LESS Alcohol ~ OCTOBER 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,309 Member
    Goals for October 2 - 27
    Self-care and positive vibes ~ One day at a time
    Zig-zag calorie count - Daily Average 1400
    Water 64 oz +
    No Wine

    Current Streak - AF = 0~
    Well, the experiment is not going very well at the moment. I will do better tonight because I have a dr appt tomorrow so maybe that will be the catalyst!

    Consolation: I have been really good with my food choices, though, so maybe it's too many changes at once (aka an excuse!)

    @forestdweller1 @ great job at letting that Chianti turn to vinegar!🙂

    @Michieb125 ~ that's awesome that a rough night with a family situation didn't spawn the urge for a glass of something! That's progress, no doubt!

    A = 0
    W = 3
    AF = 0

    Month Recap by Day
    10/1 W🍷
    10/2 W🍷
    10/3 W🍷

    2023 Stats
    AF = 53%
    A = 47%
    AF = 29%
    A = 71%
    AF = 0%
    A = 100%
    AF = 14%
    A = 86%
    AF = 23%
    A = 77%
    AF = 27%
    A = 73%
    AF = 0%
    A = 100%
    AF = 0%
    A = 100%
    AF= 0%
    A= 100%
    AF= 0%
    A= 100%
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    @mfowler883 ...wishing you better luck on the next Dueling Tree.

    Off topic...have you ever tried St. John's Wort ?? At one point I was at a loss as to how to get my longtime life/business partner out of my life, depressed to the point of considering jumping out of a moving truck...yeah, stupid bad situation. After a few weeks of SJW I was able to mentally step back a few paces and see the situation rationally. Donated the company [MY] truck to charity, took all the formulas that I had developed with me, got a job in a totally different arena, and never looked back. I DID stay on SJW for a few months , just to withstand the barrage of begging, threats, stalking, etc, that came my way daily.
    I see you as someone who likes a challenge and creating your own path, so probably the mushrooms are your best option. Jes' sayin'...

    Thanks, @forestdweller1. I know of St. John's Wort, but have never used it. Situations we find ourselves in, huh? Threats and stalking are absolutely not okay - need I say, this is why we carry and train? My wife had a stalker before we met, she captured him at gunpoint creeping around her yard one night after he had broken into her home and killed her dog. Hopefully you're in a better place in a variety of ways now. I'm working my way back from my own deep, dark hole, losing the boys was just the last blow. I sometimes lose sight of the light at the end but I don't know how to stop, I'm just prone to beat myself up pretty bad along the way. Sometimes life is just waking up every morning, forcing myself out of bed and doing the things that have to be done, but I'm starting to reach a place where I'm finding more fulfillment and enjoyment in living, even if the future is unclear at times. I think you've got a pretty good read on me, anyway. Best option, I dunno, but it's an option and it seems to be helping me get back on an even keel for now. It's a process.

    No drinks yesterday, none planned for today either, so 2 A and 1 AF, about to be 2 and 2.

    I ate a lot of garbage today, started off strong but stopped for lunch while running errands and inhaled a scoop of Hawaiian Bros pork - I did get veggies to the side instead of the rice that it normally comes with, so there's that. The screw up came when I got home and gorged on frosted flakes. Planned dinner isn't bad, tandoori chicken and dal, so we'll see where I'm at tomorrow I guess. Just maybe I can get away with it this time.

  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    4 AF
    0 A
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    Michieb125 wrote: »
    Wednesday greetings:
    I have had early morning commitments this week which always helps with my AF days. Working on my motto of mentally slowing down in October to make better choices overall. Had a rough night with a family situation, but I noticed (later) the urge to grab a glass or two wasn’t there. This definitely isn’t always the case.

    October goals:
    AF days: 19-21

    AF - 3
    A - 0

    Sorry to hear about a bit of a rough night, but way to go!!!!!!
  • zensome
    zensome Posts: 104 Member
    I just realized I haven't posted at all for October. I am off to a good start, 1 A, 3 AF including today. My goal is 2-3 days a week, no more than 2-3 drinks each night. A year ago I am pretty sure I was drinking daily so this is a huge improvement for me.

