounds.

    Sun 8/6: AF
    Mon 8/7: Drinks (2.5)
    Tue 8/8: AF
    Wed 8/9: Drinks (2) - I got in an arm workout with weights, a Pilates workout, and then a couple of fun Fitness Marshall workouts (the new Barbie one is easy and a great aerobic workout). We decided to stay in for the night and I had a couple glasses of wine with dinner. This morning (Thursday) I'm remembering how MA (more alcohol) instead of LA makes me feel the next morning. I can feel it in my head/sinuses and heart. I changed my August goals to be less stringent. I'm going back to what worked in previous months (simply 3A days weekly).

    Rolling Total: 3 AF Days out of 9
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    @womona you are absolutely right about having a second chapter if life after a long standing career! I know there’s much more awaiting! You have an excellent plan for managing A this week/end! And, WTG on the scale victory!

    @RockinRobyn672 you must be excited for your next adventure following your work life retirement. How great to be able to help your kids expand their businesses. What a great support to them! I like that you are rethinking what’s going to work for you (A limits). I’m doing this as well.

    @xbowhunter you’re doing awesome. We all have faced those tough moments at parties and holidays with pressure to drink. You have a good plan to tackle the shots offers. I personally believe you’re right, the poison is so not worth it.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    It is completely tragic about about the wildfires and damage caused to the islands in Hawaii, primarily Maui. We have been to the historic town of Lahaina a few times. The locals have lost more than I can ever imagine.

    Had a wonderful day outside yesterday - took the grandkids to a regional park surrounded by redwoods and trails. Then rode a steam train, had a picnic brought from home, rode the merry-go-round and ate an ice cream cone. Watching them and being in the moment with them is the best feeling in the world.

    Sent them home after dinner then had my white wine last night instead of waiting until tonight. Kept to my 2 glass limit which is LA than in May and June. Off to my Pilates class soon!

    August Goal = 19 AF days
    Totals: AF Days - 4
    A - 5
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,513 Member
    @MissMay Will you be visiting a different island? I don't think they will be flying people to Maui anytime soon.
    Those poor people. Just tragic. The pictures are shocking.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited August 2023
    Michieb125 wrote: »
    Happy hump day!

    I worked M-F my whole adult life and retired after nearly 30 years solving other people’s problems (corporate mgmt.). It was a good and steady career but sometimes I think about what I might have done instead. Can’t go back, but now each day is anew and I don’t have the stressful performance standards any longer. Only my own.

    I have an ongoing very personal issue going on with my DD and won’t over share here. But what I want to say is I am aware that I used to use A as a coping mechanism and yesterday, I didn’t have that ‘automatic urge’ after she told me some concerning news. I’ll take that as a win and stayed AF.

    August Goal = 19 AF days
    Totals: AF Days - 4
    A - 4

    Very sorry for the DD concerns. It can be so hard. Good on you for developing new stress responses. I started my career in military satellite engineering (Reagan Strategic Defense Initiative for those old enough to remember). The project looked a lot like SkyLink, and all the SkyLink news has made me wander down the "what if I had..." path, too. The honest truth is if I had stayed in satellite I would have been an underpaid engineer a lot longer and probably wouldn't be retired now. I kind of feel like retiring was a mistake, but that's another story.

    Happy Friday, all. My posting rhythm has kind of evolved to weekly on Fridays. Probably because I think about drinking on Friday after AF weekdays (when less likely to think about it). DH has been tempted to drink at social events but has been sticking his landings. He reports his anxiety in general is noticeably lower, so that would seem worth it to me.

    I'm having a sad week thinking about my mom who died 1 year ago. Long story but it has been a big energy drain. I drank on Monday night which was fine but I should probably rewire my stress response like @Michieb125. Otherwise AF this week (including Sunday, which is new for me). I've been liking the half-strength drinks so I'll stick with that this weekend.

    Happy to see new posters!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Checking in.

    Remarkable that I did not sink into a drinking frenzy after seeing the horrific devastation to Maui. My heart is so broke for the people, the culture and the history of the island.

    Lahaina was the town our resort was in. If any good thoughts come out of this, it is that we had not arrived there yet.

    No contact with our agent for trying to reschedule another trip at another time because they are still trying to find many of the tourists they booked and are still there.

    I ate an entire bag of chips yesterday after I got out of work while watching the news. NOTE TO SELF don't watch the news.

    Thanks for your thoughts and concerns. I have been through worse ( this is what I keep reminding myself of)

    This week M-Thurs no Alcohol.

    I am so sorry about this. It is good you had not yet arrived in this beautiful historic town. Surely there is a way to rebook to something else. Just tragic for all. 1000 missing I heard on the news last night.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,418 Member
    8 AF