How are you feeling....just vent right now!!!



  • Bigblondelady
    Bigblondelady Posts: 56 Member
    I hate my job. That is all.
    i'm sorry sometimes they suck
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    @ Nic: Thanks for the encouragement hun! I love to snowboard and there is a storm headed my way this weekend. I think getting out of town and boarding will be a good way to get rid of this stress. Just me, my music, my board, and some fresh pow. That actually sounds better then Mexican Food right now, :P
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    Verily, I am vicariously vexated at the sheer enormity of incompetence displayed by and individual of whom I am having some deliciously vivid and quite frankly disturbing mental images of inflicting a veritable variety of grisly and grotesque punishments on.
    Fortunately, these feelings are but fleeting dust specs floating in the vast emptiness of space in stark juxtaposition to the blossoming happiness enveloping my mind in thanks to the rarity of a recently discovered kindred spirit.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm feeling increasingly frustrated because I've realized how long it will take to lose this weight and I feel like I've wasted my teenage years being unconfident and hiding away in baggy clothes.

    Realizing how long it will take is often the tipping point to long term success. The realization of just how long it was going to take me completely changed my life, and is a huge reason for why I am where I am today. When you start to see the bigger picture, you start seeing all of this from a different perspective...not a diet (verb) but your diet (noun)...your new life. This is when you really start to find your one with your awesomeness....

  • Today I'm feeling sore because I recently started weight training, and yesterday was a legs and butt day! My thighs are killing me!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Depressed, angry, annoyed and stressed. For several reasons - the gov'ts stupidity (I've a Govt Civ Contractor), my loss of RW friends, overwork and uncared by the man I call hubbs and beginning to wonder what is wrong with - why don't I burn calories like others. I know - huh, what?

    I just fell unloved, unwanted, broken and defective
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I'm feeling pretty good right now. I've never really paid much attention to those that said make small changes first but now I realize that it actually works. I joined MFP just a few weeks ago. At first I signed in here and there, tracked some but now always. NOw I've been on daily and track everything. I've noticed myslef watching what I eat more and more and have started a walking routine that I've stuck with. I'm pretty happy about that. Normally, I would go all out the first week or two and then crash and say what's the point. But here I am, happy, tracking, and moving!! :)

    Way to go Nic! I'm happy to hear you have made so many positive changes (little or big.) Keep up the awesome work my friend :)
  • staceyw73
    staceyw73 Posts: 49
    well my feelings have been all over the place latly and boyfriend probly is hating it . right now Im just siting here on the computer reading post in hope to find some great movation to get off this couch and go work out in my gym upstairs that I managed to put together over the last year looking on craiglist for very little money. now that I am better from back surgey and have it all set up now. I need to get my butt up there and use it. but I feel down most of the time because I am home alone most of the time and no one to chat with so I feel like Im losing my mind on some day.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    Verily, I am vicariously vexated at the sheer enormity of incompetence displayed by and individual of whom I am having some deliciously vivid and quite frankly disturbing mental images of inflicting a veritable variety of grisly and grotesque punishments on.
    Fortunately, these feelings are but fleeting dust specs floating in the vast emptiness of space in stark juxtaposition to the blossoming happiness enveloping my mind in thanks to the rarity of a recently discovered kindred spirit.

    Word. hahahaha
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I'm happy, after months of up and down fluctuating and not getting anywhere, I made some changes and the weight is starting to come off, and losing inches. I'm not sure what actually worked but I upped my calories from 1200 to 1450, started getting more sleep, went from exercising 6 days a week down to 4 or 5 and started weight lifting.
  • jennymendiola
    jennymendiola Posts: 77 Member
    I am super excited. I went shopping on my lunch hour yesterday, and discovered I dropped another size! I am still on a high from that. :)
  • mayflowermn
    mayflowermn Posts: 52 Member
    Verily, I am vicariously vexated at the sheer enormity of incompetence displayed by and individual of whom I am having some deliciously vivid and quite frankly disturbing mental images of inflicting a veritable variety of grisly and grotesque punishments on.
    Fortunately, these feelings are but fleeting dust specs floating in the vast emptiness of space in stark juxtaposition to the blossoming happiness enveloping my mind in thanks to the rarity of a recently discovered kindred spirit.

