msf74 Member


  • It means accepting that I'm human and human beings make mistakes and let themselves down all the time - but that's ok.
  • So you want to increase your aerobic conditioning essentially? Slow right down and ditch the incline. You could try Couch to 5k which many people find success with which uses run / walk intervals to achieve the above. It can be done on a treadmill (personally I don't gel with a treadmill so do all my running outside but…
  • I'm not the person you quoted but from my perspective you tailor your thoughts, actions and plan towards the goal you are trying to achieve. So, if your predominant or sole driver is to look good that will propel you into action which may come into conflict with things that are beneficial for your overall health and…
  • Have you ever seen the episode of Seinfeld where George can't have sex? As he is unable to partake in the thing he really desires it frees up his mental energy to concentrate on other areas so he gets smarter, more well read and so on. I have had a life long battle to keep my weight in check. I've been successful but the…
  • This has been an interesting discussion and because I just have to be different I am seeking neither control nor balance. I am seeking non-attachment, a "I can take it or leave it" attitude even if I desire something in a very true sense. So, if someone asked me "could you live without x food" for the rest of your life I…
  • I weigh myself sporadically, sometimes once a month, sometimes every few months. I'm at a point where the number isn't really important as it pertains to my goals. I wouldn't say I'm completely indifferent to it (and I used to have a poor emotional relationship with the scale at one point in my life) but rather it doesn't…
  • To thine own self be true. Doesn't sound like my kind of thing but if your approach brings you happiness, good results and serenity then go for it! There are plenty of (non-edible) things that can bring pleasure and joy to life and if you don't miss things like cake or ice cream then it's not a big deal.
  • ^^^ Really good post.
  • Then stop giving yourself permission to have a cheat day and find something else highly pleasurable to do instead on a Sunday. If that means being an abstainer rather than a moderator then so be it. It sounds like you are using hyper-palatable food as an anesthetic to dull the pain of a life which doesn't fully inspire you…
  • Sound great to me! Enjoy it while it lasts though as you will probably start seeing diminishing returns in the next few months...All part of the fun though.
  • You got all that from the market providing a choice for people to exercise in an environment they feel comfortable within (which it seems to be would promote greater levels of adherence and ability to put in greater effort due to less fear of social judgment)? Right you are... The "right" environment or attitude is the one…
  • I don’t fit into any of the categories you listed but baked prosciutto eggcups topped with chipotle mayo are awesome and might fit your criteria.
  • Habit coupled with a ridiculous sense of vanity (I wish I was lying about the latter part but I'm not...)
  • I found the book "Never Too Late To Be Great" inspiring and you may find it helpful. It recounts the tales of people who struggled and found success much later in life. It also gives insights into the benefits of "thinking long" or that success really takes time on many occasions. It may also be useful to think of your…
  • Expect them to say nothing (nice) or not notice. That way if they do you'll be pleasantly surprised and if they don't you'll be right. Win - win for you.
  • It's taken you over 5 years to come up with that first post? I'm impressed!
  • At the moment its Beef Hor Fun with lashings of chilli oil Or a massive Bun Bo Hue
  • It's the thought that counts I guess. If my wife took offence at all the well meaning, but on reflection utterly clueless, presents I had given over the years I would have made an appearance on Judge Judy years ago! Is there a reason that you can't simply say thanks to your OH for thinking about you but the goodies don't…
  • The stress of worrying exactly where my carb intake sits on a daily basis would probably kill me waaaay before the potential benefit of nailing it...
  • Inspectah Deck is criminally underrated. His verse is fire!
    in Wutang Comment by msf74 October 2018
  • You best protect ya neck.
    in Wutang Comment by msf74 October 2018
  • Is hiring a sniper from the Dark Web outside of your budget? If so, a simple "thanks for your input, I'll bear it in mind" while in reality completely ignoring it works well for me.
  • Your CV conditioning will have increased on a general level which helps with other endurance activities but as you haven't trained specifically for something like running it will still remain difficult. You get what you train for or to put it in more fancy terms: S.A.I.D - Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. Your body…
  • I'm predicting some sabotage by your 15 year old daughter! Her: "Mum, what's that in the sky?" You: look upwards Her: sneakily stirs in a boatload of sugar into your food when you are not looking I don't think either of you can lose (metaphorically speaking.) Even if you don't lose it all the motivation might get you far…
  • I'd give myself one any day of the week...
  • Switch up your routine or try a different form of exercise you like (I've moved from weight lifting to endurance exercises & bodyweight routines over the years partly out of boredom myself.) However, I think you may have to accept that it is mostly drudgery and monotonous routine like many things in life. Hey, I would much…
  • Being in good shape + the appearance of health = higher status Higher status = being treated better in general
  • There's no one like that on here! Just kidding.
  • I know people will probably hate me for saying this but... Lose some more weight and get into the mid to early 200 lb range. You'll increase your odds of finding someone I suspect by a noticeable margin. It's not a guarantee but it's better to play with favourable odds. Use the engagement ring money to hire a decent PT and…