

  • 1 cup strawberries (about 50 calories) and chocolate syrup (100 calories). My favorite late night snack
  • When I got serious about getting and staying in shape about 1 year ago now I also did baby steps, because I had gone full-bore before and it would only last maybe 2-3 weeks before I would revert. I tend to "rebel" against myself if I push too hard, go figure! For me, exercising is easy, it's the dieting that takes work and…
  • small chunks of apple, cinnamon and dried cranberries. Delicious!
    in Oatmeal Comment by emoritz2 January 2012
  • I'm just under 5' 8" and my ideal weight is 125-130. I'm currently at 135. I'm pretty slimly (and boyishly) built so over 140 and I have a pronounced "spare tire".
  • Thanks so much for the breakdown. As someone mentioned above, I'm realizing that getting those rolls with 10+ ingredients are sometimes just a muddle of flavors. Sashimi really lets me savor the taste of the fish.
  • I find that when I'm in a mood to just shove stuff in my mouth (whether I'm hungry or not) that my best remedy is to consume hot liquids like low-cal/low-sodium soup, tea, even hot chocolate (which a cup of swiss miss is usually only around 120 calories). Something about all the warm liquid in my stomach will make me feel…
  • I think I can relate. I was within about 2 lbs of my goal (!!!) about 2 weeks ago and I had just had ENOUGH of being good about my diet. All I think about is food (always have) and when I'll get to eat more, how many calories I'll burn exercising so I can eat more, and feeling very tired/annoyed at having to limit myself.…
  • Definitely get the doorway pull-up bar. If you don't have one the other option is to get the attachment for your resistance bands so you can secure them on a door, but I felt it was never even close to getting as hard/good of a workout as doing the pull-ups/chin-ups. Also, get a good quality yoga-mat...with a decent amount…
  • I know what you mean! Some days I want to do anything but exercise/log my food/eat healthy/etc. I've added you as a friend. Hope we motivate each other to be healthy :)
  • Count me in! I haven't done a chin-up in YEARS (maybe since gym-class physicals, haha)
  • 1. Boredom (thus it's crucial for me to keep only healthy snacks in the house, like fruit and veggies, and not cookies) 2. TOM (I think I use it as an excuse to eat whatever and not workout) 3. Free food (put a candy bowl in the breakroom, I'm going to check it out)
  • I wouldn't say they were critical responses, but there's definitley some judgement being thrown around that if you're say 5'8" and under 135, you're too skinny. I can tell you right now that at 135 I am not too skinny. My body shape more naturally lends itself to weighing around 130 or a little under when I'm in shape and…
  • I'm 5'8" and currently 130 pounds. I know from previous experience, that with exercise I look my best around 127 (which is my goal). I'm pretty slimly built as well and don't think I could ever get to 110 without dire health consequences. Maybe low 120s tops. To answer your other question, at my lowest (around 122) my diet…
  • Kale Chips!!! They're very easy and quick to make at home
  • Love 100-calorie low-fat bag popcorn...you get soooo much from one bag! Also low-fat/part-skim string cheese is a favorite of mine. And I like celery with peanut butter too
  • 55% carbs/ 25% protein/ 20% fat Those are the goals I put into MFP. I usually end up higher on the protein and lower on the carbs, so it may be time for me to reset my goals :)
  • Interesting post. Looking forward to part 2
  • For me it's consistently getting enough protein (80+ grams) and keeping my fat intake low. If I consume more than 30-40 g of fat in one day I tend to feel sluggish the next day and if it's several days in a row my progress definitely will be slower that week. My daily sodium levels don't seem to affect my weight as much,…
  • I'm just under 5'8" and currently weight 130 lbs and know my best weight is around 125-128 (for looks and how in-shape I am). But I'm not curvy AT ALL and have a leaner frame, so like everyone says it really depends on your body type. Check with your doctor and also maybe find/friend women on MFP who have similar builds…
  • I'm just under 5'8" and have been looking for friends on here around the same height/frame to share with. I'm nearer the end of my goal (about 5 lbs to go maybe less) but it's taken me YEARS to get here (i.e. before MFP my weight was very inconsistent). Feel free to friend me :)
  • Love the idea of mini challenges. Can't believe I hadn't seen it before!! I'm in. Will report back later :)
  • I've heard a good rule of thumb is to stop eating 2 hours before you go to sleep. I usually go to bed at 11:30 pm, so I try and have my last snack by 9:30 pm. I find that if I do give-in to a late-night craving (even if it's a small snack), say at 10:30/11:00 pm, I wake up the next day more hungry than usual. Good luck!
  • I'm also in (almost) the same situation (about 1 lb away from the 120s) and I thought my stomach would look better after losing approx 8-10 lbs from my starting/heaviest weight. Looking forward to the replies
  • I know! I love having a small glass of OJ with my breakfast, but even that has a ton of sugar. I really like having something citrus-y/acidic in the mornings, so it's hard to give up the OJ. I'd love to know what other people drink in the AM besides OJ (and coffee).
  • So glad it's working for you! All through my 20s I've thought that exercising was enough. It wasn't until a friend told me about MFP that I started counting calories/keeping a food diary. Who knew exercise and a well-monitored diet were the keys to weight loss success! hahah! MFP makes it soooo much easier than, say,…
  • Balsamic vinegar for light dressing. Lot's of taste without all the sodium! Water w/lemon, unsweetened ice tea or hot tea for almost everything I use to drink (such as juice)