    Just had to comment that I love what you wrote! (I like your thinking! hee hee) :smile:
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Frustrated by stupid threads.
    (not this one)
  • danicaliforn1a
    danicaliforn1a Posts: 46 Member
    Frustrated! I am my own worst enemy. I eat healthy food, but I over eat it. I give up chocolate and cheese when I am most serious about weight loss. Then one bad day at work and I stress eat comfort foods like chocolate and cheese when I get home.
    Thanks for the vent. Good luck everyone.
  • I just took a shot of apple cider vinegar. How do you think I feel? :sick:
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    I am super excited. I went shopping on my lunch hour yesterday, and discovered I dropped another size! I am still on a high from that. :)

    That's so wonderful.
    I'm in a good mood today but generally I can't believe that I am the weight that I am. I'm upset with myself for letting it get this way.
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    I really just want to burst out crying right now. Tomorrow is my son's 1st birthday, and OMG he is already growing up toooooo fast. I am trying to find a house for rent right now, which is becoming incredibly difficult, so that I can get my dog back from parents house before the kill the poor girl. She is a red heeler mix and really needs room to run, and just cant get it while she stays with my parents and would be even worse if I brought her to live with us at our apartment. She got out of the yard this morning making my mom 45 mins late to work, after which my mom called me to yell about.

    I am beyond bored at work today because my supervisor micromanages things to the point that all I can do is answer the phones by myself. Unfortunately what she doesnt know (although I really wish I could tell her, because I actually do like her quite a bit) is that our office manager is replacing her with me within the next 2 weeks. That means a promotion for me, and probably unemployment for her because I know she will be so pissed that she will want to quit, but I cant say as I blame her.

    My lunch starts at 12 and then I leave 5, but today is going by unbelieveably slow. My stomach is growling even though I just had a snack, and my can of soup is not appealing enough at this point in time, and I doubt it will do much to quiet the growl.

    And I swear, if one more person walks though my office without closing the flippin door behind them, I might jump over my desk and tear out their esophogas with my bare hands!
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    A bit frustrated. Weight has been coming off like crazy, but the last few days I am completely stalled. Grrrrrrrrrr. On the other hand, my waist is the smallest it has been in 30 years! Sounds pretty tame compared to some of the issues others are having! Keep slogging away, folks! Tomorrow's another day.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I really just want to burst out crying right now. Tomorrow is my son's 1st birthday, and OMG he is already growing up toooooo fast. I am trying to find a house for rent right now, which is becoming incredibly difficult, so that I can get my dog back from parents house before the kill the poor girl. She is a red heeler mix and really needs room to run, and just cant get it while she stays with my parents and would be even worse if I brought her to live with us at our apartment. She got out of the yard this morning making my mom 45 mins late to work, after which my mom called me to yell about.

    I am beyond bored at work today because my supervisor micromanages things to the point that all I can do is answer the phones by myself. Unfortunately what she doesnt know (although I really wish I could tell her, because I actually do like her quite a bit) is that our office manager is replacing her with me within the next 2 weeks. That means a promotion for me, and probably unemployment for her because I know she will be so pissed that she will want to quit, but I cant say as I blame her.

    My lunch starts at 12 and then I leave 5, but today is going by unbelieveably slow. My stomach is growling even though I just had a snack, and my can of soup is not appealing enough at this point in time, and I doubt it will do much to quiet the growl.

    And I swear, if one more person walks though my office without closing the flippin door behind them, I might jump over my desk and tear out their esophogas with my bare hands!

    bored at work - ME TOO. but at least we have jobs! ! yup yup!

    dog issue = reason #1 why i dont have a dog (yet). the responsibility of it all,ugh!