What has the biggest affect on you

Last night my fiancé and I were watching Biggest Loser and he asked me an interesting question, what affects your weight the most, what do you focus on the most with your diet?
Is it calories, carbs, protein, fat?

Hmmmm well for me I told him, I find it most important to stay within my calories, never going too far over or under for more then a couple days in a row. Other then that I would say it's my sodium, I can go over on fat, carbs, anything but if I go over in sodium my body refuses to lose any weight!

What seems to matter the most to your system? Are there things you can get away with but others that you know will kill you on the scale? How long did it take you to figure this stuff out?

For me I'd say by the beginning of the 3rd month I pretty much knew what would get me in trouble and what wouldn't.


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    for me is fat content, since watching fat have almost rid of cellulite, just a tad more to go:smile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What seems to matter the most to your system? Are there things you can get away with but others that you know will kill you on the scale? How long did it take you to figure this stuff out?

    For me it is fat, carbs and exercise. I eat as little saturated fat and processed carbs as possible. I've done the diet thing so many times in my life that I know I tend to stick to it longer when I focus more on health than on weight. I absolutely love food. I love growing it, cooking it, eating it, even reading about it. So I do better if I focus on health and work off the calories than to deprive myself.
  • bwdower
    bwdower Posts: 6 Member
    The most important thing for me is to focus on eating healthy foods and making it about "fueling" my body. Besides that it is making sure I eat enough cals. That's where the tracker has helped me the most.

    As for how long it took me to figure this out.... It 's evolved over the years. I gained the weight by eating and drinking too many calories. Now that I don't weigh as much and am much more active I have to make sure I eat enough. I figured out that I was not eating enough as soon as I started using the tracker, within a couple weeks anyway.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I find I have the best luck when I cut back on bread - not necessarily all carbs, just bread - and sodium. Increasing my water also helps too.
  • emoritz2
    emoritz2 Posts: 27
    For me it's consistently getting enough protein (80+ grams) and keeping my fat intake low. If I consume more than 30-40 g of fat in one day I tend to feel sluggish the next day and if it's several days in a row my progress definitely will be slower that week.

    My daily sodium levels don't seem to affect my weight as much, maybe because I also like to drink 10+ glasses of water a day (always have, which I guess isn't a bad lifelong habit :)
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    I do my best to balance all three... but I tend to put more emphasis on making sure my protein stays high. but I struggle the most on keeping the fat low, I'll usually try to find low fat foods.