Requesting P90X lessons learned

I see this alot on the forums but couldnt find a recent thread, was curious, if you had done it tried it could you spend a couple minutes and hook me up with what you learned from buying it, and a list of NEEDS to do the program.

So far I see the DVD's
Push Ups Bars
Doorway Pull up bar
Yoga Mat
resistance bands and or Dummies.

any input is desired! =)

Thanks IN advance!


  • awal2069
    awal2069 Posts: 101 Member
    My husband and I started and then we stopped for two weeks due to schedules so bad, but getting back on the wagon. Bands/ or weights for sure, pull up bar, and GO SLOW, do what you can and don't feel bad about not being able to do everything and finishing everything. :0 Good Luck!
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Definitely start off the first few sessions a bit slow, this way you can learn the routines and give your body a chance.

    You should also get a heart rate monitor (HRM), so you know calories burnt and whether or not you're really bringing it or dogging it.

    What else you should do, really depends on what your fitness goals or expectations are from the P90X program...what do you want out of the program (specifically)???
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Great advise!

    thanks for spending your time =) Have a great day!
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Definitely start off the first few sessions a bit slow, this way you can learn the routines and give your body a chance.

    You should also get a heart rate monitor (HRM), so you know calories burnt and whether or not you're really bringing it or dogging it.

    What else you should do, really depends on what your fitness goals or expectations are from the P90X program...what do you want out of the program (specifically)???

    I currently use the Polar FT7. check!

    Recently I got to goal weight, now its onto my other goal, to have abs for the first time in my life! =)
  • emoritz2
    emoritz2 Posts: 27
    Definitely get the doorway pull-up bar. If you don't have one the other option is to get the attachment for your resistance bands so you can secure them on a door, but I felt it was never even close to getting as hard/good of a workout as doing the pull-ups/chin-ups.

    Also, get a good quality yoga-mat...with a decent amount of thickness cause some of the workouts will take a toll on your joints if you can feel your hard floor through the mat.

    Good luck!
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks emoritz2 for taking your time for me =)

    yes thats a great idea for a GOOD Yoga mat!

  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    I am finishing my first month of P90X tomorrow. I use the bands and I love that option. I am no expert but here are things that are important to me.

    - Get a yoga mat!!!!
    - Use the entire amount of time for each excercise to at least try (if you cant do a pull up use that time to pull as far as you can even if you cant make it all the way up)
    - PUT THE DVD IN! This is important for the first week! You will NOT want to but once you get started it'll be awesome!
    - A floor fan can be priceless
    - You will be sore, Drink a glass of milk right after your workout. Others have suggested chocolate milk. I use milk and a banana or a protein shake. Sounds dumb to me but it's the only thing that worked and I wasnt NEARLY as sore the next day.

    Good luck..I am seeing great results after just 30 days!
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125