
i haven't lost much- if at all. It's been really questionable, as my weight bounces around a LOT from day to day. I was feeling ok, but this morning it said i was back up a few lbs. it could be just from all the fiber i've been eating. However, I'm honestly so so tired of limiting to net 1,230. I just want to eat more. More than I'm allotted. I exercise and have been taking advantage and eating most of those back in the past few days. I just haven't been seeing results lately and it's difficult to keep focused. I literally went 200 to 300 calories above my net 1,200 about 2 or 3 times over a time period of 3 months and that's it. I really just want to eat all the time- all I think of is food and when I get to eat next-it's a constant struggle to make it to that point. I eat high protein/fiber to try to keep myself full, and I'm not necessarily hungry (like now)-but I just ended up eating most of a luna bar. I had a bowl of kashi cereal like 2 hours ago. I'm worried this is a sign of a serious binge coming on. What should I do?


  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    maybe its PMS. Ive been feeling like that all week.
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    i don't think so :\ at least it shouldn't be yet.
  • rbloedow
    rbloedow Posts: 47 Member
    To be honest - maybe you should limit how often you weigh yourself: it seems like you're focusing too much on the numbers themselves. Your weight will fluctuate daily depending on your water and food intake.

    I'll give you an example - I can fluctuate by up to 5lbs in a single day depending on when I've weighed myself, and how much water I've been drinking.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    I agree about the limiting yourself on how often you weigh yourself. I went through a really rough couple of weeks becuase I was weighing myself every day and getting stressed when I didn't see the movement. Honestly I was getting depressed... I even cried about it. Thinking to myself, I'm putting in all this hard work and not seeing the results. I stopped weighing so much and stopped stressing so much and the scales did move.
    Also, I can't see your food diary so I'm not sure what foods you are eating, but... I'm limited to 1,200 per day, and honestly I recented changed some of foods and now feel like I eat 6-7 times a day to get those calories. Try to make some smart choices and I think you'll feel better about the food because you don't have to starve yourself to stay within your calories.
    And... remember, if you're hungry and you want to eat more, you can always excersise to make up for thos calories!! Plus you'll feel AMAZING for pushing yourself and earning it :)
    If you need a friend you can always add me. I know what it's like to go through those hard spots and we can use all the encouragement we can get!!
  • emoritz2
    I think I can relate. I was within about 2 lbs of my goal (!!!) about 2 weeks ago and I had just had ENOUGH of being good about my diet. All I think about is food (always have) and when I'll get to eat more, how many calories I'll burn exercising so I can eat more, and feeling very tired/annoyed at having to limit myself. I'm on the backlash now, eating WAY more than I should (i.e. at least 1000-1500 calories extra a day on top of my usual 1400) and just craving the act of eating food even if I'm not hungry.

    I find the only way for me to stop obsessing about food and avoid my "binges" is to be busy and focused on something, cause when I'm bored, even for 5 minutes, I tend to think about food and want to eat something.

    Good luck with your struggles!
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    i haven't really focused sooo much on the scale. it's nice to see reinforcement, but it's been so slow and unpredictable I don't pay too much attention to it. All I know is i want to eat more but I don't want to gain.