

  • That is supurb!!! It gave me a smile! :happy:
  • Nuts are a great way to add calories without a lot off food. They are really high in fiber too. Although they are high in fat, it is a better fat. :happy:
  • Nutella is the BEST chocolate spread EVER!!!!
  • Hi, my name is Melissa and I am a Sugar Addict. :blushing: I try not to keep sweets in the house, because if there are they are in my mouth. If I do buy sweets, I have realized it is better for me to spend the little bit of extra money and get the ones that are individually packaged. When it comes to sweets myself control…
  • i have cut the majority of them out, however you would never know that i did in the last couple of days. Darn easter candy!!! anyway, i have upped my water intake and my veggie intake, which has helped alot. i dont crave the bread, and i have it here and there. same with the sweets. it also helps if they are not in the…
  • Carrots! or any other veggies, but I like carrots the best. Anything with complex carbs and fiber. I know they have the anti banana adds on the sides of the screen, but they are suppose to help you to stay fuller longer.
  • I wouldn't say you need to eat all of your exercise calories, just make sure you are getting enough protien and complex carbs after your work outs so you are not starving your mussles. With eating, it is not nessasarily eating more, it is eating more often. the smaller meals are better because they help keep your…
  • I'm not huge fish person either, but I have leart even with the less fishy fish, they can still be very fishy. This is due to how fresh the fish is. The fishier a "non fishy" fish is, the older it is. So I would suggest, if you have a way to buy fresh Cod, Halibut, or Talipia start there. Here is a site that might help you…
  • One thing that helps me, is setting the alarm clock 5-10 min earlier than I plan on getting up, and when it goes off I turn the light next to my bed on. I hate turning the light on when I have been asleep, so this helps my eyes ajust and gives me a few miniutes to strech out in bed, before my second alarm goes off, when i…
  • Looks like this site has a lot of good recipes, and they are broken down by catigorie. :smile: Good luck
  • As some ppl have said, you may be seeing muscle weight. Have you measured yourself to see if you are loosing inches?
  • Lots of swing music!! Indigo swing, Cherry Poppin Daddys, & Latin music
  • The fruit sugars are good sugars. You have to watch out for the "bad ones" here is a site that helps break it down.
  • I'm right there with you. I am working on loosing 75#s. It helps to give yourself "mini goals" to work up to your big goal. For instance, in 1 month I want to have lost 10#'s I make that my mini first goal and then have some kind of reward for when I do make it to that point, I havn't decided what it is going to be yet.…
  • I second the measuring!!! Also, if you are working out don't forget to swich things up. Your body will get use to the same'ol thing. If you are walking on the treadmill add hand weights for 2 min every 5. Increase the intensity and the incline. Same goes if you are just walking your neighborhood. I'm right there with you…
  • I have the opposite problem, I can't stand the treadmill. I do understand that it is somthing to get used to though. I don't know what kind you have, but some are easier than others. I personally like the stair stepper elliptial combo. When you get on, you have to start stepping, then with your arms you can control the…