

  • I've just started this journey, but so far I don't have any rewards in mind, so much as goals. My goals will be the rewards. They are things like being able to shop in the big and tall section of a regular store, instead of having to order or go to the fatman store because currently, even the big and tall section at most…
  • I step on the scale every night at the gym. But, that's just to see if I've lost enough to register on it. It only goes to 400lb, damn, I just said ONLY, that's bad lol. After I get to the point where I show up on it, I plan to weigh once a week, but that will probably change just because I'll be so damn excited that I'm…
  • I've only been doing this eating/exercise lifestyle change a few weeks, but I drink the hell out of diet Dr. Pepper. Of course my co-workers are always telling me it's bad and make me gain weight. I tried to explain to them that, for a lot of people, it makes them crave sweets and the extra sweets make them gain weight.…
  • I've had a few encounters that would probably be classified as "scary", from stopping a home invasion, to having a gun on me, to having a gun on someone else. But, the 2 most scary days of my life that stand out to me were, 1. is two part. The day when my mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2000. Then,in may of 2002, I had…
  • I just started 2 weeks ago, my daily budget set by MFP is 3010, but I can tell you, that for me, even on days where I come in under 900, I'm not starving. I think it's the better quality eating and more protein.
  • I'm just now really starting out, and I'm by no means a professional...but it should be pretty obvious, that more exercise is better. I'm pretty sure that you already know that the comment "weights are useless and dangerous" is the biggest piece of crap advice anyone can give you. Sounds to me like someone who thinks they…
  • I think a lot of it is the whole "just do it" mentality. Personally, in the past, I've tried to keep a written journal, and I've never been able to do so. But, So far, I've been using MFP for 2 weeks and I've logged every single thing I've eaten, including gum. Maybe it's just because I really like how it's set up. I don't…
  • I didn't read the entire thread, because it got to being too much re-quoting and headaching, but, I just wanted to add my .02, from personal experience. As a lifetime fatty, I've had my times of eating, "right" or "healthy", like all supersized folks. I'm somewhere between 400 and 500lbs and I'm sure I was over 500lbs at…
  • I completely understand your dilemma. Your scenario is part of the same reason I have always failed when trying to diet. But now, at 400+ I say "400+" plus because I have no idea how much I weigh, the scale only goes to 400, I'm pissed off enough at myself to not give a damn what everyone around me is eating. Granted, I…
  • I have 4. Got my first one about 12 years ago, then got 3 in a year, (oct 6th 2012-oct 5th 2013). I love them and have a few more planned. I would just like to change the shape of my body before I finish decorating it. Also, I did put thought into what I'm planning to get. I don't plan on getting flash art, but also don't…
  • Dude..That is freakin' awesome! So glad to see this. Currently, I'm over 400, don't know by how much though, the scale at the gym only goes to 400lbs, and I'm looking to get down to about 220. I'm a bit shorter than you, only 5'10 or 5'11, depending on how the convenience store tape is hung, but I'd be ecstatic about 220,…
  • roasted red, yellow, and orange bell peppers with minced garlic and onions. No butter or oil, that I put over chicken while I baked it. Then sliced up the chicken into strips. Sort of like the stuff that goes in a fajita, but not wrap, just eating the chicken and veggies. Really tasty and under 400 calories
  • I'm with ya there. We have a candy bowl that gets filled everyday. I work evenings and some days there is literally candy sitting on my desk and waiting on me when I get there. I've not indulged in 2 weeks. I usually toss it across the room at someone else, or go put it back in the candy bowl. Tomorrow will be worse,…
  • Haven't had it in a looong time, but I used to love a sandwich with a really thick slice(at least 1/2 inch) of bologna and peanut butter
  • I'm just starting out, but I like boiled cabbage with a little bacon in it. Also, the big *kitten* bowl of salad mix like mentioned above and of course, boneless, skinless chicken breasts. I can season it different ways, throw different combinations of peppers/onions/veggies on it as it baked it doesn't get as redundant.…