How are you feeling....just vent right now!!!



  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I feel pretty.
  • Bigblondelady
    Bigblondelady Posts: 56 Member
    How am I feeling? Not so good, unfortunately. The love of my life passed away 5.5 weeks ago. I'm still reeling from it. It makes everything else bad too. Can't find peace at work but home is too lonely. Can't eat away my pain cause I don't want to gain the weight back. Trying to make myself exercise every day but its hard to get out of bed. Sigh.

    Trying to keep in mind that he and I were on a health journey together (how ironic that he had a heart attack!) and trying to focus on the fact that he wouldn't want me to quit just cause he's not here anymore.

    So funny that bad life experiences still make me want to turn to comfort food (nachos come to mind!). Tomorrow will be better than today and today will be better than yesterday, at least that's what I've been told.
    I'm so sorry for your loss. the last sentance is true, and I know the days seem longer then they ever were before. If he loved you as much as you love him ,he will want you to find your happy , so hold on to the happy he has brought to your life and live it for the two of you in his honor. My peace be you comforter at night and hope be your sun in the day light hours
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    AngelicxAnnihilation Posts: 336 Member
    Mood: Procrastination playing video games
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    Still trying to get over this whole sick thing, but other than that, things aren't too bad :ohwell: I feel like the weight loss is slow, but I am still getting somewhere currently so I really can't complain.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Excited for a night out on the (very small) town with husband and some friends tonight. A little anxious about my whole weekend and finding time to get my workout in and make sure I eat right. I usually don't have a busy weekend but mine is full from tomorrow morning to the very early hours of Sunday morning. Two parties is the cause of all the busyness. Best friends son's 2nd birthday, for which I am helping with making the cake & decorating it. And then actually attending the party on Saturday afternoon. Then coming home (after an hour drive each way) and preparing for the final cast party for the play my husband is in, that will be in our home. Starting around 10:30 pm... I think I'm just gonna crash on Sunday.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    First of all I pray that everyone on here that is having a bad day or is sad or depressed will soon see the rainbow after the storm. It will get better don't give up. ish happens in life and unfortunately that doesn't stop when you decide to loose weight/ get healthy so you can focus.

    Me I feel okay, not blah but not great either just worked out haven't binged or ate crap yet today, still unemployed but maybe that will end soon.

    I hope everyone's day changes for the better.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Sick of being unhappy and struggling. I need the sun and warmth instead of all this cold. I need a vacation from my life.
  • JuliyaRN
    JuliyaRN Posts: 18


  • lambchoplewis
    Sick of being unhappy and struggling. I need the sun and warmth instead of all this cold. I need a vacation from my life.

    Love this as I have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) also!! My hubby has 5 more years to retirement and we are out of the hell hole known as Ohio. I hate it here. People from here are uptight, stiff and love crappy weather. I cannot fathom the rest of my life not enjoying 7 months of the year due to being indoors and no sun.

    Florida here we come!!!
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I am feeling fat. I hate that I lost so much only to put most of it back on and I think about it every day I see the pants in the closet that I purchased after years of being over weight and the excitment they gave me--and how they no longer fit--because I got lazy, and I got comfortable. Weight loss for me will be a battle I will fight every day for the rest of my life. I really need to make sure I don't give up this time. I sometimes resent my partner for makingme 'feel so great' and sexy all the time, because he finds me stunning always. But with that came the 'okay to eat whatever---because he loves me regardless and hes really the only one I need to impress' But dammit! This is and will always be for me.
  • NicS69
    NicS69 Posts: 40 Member
    @ Nic: Thanks for the encouragement hun! I love to snowboard and there is a storm headed my way this weekend. I think getting out of town and boarding will be a good way to get rid of this stress. Just me, my music, my board, and some fresh pow. That actually sounds better then Mexican Food right now, :P

    Anytime Kelly! Wow, snowboarding is a fantastic idea! For me it would be a little more like Butt boarding because that is where I would spending most of my time - on my butt!! LOL Enjoy yourself and have a great time! I hope you don't mind but I added you as a friend. Have fun in the snow!!

