

  • after seeing your post i googled and came across this information which i found useful
  • I love Turbo Jam. My favorite is also the punch kick and jam. These workouts give great results!! The best part about this type of cardio is you can modify the moves to suit your level of fitness and still get a great workout. I've just started re-using these work out videos again and I still love them!!!!!
  • Just ONE !!! Haha, I've always been bad with the "I'll start tomorrow" or better yet "Healthy eating is best started when you start the new week" Pff, yeah, like MONDAY is a GREAT day to start a diet. :) But I finally just said "No, i'll start right now." Got the staying within calories range down but I'm still overcoming…
  • Wow, this is scary! My daughter only just turned ten and I'm really hoping to not have to face this situtation. I read over several of the responses given here and definetly think a girls day with your daughter is best. I don't think you should necessarily wait until the end of the fun day and spring the surprise talk on…
  • lmbo........
  • oh, and Badcock Furniture stores, i've not seen one in some time but I always thought "What an awful name!"
  • ! kum and go ! I've never in all my days... I think I'm going to pee myself laughing! Glad I don't have to see that on the way to work every morning...way too funny
  • lmbo!!
  • I"m also really enjoying this site so far. The people here are friendly and encouraging. I've got a lot of weight to lose and know it will take time and dedication but am excited about the tools and community encouragement here. I believe we can all achieve our goals!!.
  • Hey!! I added your friend request. Thanks! I know we can both reach our goals! I absolutely love this site. :smile:
  • Hey, I just came accross your post and went and checked that site out! I love the cartoon chick! Too cute. AND I found a healthy version of pesto pasta - I'm going to try out this week! Yummy. Thanks for posting.
  • Hi. I love the food and exercise charts. Especially the food chart - everything I consume is right there in black and white, it really sets the bar for accountability with food consumption! Congrats on signing up and Good Luck with your weight loss goal ~ Joy
  • Hi, Yvette, my name is Joy and I just joined up last week too. In trying to get this heathly eating lifestyle underway I've found this site is awesome and has some great features. The forums in this community section are pretty cool too. It helps to read other people's stories and motivational tips. Good luck with your…
  • :wink: Hi!! You can do it. I love the food journal feature. It helps to see what I'm putting into my body! Remember: exercise, healthy eating habits and water are our friend.
  • I know exaclty what you mean about the Blue Bell...I think they put a little something extra in that stuff. It's highly addictive!!!
  • Good Luck from another newbie to myfitness pal! We can do it :)
  • Hi. I just joined too and thought I'd say hi. I am also very excited about this site! It looks like it will be a great tool for accountability . I need to lose about ninety five pounds total. Good Luck wishes!!