    Thanks to @MissMay for keeping this group going. Happy Birthday to all the October birthday folks!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    10/1- 2 poison bourbon
    10/2- 0
    10/3- 1 poison prosecco
    10/4- off the rails, didn't count, didn't care mentality due to a bad mood and blood sugar discombobulation. I was also "hangry".
    10/5- no planned liquid poisons today

    @MissMay, how do you keep lots of gelato in your freezer and not eat it??
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,005 Member
    AF 5
    A 0

    None for me thanks! lol
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    AF tonight. But I did have raspberry cheesecake gelato that hubs brought home tonight 🤣

    The struggle is REAL.m50wlyti4r0e.jpg
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I've never heard of vegan gelato. I do agree with the others that it does sound like a constant source of temptation. You have strong discipline, @MissMay.

    Happy Friday, all. I had 2 bday parties this week -- one I hosted and another at a friend's last night. Stayed AF at both, and used the calories for dessert instead. Here's a weird observation: I really enjoyed myself without temptation at the parties. It was after the party was over and I was cleaning up that temptation descended. Need to decode that one.

    Get your horns up because it is TX-OU weekend at the TX state Fair. I have 8 girls in the house and they filled my fridge with high noon's and jello shots. Really? Yes. Jello shots. Like, that is still a thing. DD#3 + roommates are in their 5th year at UT earning MFA degrees required now to sit for the CPA exam. When we were youngsters, you could get a CPA without a masters. Happy Hour tonight. Game tomorrow. Making them dinner tomorrow night. I doubt it will be AF. Planning to keep it on the rails.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 544 Member
    @ahoy_m8 what a time in life for you and your daughters! I remember those special days. Sounds like a fun and only slightly crazy weekend is ahead!

    The last two nights I had wine at home, one planned and the other not. Kept to my split size on one night and the other not! My problem is when I keep the KC illuminate on hand, I go beyond my limit or follow up with a glass or two of good Chardonnay. Plan to also use my 5 oz. marked wine glass to help with counts.
    AF until Sunday.

    October goals:
    AF days: 19-21

    AF - 4
    A - 2
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Michieb125 wrote: »
    My problem is when I keep the KC illuminate on hand, I go beyond my limit or follow up with a glass or two of good Chardonnay.

    I do this with KC illuminate, too. The difference is I do not feel bad about it. If I have 4 glasses, I count it as 2 equivalent full strength and call it a W.
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    Keeping it AF, 2 A and 4 AF so far. The extra pounds I packed on last weekend are slipping back off, so that's good. It ain't easy but that's okay. Wife is getting sick of Indian, now that I have a freezer full of pre-made portions. Go fig...it's okay, I can mix it up, I just have to put some thought into what I prepare on days that I don't just stuff two packs in the sous vide. Tonight was burgers, I buy Keto Culture buns even though I'm not doing keto because they're only 50 calories which is absurd since most decent buns are like 200. Use a low calorie mayo and fat free cheese and Wolf brand lean beef chili and it's not too shabby, probably 400-450 calories total without having weighed and measured everything.

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 544 Member
    Happy Saturday LA friends:

    Yesterday was wonderful as I spent time with my DD and DGD while her husband is out of town. We ran errands together then last night made a delicious fall salad for dinner at her house-organic greens, apples, pecans and feta with organic grilled chicken. She made a light apple cider/Dijon dressing, so good.

    We both have been under pressure with extended family issues lately and it was really nice to throw in some quality time and laughs into our conversations for a change!

    Stayed AF and had a very satisfying Stella 0.0 when I got home early last night. Will likely repeat again tonight.

    Heading to a total body workout class at the gym this morning since I missed going yesterday.

    October goals:
    AF days: 19-21

    AF - 4
    A - 2
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    Pretty decent day today. Ate a little more at lunch than I probably should have, but made up for it at dinner. Chilling with the lights low, a glass of pinot noir, some fun kaleidoscopic bit on the big TV and Jam & Spoon on Spotify now.

    I've been looking at turntables, but decent ones are not cheap - hell, even cheap ones aren't cheap. I'm wondering if I can talk Guitar Center into giving me anything for the last remaining bits of the retired guitar rig. If I pull the trigger on a turntable, the first record I'm buying is Getz Meets Mulligan In HiFi. I'd love to have another vintage copy of Dark Side Of The Moon, as well - when I was about 15, I found a first pressing copy in the pawn shop that still had the stickers and posters! I played that disc to death, and have no idea what ever happened to the goodies.

    I love it when the weather cools off enough to dress like you actually care how you look. Busted out some good shoes and a jacket today, complete with pocket square. Really, if you don't have a pocket square, it's not complete. Get a pocket square, and thank me later.

    Today makes 3 A, 4 AF.
