
After every pregnancy I have a hard time losing weight and I use breast feeding as my excuse. "Oh I lose weight so slow when I breast feed." No it is that I stuff junk in my mouth I shouldn't be. Don't we all have that one excuse we all use.

Well here I am 7 months after my 3rd baby and down to my pre-preggo weight and still going. I could have been down sooner, but I just started logging recently and wow-lbs are dropping like flies. I guess part of me really believed it was my breast feeding that wanted to hold onto that fat just in case, well now I know-it's just me!!

What has been your excuse and what have you done to rid of it?


  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i'm young.. i should be able to eat what i want! you only live once! ummmm turns out you live once but not very long if you eat bad!
  • jrlitt76
    jrlitt76 Posts: 52
    Ill try harder tomorrow...
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    I think my excuse has been, well I don't know if it is so much an excuse as a hurdle is that I'm scared that if I consistently give it my all, if I really really try and I fail then I'll have nothing.

    I'm very happy to say that I'm also working through it and I'm now finding that the more consistent I am the less chance I have of failing!
  • skinnymama74
    skinnymama74 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh girl...I have a ton! time, the baby, cooking regular meals for the entire family, diets are usually a lot more expensive. Pure Lazzyiness! I tell you its hard but Im trying to find a balance in my hectic life :/ I figure this would help a lot plus Im doing the P90 (which I had lost 25lbs on this before) so I decided to do it again. Im excited to do this and now I know I can loose weight and its not my thyroid keeping me fat....its me
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i havent had an excuse...pure lazyness i guess. then i finally got my butt up and going to the gym 5 days a week, 3 months ago, lost a few pounds, and started logging calories the begining of feb and now im down 9 more pounds...gotta long way to go though
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i havent had an excuse...pure lazyness i guess. then i finally got my butt up and going to the gym 5 days a week, 3 months ago, lost a few pounds, and started logging calories the begining of feb and now im down 9 more pounds...gotta long way to go though
  • ShakenWithJoy
    What has been your excuse and what have you done to rid of it?

    what a great question!

    and i have no clue! haha

    but I am sure I have at least one, so I shall share your question with those I am around most often...I am sure they will be happy to fill me in! :smile:
  • rosebrowning
    I would exercise like there's no tomorrow and eat healthy food with no results. When I started tracking my food intake on MFP is when I really realized you CAN'T eat all the healthy food you want-there is such a think as "too much of a good thing". Finally I'm losing weight.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    my excuse used to be...

    no one else in the house is willing to try to eat healthy with me so why bother, it's 'too hard' to do it alone.

    Then switch flipped in my head and you know what? it is not hard at all to do it alone. i only buy and prepare meals/foods that fit my plan, others can eat it or not... their choice..NOT my problem anymore *L*
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    My excuse was not having time to take care of myself, and having to cook for a resistant husband and children.

    I found a gym that has a kid's club room for both of my little ones (I can have them in up to 2 hours a day, which is so great!), and I've started to find healthier ways to prepare my family's favorite meals (like wheat pasta, extra lean ground beef, low sodium/low fat ingredients, etc). They haven't noticed the difference, and while I'm still not eating as well as I could be (I tried making separate dinners for myself while cooking for them, and it was just too much work for me) I am eating a lot healthier. I've decided that I can't keep putting my wants and needs aside, and found a way to take care of me too.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    My excuse is...I am putting on muscle fast but then I eat right for 3-4 days and I drop 4-6 lbs in water weight.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    time,no energy, healthy food tastes nasty, too expensive, people will laugh at me, no one to do it with, "i'm not that fat", i hate exercise,and pure laziness.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    "I'll get around to it some day!"

    I'm not getting any younger and some day is now, knowing I'll be 30 in a year I need to get healthier and lose some weight before I get much older and it gets even harder to do! And I just got out of a long term relationship, and need to focus on ME for a while and what better way to focus on me, than get healthier!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    oh oh I got some excuses!! 1. I just dont have time! The kids keep me so busy with thier schedules! 2. Well I love veggies and good foods but nobody else really will try them I cant cook all that for just me. 3. If I go to a healthy menu what will they eat? my husbands a meat and potatoes guy...
    1. I learned to split my workouts, 25 min in the morning with a video or something (30DS right now) and then about 35 mins on the treadmill WHILE I watch one of my favorite shows at night, or after the kids go to bed. 2. Who cares! I can make my veggie for my side and then just store the rest for another day! and actually my kids started eating some of them just cause I would ask them to try just a bite and see...my husband not so much but hey I am leading by example! I even got some fish that is not fried into our weekly diets! 3. changes change changes, just make better choices whole weat pasta, check sodium and sugars on packages and went from flour to corn tortillas..use leaner meats and better breads you know what? there still eating! and there is no big complaints!! Turns out that was all just in my head to use as to why I was this way...
  • friedlillies
    Just ONE !!! Haha, I've always been bad with the "I'll start tomorrow" or better yet "Healthy eating is best started when you start the new week" Pff, yeah, like MONDAY is a GREAT day to start a diet. :) But I finally just said "No, i'll start right now." Got the staying within calories range down but I'm still overcoming getting in the good exercise - trying to balance life's duties and all :)
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Wow-love the response. These are great!! Glad you all are here getting rid of those excuses and doing what is right for you. I love gyms that provide child care and the boot camp where I work also does. It makes one great excuse go away. Somebody said breaking up their workouts when the kids are at school or in bed-awesome!! You guys are great!!! Thanks!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Ah, well I actually do retain weight when I am breastfeeding, and I never eat junk! I hold onto weight on my hips when I am breastfeeding (as I had been doing non stop for 5 1/2 years up to October last year). I couldn't believe how they dropped off when I stopped!
  • BlindFaith
    I don't know if it counts as an "excuse" but - money.

    Since I've started buying X Amount of fresh produce my grocery bills have shot up and I don't have the income to support it a lot of the time.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    i'm young.. i should be able to eat what i want! you only live once! ummmm turns out you live once but not very long if you eat bad!
    lol funny but true.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Pure laziness... although I did eat healthy while EPing (exclusively pumping breastmilk), but I ate a TON of healthy stuff... I was hungry all the time. That's no excuse for the time before or since though. :smile: