ResilientWoman Member


  • Are you still friends with the SPS friend?
  • Keto thanks to Acute Pancreatitis. My endocrinologist has already proven to me scientifically that I need to avoid Ketosis. Frustrated.
  • My doctor recommends eating 12 whole eggs per day per 100 lbs of bodyweight for up to a month and liberal whole egg consumption following that month. Want to know why, pm me. My cholesterol is great and whole eggs are an important part of a healthy diet unless one is allergic to them. But if I had eaten all of the eggs I…
  • Hugging you all the way from Seattle. Your story, photos and video touched me deeply. I'm beholden to my 7 year old daughter for the rehab I found from TBI and obesity. She's my little cheerleader and she's out to spread the word about real foods and movement health. She'll soon have an article of her own up on my website.…
  • The problem with the topic, if you'll give me a few minutes is the very question. I think that the question might be 'how did I break my child and how do I heal her?' This is question I have asked myself on more than one occasion. The introspection is not for the cowardly. I am tough and I barely survived the process of…
  • Before stumbling upon this thread, had arranged to borrow a friend's food scale. Let you know in a few days, provided the thread remains up, what an H pair weighs. Thanks to each and every poster for helping me laugh more than I've laughed in months. I needed that!
  • First is before going gluten free/Paleo/Primal. September 2006, Highest weight was 352 lbs, this pic is 328 lbs, my daughter's first cake, cooincidentally gluten free for a guest who had already made the shift. Second is June 2009. Before Kettlebells and I had just started training with my Z-Health coach. My hair is longer…
  • I have before, during and after pics on my profile page. Happy you found MFP. I measure in at 5'7.5". Top weight was >352 lbs. Shed 110 lbs. net. Was horribly under-muscled and have spent more time gaining muscle than shedding fat. Currently coming out of a year of gaining muscle at the same rate I was shedding fat so that…
  • Because a neuroscience fan asked a question on Facebook that I was able to answer fully, completely and accurately. On a side note - have just discovered the Geekiest-Game-Ever. Part of Sebastian Seung's Connectome project to map the human connectome. For the whole podcast with…
  • At 242 lbs, 5'7.5" height, female. I burn about 10 calories per minute max for Tabata protocol use of my 16 kg/35 lb Kettlebell. So a 20 minute, Tabata protocol, Kettlebell training session for me burns around 200 calories. The thing that makes that still inaccurate though is that it raises the rate at which I burn…
  • Browncoats are why I reversed infertility and got my Kidling. They will probably lead to a sibling down the line. (Waving like only a fan girl can.)
  • Anyone else going to Westercon today?
  • If you want to be successful at your goals, you may need to question your assumptions about why you are where you are and what it takes to get where you want to be. The ideas I believed when I joined this site and the ones that actually worked bear little resemblance to each other. See ticker.
  • Sad I am that your Koi and Cherry Blossoms were deleted. I was planning an ancient family symbol from my mother's lineage over my right upper arm. With what I've recently learned about the intersections of scarring, brain function and my now much improved health issues, I may wait a few more years. Maybe for my 50th…
  • Brilliant!!! Do not let my daughter see this! LOL She still thinks that John Barrowman/Captain Jack Harkness should be my next sperm donor so that she can have a brother by someone who she thinks is 'close' to the Doctor. This all started when I said that I loved the Doctor but not 'that' way and that if I were able to be…
  • Overwhelm is the amygdala's way of telling you that you are in fight or flight and that it thinks the monsters are going to eat you. It's mistaken. You are going to eat the monster, one bite at a time and your prefrontal cortex is just the buddy you need to do so. I learned a long time ago that the weight melts off me…
  • Just went back and read some more of the responses to you. Didn't realize you had issues with cholesterol. Mine was SKY HIGH, the good was low, the bad was very high. Took over a year because I already have hypothyroidism and adrenal issues but now my cholesterol is awesome. Good is up, bad is way down. I've been eating…
  • You've probably heard a few of us say that this 'isn't a diet, it's a way of life'. I have had much less adjustment to eating foods that work for my body and feel more challenged in changing the way I think, plan and structure living. Many of us have been brainwashed not to eat enough fat. If you're avoiding dairy, (I'm…
  • I'm strictly hoping for Rachel Maddow but I hear you. lol
  • When my daughter was born, I survived a brain injury that cost me my mobility and left me chronic pain for over three years. The physicians I consulted held no hope for me. (See my profile for more info.) On the verge of finding adoptive parents for my daughter because I could no longer care for her independently, I found…
  • lol Meditating this morning on what kind of Geek am I? the Girl kind... the kind that watches this to relax>
  • I got a much needed laugh from this comic:
  • You may also find the Savoy or Gold Star or (the best) Aroy-D Coconut Cream in your local Asian market. Where do you live?
  • Hope you don't mind but I'm stealing the idea of my daughter in one pant leg and the new me in the other. Although, by the time I'm at IBC, I may be able to put my Coach in the other leg. lol Love the shot of you in the black turtleneck. You are just so much more You! Congratulations! I shed my 100 lbs by my 45th, too. I…
  • :heart: that I can drop into this group at anytime of night or day and get a giggle.
  • Does anyone have any anecdotal evidence (even if it is only your own) of Coconut oil vs. MCT?
  • Kidling is 6.5 now. She transitioned to gluten free 14 months ago, grain free almost immediately afterward. She's a Primal/Paleo evangelist now. As an infant, she breastfed exclusively for around 7 months. She chose Halibut cheeks as her first food and the friends (kidless) whose plate she stole two fistfuls from have not…
  • You are not the only one. I refuse to state the identity of the other geeks who like Andromeda but I had crushes on both Laura Bertram and Lexa Doig.
  • I have somehow managed to stay away from my laptop for 4 entire hours. Oh well, it is Sunday and we make bacon around these parts some Sundays. But I digress... When I finally decide to check in on my new geek-erific cyber pals over at MFP (tummy full of eggs and happy, happy bacon!), I see this. I don't know if shopping…
  • Good evening, Cottonwood and Scotch Broom are in bloom and I am having nerdy sinus issues. Drinking homemade bone broth and Chinese herbs until I'm 100% so that I won't miss the killer bbq at my favorite geeks home on Monday. So, I'm in for the night with no sitter. Seattle. Are we on for a game or other entertainment?…