How are you feeling....just vent right now!!!



  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Right now I could just close my eyes and sleep but it's only 19:30 with me, so too early for bed. I've been working so hard over the past couple months to drop the pounds and I've been following the C25K plan, I'm due to graduate next week (wk9). I started 30 day shred on 1st March and I just think it's all catching up with me. I feel exhausted.

    On an up note, I'm very happy that all my clothes are too big for me and 1 dress in particular which, even when I bought it 4 years ago was too tight (refused to buy a bigger size at that time), fitted. Not only was I able to fit in it but also zip the zipper up without assistance from husband. Down side is I can't afford to go and splurge on new clothes just yet, so I'm walking around in baggy trousers.
  • NicS69
    NicS69 Posts: 40 Member
    @ Nic: Thanks for the encouragement hun! I love to snowboard and there is a storm headed my way this weekend. I think getting out of town and boarding will be a good way to get rid of this stress. Just me, my music, my board, and some fresh pow. That actually sounds better then Mexican Food right now, :P

    Anytime Kelly! Wow, snowboarding is a fantastic idea! For me it would be a little more like Butt boarding because that is where I would spending most of my time - on my butt!! LOL Enjoy yourself and have a great time! I hope you don't mind but I added you as a friend. Have fun in the snow!!
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I just took a shot of apple cider vinegar. How do you think I feel? :sick:

    Hahahahaha! A little bitter? :P
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    pissed~~~~~~~my 19 year old rejects EVERYTHING I suggest. Must be nice to know it all :explode:
  • iheath
    iheath Posts: 7 Member
    tip on the scale. dont read to much into it. And remember that what you do on a weekend shows up on the scale 2 days later. So that is why i weigh myself everyday, but i record wed weight. So the 2 extra lbs that you had was prob muscle weight from running.. keep it up
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    pissed~~~~~~~my 19 year old rejects EVERYTHING I suggest. Must be nice to know it all :explode:

    Ha! I've got a 12 year old like this.
  • iheath
    iheath Posts: 7 Member
    Annoyed! I've never worked out so regularly and counted my calories so consistently. I will admit that I do have a few slip up days. It's especially hard for me when I am out with my friends and they are eating and drinking whatever they want. But the bulk of the week, I'm exercising hard and eating right. The past two weigh-ins I've had though, I've put on weight. I feel so good about myself and the work I've done until I get on that damn scale!

    That's my vent for the week. Just some motivation to keep working I suppose! You're all beautiful. Don't forget it. Love yourself :)

    dont get frustrated with the scale.. just remember that muscle weight more then fat. Also if your stuck change up your routine as your body might have gotten used to working out.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    @ Nic: Thanks for the encouragement hun! I love to snowboard and there is a storm headed my way this weekend. I think getting out of town and boarding will be a good way to get rid of this stress. Just me, my music, my board, and some fresh pow. That actually sounds better then Mexican Food right now, :P

    Anytime Kelly! Wow, snowboarding is a fantastic idea! For me it would be a little more like Butt boarding because that is where I would spending most of my time - on my butt!! LOL Enjoy yourself and have a great time! I hope you don't mind but I added you as a friend. Have fun in the snow!!

    Hahahaha! Butt boarding :P I did that for a while myself in the beginning. As for the friend request OF COURSE I DON'T MIND!!!!!! I am always, always, always, looking for new friends. Thanks again for your support :D
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I am feeling frustrated because every time I get the scale moving in the right direction again I seem to get injured and can't play soccer.
  • Bigblondelady
    Bigblondelady Posts: 56 Member
    I am feeling overwhelmed and discouraged and jealous. I have muscle atrophy and anemia due to weight loss surgery and even though I am 254 lbs, my body FEELS like it did at 451 lbs!!! It is frustrating to see so many people much bigger than I am be able to do more and get more enjoyment. All of my energy goes to maintaining exercise and I have none left over for my family, myself and to do FUN things.

    As the weight comes off again, the calorie restrictions get tighter and I am finding it harder to stay within MFP's calorie limits and still eat foods in moderation. I feel overwhelmed because I make all the meals, so weighing, counting calories, counting how many portions per meal, etc falls solely on me and some days I just don't give a flying fart what I put into my mouth, but my bf is still on MFP so he needs the count.

