wdwghettogirl Member


  • LOVE Insanity!! Here's my 60 days of sweat! (If I did the pic right... lol)
  • Agreed with adswillis27. My first round of Insanity, I didn't think I was getting "results" either. What I failed to consider was the strength I was building and the endurance that kept growing. But then I took my "after" pics (60 days later) and compared them to my "before" and WOW!! My stomach was incredibly flatter and…
  • That looks AWESOME!! Def keeping this one to try!
  • I haven't had a gym membership since my mid 20's! I do everything at home, or out running. First starting out I got some of the Biggest Loser dvds (Cardio Max, and Power Sculpt were the 2 I had), Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred, even a 90's Step aerobics VHS that I 'yoinked' from my mom. :laugh: You can absolutely lose…
  • Trail mix travels very well, and you can mix in whatever you like! If the kids like different things, it's easy to make everyone their own mix. Here's some of the mix-in's I've tried: banana chips, dried apples/apricots, nuts, seeds, raisins, craisins, maybe even throw in some chocolate chips for a little variety. Pre…
  • Anastasia isn't Disney... it's FOX... but I love it, too, girl! :)
  • In no particular order: Animated: Emperor's New Groove Beauty & the Beast Bolt Sleeping Beauty Finding Nemo Live Action: Newsies The Kid Cool Runnings The Santa Clause Enchanted I could list more... this was hard to pick JUST 5! :) And it changes frequently.
  • Turbo Fire, and a new ipod w/itunes gift card so I can get some sweet new tunes to run to. :smile: Oh, and Shot Bloks in my stocking. :happy:
  • What's keeping me going, and keeping my faint glimmer of hope that I'll finish from going out, is honestly you, and Robin, and Crystal. You guys that have done this crazy race before (and LIVED!). You've all been so supportive of me. I haven't exactly been diligent in my training either, and with my IT Band issues, it's…
  • 15 miles is my longest treadmill run to date, which seems to shock a lot of people. lol While I prefer to run outside (more to see... keep the mind preoccupied) sometimes circumstances don't always allow. I'm fortunate enough to be able to put my headphones in and get lost in my music, so the time goes by quicker when on…
  • A fruit tray, or fruit salad, is always fresh and delish... and a great alternative to the other sweets that will undoubtedly be there. I make my fruit salad with yogurt instead of cool whip, a little healthier I think... but maybe I'm just fooling myself. haha
  • Eeyore! I :heart: him! Or Meg from Hercules... she's a sassy lil' thang like me! :wink:
  • I agree with some of the others. Sounds like IT Band Syndrome. I'm currently undergoing Physical Therapy for mine. It was so severe any time I'd attempt a run of any significant distance that it would be debilitating and I could barely walk. Oh, the pain!! I'm in training for my first Full Marathon in January and if I had…
  • I have a great lasagna recipe if you want it. :) It's nummers!!
  • Growing up, all of my friends had their lives totally planned out: how many kids they wanted, how many of each sex they wanted, how far apart they wanted them, NAMES! :huh: I was never that way. Here I am, 30 years old, been with my handsome hubby for 8-ish years, married for almost 2.5, and we are perfectly content with…
  • OoOoOoOoOhhhhhhhhh!!! *NOM!*
  • I did that one this summer... it was pretty intense in places. But it was definitely a good time! :) My 2013 calendar: *Jan 12 - WDW Half *Jan 13 - WDW Full *Jan 19 - Never Land 5K *Jan 20 - Tinkerbell Half *Apr 6 - Super Spartan *May 3 - Spartan Military Sprint *May 24 - Tribal Run *Jun 29 - Spartan Beast *Aug 4 - Spartan…
  • Fellow Goofy runner, right here! (slightly terrified!) I'm doing the run/walk also. I try to run 4, walk 1. My treadmill keeps me at a consistent pace... when it decides to cooperate, that it. lol SO EXCITED!!! Bring it!
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! :) If I can do Insanity, so can you! It totally lives up to its name, and for that, you get great results. I lost 10lbs my first round, and my tummy was VERY noticeably flatter. Take before and after pics (if you haven't already). That's where I noticed my tummy change.
  • Mmm, Mmm! I keep seeing recipes asking for cheesecake pudding mix... I can't find it anywhere! Where do y'all get it?
  • I got a treadmill on Craigslist for $80! Works like new and everything! I'm a TOTAL fair weather runner... and even in nice weather I can find excuses. But with a treadmill... you have no more excuses. lol So I'm all set once the snow and cold hit for my teen and 20+ milers coming up in Nov/Dec! I'm doing the Goofy…
  • I made shirts for a zombie run my friend and I did. All I did was Google images for Plants Vs Zombies (our theme we picked), found pics we wanted, printed them on transfer paper, and ironed them onto our shirts. Added a little bit of sparkle with glitter puffy paint. Super cheap, easy, and fun! I'm also in process of…
  • I use the 'just add water' pancake mix (1/3 cup of mix is a serving, I believe), add 1 scoop of protein powder of your choice. Add water to right consistency, cook like normal. Top with whatever you want! If I use vanilla protein powder, I like to mix in some cinnamon, then top with warmed applesauce and a touch more…
  • Dunno why some people freak out over fruit. It's fruit... it's all natural, it's good for you. Eat it and love it, girl! Natures candy, as my mom calls it. Just make sure you're balancing all the other stuff your body needs, as well. I watch my sugar, too. But I'm more concerned with the amounts of processed sugar I'm…
  • Hunny, you are WAY too cute, and WAY too young to think you won't find someone else, and someone BETTER!! Break that engagement NOW! Get yourself, and your impressionable children, out of that situation. You deserve better. Period. Plus, you don't want your sweet babies learning that behavior.
  • Me! Me! Me! Well, I'm not doing the DL Half... BUT, I AM doing the WDW Goofy Challenge, as well as the Never Land 5K AND the Tinkerbell Half. Did I mention all these races are within a week of each other?? lol :happy:
  • Ah-Maze-Ing!!! You look fan-freakin'-tastic!! Congrats, doll! You have MUCH to be proud of. :flowerforyou:
  • My first was done in 41:36... but I walked a LOT cuz I had no running background at all and had only been working out steadily for about 4 months. Since then, I've done 4 more 5K's and my best time is 32:50. I have 2 more planned for this year (around my other craziness... like Warrior Dash, Gladiator Rock N' Run, etc). My…