Deuxtrouble43 Member


  • I have lower fix tonight. I always find that stairs are such a pain to walk DOWN after the leg workouts. We are going away again this weekend to the cabin so no workouts but we will probably get a 5 hour hike in which is a ton of work. The leaves are turning on the trees here and I actually had to turn the heat on in my…
  • I was on vacation for 20 days. We didn't do anything even remotely 21 dayish but I am happy to report I only gained 2.5lbs (I ate my weight in seafood and probably drank that much every night). My guy is diligently getting back on track and doing the entire 21 days again, I am not. I am 5 lbs away from goal and have…
  • I haven't checked in for a while. My fiance and I did 2 rounds of 21 day fix and have continued the containers but are doing workouts every second day - we skip the cardio ones because we bike or run on off days and throw in the 10 minute ab workout so we do upper, bike and abs, lower, bike and abs, pilates, run and abs,…
  • The first time I did cardio fix extreme, I had to pause the dvd. I literally couldn't breathe LOL. Today is wine day!!! And Friday. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • It is so frustrating with the scale but I weigh every day so in the last while, I have come to expect the ups and downs. My weight "trends" down so I know it'll get there eventually. I am going to try to attach my weight graph for a month and a half. I would be so discouraged with those rises if I didn't know that…
  • Hi all. My fiance and I completed one round on 21 Day Fix and are sort of modifying it now. We workout every second day and still follow the containers but allow other foods in addition to what is on the list - I usually will find a clean eating recipe and figure out what containers to use and do my calculations. Today is…
  • Hi all. I am on Day 17 of the first round of 21 day fix. My fiance and I are doing it together (which is awesome because he is extremely motivating). I hate exercising. But realize that in order to make any changes you need a combination of the two. We actually started eating like the containers a week before we got our…
  • I set my activity level to the level that gives me the closest to what my fitbit says ( I monitered for a few days) So normally I am burning around 1800 calories a day, lightly active is very close to that here. I set my calories to eat at 1300 (500 less) and because the two are so close, if it adds extra calories to my…
  • Thank you. I have a charge so I do other forms of exercise (no I don't count step activity - just when I think my heartbeat will be up) and dammit I am counting my cleaning today - 5 hours on the go :)
  • This might help you - it allows increments of 1%
  • I missed it too :(
  • Oh and definitely take some measurements and pictures. You will be shocked. I didn't change much weight but the difference in my pictures is phenomenal.
  • I do intermittent fasting. I have an 18/6 hour window and I DO have a BPC first thing in the morning to kick start my metabolism. I have that around 7:00 am and then I don't eat anything until 2:00 pm and I then eat all my calories from 2:00 to 8:00 pm. It may be a little hard if you are finding yourself snacking every…
  • Seriously, if you saw the ups and downs on my weighloss graph you would probably quit. I have drops and then for some reason it goes up 2, 3 and sometimes as high as 5 lbs. But the overall trend is down and OMG...19 inches. That says more than anything. I have seen people's pics that haven't lost a thing but their body…
  • A lot of that is the joy and curse of not having that much to lose. I have about 17 lbs to go and I know that I am not going to see 5 or 10 lbs loss. I have a goal of being my goal weight in June. Three pounds a month doesn't seem an unattainable goal to me and if I do better great, if not...well this way of eating feels…
  • AWESOME!!! My daughter had a peanut butter sandwich yesterday and I literally drooled. I have no idea why because I wasn't craving it at all but I went from watching her eating it to obsessing about it - it was that fast. So I went and made myself a chocolate mint whipped cream dessert for myself :)
  • you only need to see that there are ketones. Best way it was described to me - It's like a pregnancy test, you are either pregnant or you aren't.
  • I make these as nacho chips for my salsa :)
  • Congrats
  • Kraft has an unsweetened, natural peanut butter that I use. I also have almond butter as well.
  • Put Keto in the group function. There are quite a lot of us who eat this way.
  • Yep :)
  • I would like to know too but for now, every 2 days I walk on the treadmill at our rec centre for 1/2 hour and then go and swim laps for 20 minutes. That's pretty much it for me right now. I do want to get into weights as I know that will tone my body. I am lucky I have a huge rec centre by my house - swimming, drop in…
  • This is great!!
  • Looks good!
  • I had Annie Chun's grab and go sesame roasted seaweed snacks tonight
  • Mine is open as well...the more support the merrier :-)
  • I had a coke zero tonight because I had an upset stomach. I also don't reallt like water so I do mix it with crystal light quite often. I have ketostix and have not been knocked out of ketosis and I am lucky that I have no cravings for sweet.
  • You can try here too. They have amzing recipes on here. I am a huge fan of coconut curry :)
  • I usually go here for recipes. They are amazing. I absolutely love this way of eating. I haven't yet tried any fake breads etc. because I don't trust myself as of yet. When I get closer to my goal and am going to start on maintenance, I will introduce some…