    I have so much extra skin from being so super morbidly obese for so long, I do not look like I lost as much weight as I did. My arms are still huge, my tummy fold is 8 inches larger than my hips right below the fold....I have to buy clothes that will fit over the hang, so my shirt tops are baggy and the only part that fits right on a pair of pants is the stomach...everything else is baggy....the only thing holding my pants up is my stomach hang and I REFUSE to wear my pants UNDER it. I am tired of having the skin of a 451 lbs woman on a 254 lb and shrinking body!

    my bf lost 26.5 lbs since xmas and because it was his highest weight and he hasn't been obese for very long the difference is dramatic. I have lost 22 lbs since the end of january and barely anyone notices.....IT PISSES ME RIGHT THE HECK OFF!!!!! I lost almost as much as he did and had to work a helluva lot harder because I am female and 10 yrs older than he is and he looks like a new friggin person and look like I MIGHT have gotten my hair done differently!! GRRRRRRR!
    I know what you mean. I have lost 29 total . i see the differance in my clothes and i move better but no one knows or can tell unless i say something. big bummer, I wieghed 475 in school lost to 265 had a baby (30 years ago) lost to 165 with unnatural and illeagle help. back to upper 300 for the past 25 years give or take. Now I'm reallt thinking about me and to say pretty scared about where i'm heading, I have shin for two here, and already look like my arms are old baloons. Me work shirts are short sleved and if I raise my arm I see coworkers looking away fast. A wonderful person told me to start saving the money to take care of it as I am on my journey so at the end I can have an operation and fix it. You are doing great on your journey keep going , don't let this obsticale slow you down.
  • runrogerrun
    runrogerrun Posts: 122 Member
    I am totally upset at my doctor.

    1) Prescribed a medicine
    2) Developed a rash
    3) Went back to the doctor
    4) Rash is not a reaction to the medicine but...
    5) Prescribed a cream and stay on medicine
    6) Rash continued and even spread over other parts of my body
    7) Doctor on vacation so office set up a Dermatoligist Appt.
    8) Dermotoligist said medicine is causing the rash
    9) Am now on a different medicine
    10) Okay enough
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    I am totally frustrated that I'm not losing weight the way I did before I got pregnant with my 4 month old. I started MFP in 10/11 and by 2/12 I was 4lbs from my goal weight and found out I was pregnant, having lost 20lbs. I started back in 12/12 6 weeks postpartum and I've lost a whopping 5lbs in almost 3 months time. Damn, just realizing I've been back at this for 3 months and have only lost 5lbs just made wanna cry...:cry: Excuse me...I'm done venting now. :sad:
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi I just created a 90 day Summer Shape up Challenge starting on 3/18/13 and ends on 6/18/13 if you are interested in joining. I will be providing support along with motivation and it's the fitness program of your choice. I will add you as a friend and I can help you, and besides this would be a lot of fun.
  • donnacervelli11
    donnacervelli11 Posts: 109 Member
    Right now, I'm feeling kind of annoyed.

    I've been logging for 60 days (had my 60th yesterday!) and have stayed under my calorie goal through diet and exercise 90% of the time. But I have only lost 1 stupid pound (and even that doesn't really count, because my weight fluctuates between 147 - 150 gr...)

    I almost wanted to give up yesterday - but instead I decided to refocus on making my training goals my real fitness benchmarks.

    But scale and I are not on good terms at the moment.
  • Videogirl15
    Videogirl15 Posts: 14 Member
    cwolfman you just put a smile on my crabby face today! Ha ha...LOVE your post and your little video!!! :bigsmile:
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I'm so freaking irritated. With the world. With my body. With my stomach. Feels like food is trying to kill me, my body doesn't want to get stronger and everyone on the planet is trying to piss me off (and succeeding with it!)
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i feel really good, thanks for asking.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I'm feeling terribly over full after my (healthy) dinner of quorn/bean/vegetable chilli and I'm hoping terribly that it won't repeat on me in an embarrassing way tomorrow when I am on a course at work with lots of people in a very small room.....!!!!!

    I am also utterly exhausted and feel as though I would like to hibernate for a few months under my duvet (alone!).

    And finally I feel really heavy and like a big fat slug as I am simply unable to lose any weight and I am really feeling the weight x
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    How am I feeling? Not so good, unfortunately. The love of my life passed away 5.5 weeks ago. I'm still reeling from it. It makes everything else bad too. Can't find peace at work but home is too lonely. Can't eat away my pain cause I don't want to gain the weight back. Trying to make myself exercise every day but its hard to get out of bed. Sigh.

    Trying to keep in mind that he and I were on a health journey together (how ironic that he had a heart attack!) and trying to focus on the fact that he wouldn't want me to quit just cause he's not here anymore.

    So funny that bad life experiences still make me want to turn to comfort food (nachos come to mind!). Tomorrow will be better than today and today will be better than yesterday, at least that's what I've been told.
  • Bigblondelady
    Bigblondelady Posts: 56 Member
    pissed~~~~~~~my 19 year old rejects EVERYTHING I suggest. Must be nice to know it all :explode:

    Ha! I've got a 12 year old like this.
    FYI you will be stupid till they get in their 20s them amasingly you will be brillaint again. Mark my words it happens to us all. updated mid 20s