    Hahahaha! Butt boarding :P I did that for a while myself in the beginning. As for the friend request OF COURSE I DON'T MIND!!!!!! I am always, always, always, looking for new friends. Thanks again for your support :D

    You're awesome. :smile: It wasn't the going down on my butt part that I didn't like it was the climbing back up the bunny hill looking like some kind of crazed monster from the swamp on Scooby Doo - arms flailing around, with a funny limp cause the board is on one foot, oh and lots of groaning. :laugh: LOL
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    Im feeling like Im a failure. Like all the hard work Ive put into losing 55lbs hasnt paid off. Ive been stuck at 178 for like 3 months. I want to be 165 so bad. Ive used the medical issues going on with my children as an excuse to eat whatever, especially fast food since Im on the road so much. And I know its BS, Ive been weak and stupid and I could have been 165 by now if not less! It just makes me want to slap myseld for being so unhealthy.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    Having a difficult week. Despite a bad bout of SAD last week, my weight was melting off quicker than I could believe. And then on the weekend it seemed every bite I took put a pound back on, despite staying within my calories and being active all weekend (as opposed to trapped at my desk all day).

    This week, the scale is barely moving, and I'm nowhere near returning to the weight I'd somehow gotten down to last week. Work is crazy every March, and this year is winding up to be certainly no exception. My husband found out yesterday that his company had been bought out, and now he has no idea if he'll have a job in April. This morning I was rear ended on the way to work (not badly, but still enough to need repairs)

    I wish my salad lunch was a bag of chips. A family sized bag. Guess it's a good thing I'm trapped at my desk.
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    I'm feeling awesome as usual....sending awesomeness vibes to every!!! You're all awesome!!! Go to your awesome place and be one with awesomeness!!!


    Love this.. Thank you cwolfman13 for this... It has livened up my day already...
  • Lbean22
    Lbean22 Posts: 32
    First- You can do it!!!

    Me- I feel like crap. I continually fail when I try to lose the weight. I am now heavier than I have ever been and I hate it. I find myself disgusting....Ugh
    I am also starving! Today is the first time I have started "dieting" again and it sucks. I was good up until this point and now I am absolutely starving!!! Feeling this way is horrible! I want so bad to loose the weight and to feel beautiful "me" again... but I am doubtful that I will do it. Being a single mom, working full time, and going to school full time makes it incredibly hard to stay on track.
  • mikki629
    mikki629 Posts: 37
    I'm just frustrated with myself today.
    I've taken a long break from diet and exercise. Thankfully I didn't gain back *all* of the weight I've lost. I was 175 at first, got down to 160, but am back to 166. Not bad when you think about how long I've been slacking. (since July!) I'm still mad that I let myself take such a long time off.
    Another thing that has me down is I was well on my way to Level 2 of the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred dvd, but today was my first day back exercising and I was, no joke, crying because I am back to the beginner level and had a tough time with it. (Not crying from pain mind you, just from fatigue and not being able to follow along with the harder modified moves like before.)

    I knew I'd be taking steps back from the last time I dieted and exercised, but it's still frustrating.
  • naseak
    naseak Posts: 98 Member
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    Dieting should not equal staving? Protein is a hunger buster and a good building block.. choose an eatng plan wisely and as my dietitian says - make one major change at a time each week/fortnight.
    I understand that your weekday is hugely busy and often you will come second to the family needs.. stay strong Imalmstom and you will do it.
    Because of your committments - family, working and study - planning ahead will be your key to success. Wishing you uncrappiness vibes.. you don't need to feel this way.. You will succeed because you have taken the first step and are on this app.. and venting.. All helps.

    You have my support and best wishes
  • Toomanytwinkies
    Toomanytwinkies Posts: 42 Member
    I'm feeling happy. I have the funniest kids in the world and am still laughing about my son while doing homework last night. He made me laugh so hard my head was on the table n tears were flying. I know he was just prolonging his homework by cracking wise ones but I went for it...worth the laughs
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I'm also feeling a little venty today. I started NROL4W in October, I was at my goal weight. I started binge eating in December for the first time ever, binged on and off thru feb. I'm 19 days binge free today, but can't seem to get back to my goal weight. I'm almost done with the program and am not impressed with with my abs, which was my focus when I started lifting. I feel so dumb, like if I could have just kept my eating under control I would be in such a better place right now. I just feel so stupid for letting my eating get out of control like that, especially since I've never had this type of eating problem before. My pants are all so tight again.... :(