ES110791 Member


  • All I know is that it's extremely depressing to think that a struggle with food will be lifelong. I know relapse is always possible, but I refuse to believe that you carry the disorder around in your head for the rest of your life. I believe a neutral relationship with food is possible. An eating disorder is only a…
  • I'm not going to tell you how much I weigh, sorry. And I will not lose weight probably, just because I don't really have enough motivation and I hate calorie restricting. I could do it, and I could do it healthily, but I don't know if I can be bothered. But as someone who is neither overly thin nor fat, I cannot help…
  • Yeah, seriously. I don't believe the bros lifting in the gym are all that concerned about their health. They want to be 'ripped.' The girls signing up for 'Ahsey Bines Bikini Body Challenge' don't care about their health. They want the beach bikini body. Most of the people I know who express a desire to lose weight or…
  • Semantics. I don't want to go back to my old weight. Period. I wish I hadn't added that bit about my eating disorder, I did it to clarify that my weight gain has been deliberate as opposed to an accidental change of habit or lifestyle, in which case you probably would say to turn it around. I have been this weight for a…
  • My body image is still bad but I eat properly without a meal plan or anxiety or restriction or vomiting and I have no physical symptoms of being underweight anymore. I just miss being able to fit into certain clothes and looking a certain way and if I can do it in a healthy way I don't consider that to be disordered. Feel…
  • Maybe some people don't log exercise and set it to higher amounts because of that. I have mine set to maintenance sedentary which is 1600, but I do lots of exercise and usually eat above 2000 calories, net 1600.
  • For me a short run is anything under 10k, 10-15k is a middle run and more than 15km is a long run.
  • I fkin hate strength training. I find it so tedious. Even pilates. I feel good after a good session but I just don't get anything else out of it. Cardio makes my legs look lean enough, running up hills makes me *kitten* ok. I don't really want the bulk. I do some good core work about twice a week but the 'results' really…
  • I'm running between 30-50km a week. More when I'm training for an event. I would never go on a seriously low carb diet. Right now I eat about 60-70% carbs, I love them too much to give up and those macros make me feel really good currently. I was thinking if dropping both my calorie and carb intake a little. Otherwise I…
  • Don't push her. She most likely knows people walk in on her binging or vomiting and is already mortified. If you mention it, or try to push her towards getting better faster, it's likely to backfire and you will make things worse or push her away. It sounds like she knows you're there for her (as much is appropriate in a…
  • Thanks everyone! And goodluck to you all too. Working towards something then achieving it is so rewarding, especially when it turns into something you genuinely love. And yeah, a full is definitely on the bucket list but it won'e be happening soon
  • Na, i'm going to concentrate on getting faster for now. Want to improve my 10k and 5k times, then hopefully do another, faster HM in April or May next year. I don't want to do a full until I can do it in a reasonable time!
  • How do you burn that many calories? A 13 mile run for me burns like 1200, how far do you run to burn 1500, and how often are you doing it? But yeah, as other people have said, make sure you at least eat enough to fuel your performance. I personally would not use long distance running to lose weight. Long distance running…
  • I am almost always way, way below sodium requirements. The sodium I get comes from bread or deli meat (ugh I need to stop eating that) Where do people get so much sodium from? Eat fresh instead of canned food and it's really easy to avoid. Isn't it?
  • Honouring your hunger. No food rules. Nourishing your body with whole, unprocessed good foods, but not banning yourself from nourishing your soul with 'unhealthy' foods if the occasion or craving calls for it. I think moderation comes naturally when you have a healthy relationship with food. All the people i've ever known…
  • Make goals to to do with running, like a time or a distance, and you will really start to love it and may even make it a hobbie to continue after weightloss. As opposed to just doing it for weightloss which is tedious because you reap no personal reward from it. (At least for me, which is why I hate HIIT training in gym…
  • Thanks. I'm not. I'm running a half marathon in about a month and i've been running between 40-50km a week in the last few months. I was thinking after it i'd make my running much more focused on interval training? What are strides? Do you think those goals are reachable by Christmas/in the new year or am I way…
  • BMI is only a general guide but if you need to restrict your calories to maintain your weight, it is not a good weight for you. Your body should sit easily at your natural weight. Only a small percentage of people can easily maintain a BMI below 20, let alone 18.5. Doing strength training and getting some muscle definition…
    in BMI Comment by ES110791 September 2014
  • I'm a newbie too! I've heard about 4 times a week is good, depending on your fitness level, because you don't want to burn out! I've been following this training plan, which is working out great for me, although lots of people would recomend you do…
  • I like having the goals of beating my PBs and the satisfaction when I can go faster. A fast high intensity run is so cathartic. It's so intense, because all your thinking about is your running. Everything else isn't relevant. IDK it's like you sort of burst out of your skin. And I agree, an easy slow jog is mediative. I…
  • Thanks for the other suggestions people! I need some new stuff. lol my running playlist has everything from Kanya West to Abba Right now i'm liking I Love Rock N Roll - Joan Jett Gansta's Paradise - Coolio Lovers on the Sun - Lovers on the Sun Ariana Grande - Problem Lover to Lover - Florence and the Machine Call me -…
  • I'm not a vegan and I don't strictly follow raw till 4. I didn't even do it intentionally but lately I have been having big fruit meals for nearly every breakfast/lunch and I do notice that those meals are really satisfying and there's a noticeable drop in my cravings for refined sugar (mostly chocolate) so for someone…
  • Obviously of yor body doesn't have glucose it's not the main source of energy but then you crave it and that's what makes people break their diet. I do know what reactive eating is, please don't lecture me about that. You're just more likely, in my observation, to engage in it after low carbing. I'm only stating what I've…
  • That's all very true but the point is that people go on a diet that they can only maintain for the short term and then eventually revert back to their old habits (and gain the weight back) because they haven't actually changed their lifestyle and only know how to eat in a way that is either not maintainable or the way they…
  • I've no doubt that you lose weight on a low carb diet and the appeal is that you lose quickly and that's exciting. But, I would love some testimonials of people who have had LONG TERM results on this diet/lifestyle. I personally know a lot of people who yoyo on this diet. The key to long term success is that the diet or…
  • You are definitely not doing yourself damage. When you're in recovery and your body and mind are healing the healthiest thing is actually not to exercise. Your body has lots of mending to do and that's done best when you are sedentary! Especially if you have had trouble with it in the past. Plenty of therapists actually…
  • Overnight oats or bircher muesli are awesome, you literally just take them out of the fridge and eat.
  • Do you have to do interval training to improve speed? I really hate it, I prefer to just do a shorter, faster run or a longer, slower one. My 10k pb is 1:01, (but it usually takes me about 1:05 these days) 5k 28 minutes. I used to be able to do a 15k in 1:34 but now i'm like 1:40. So i'm more of a 'jogger,' I suppose,…
  • 1200 calories a day is not appropriate or healthy for anyone. You should never eat below your BMR. You will lose, but weight loss at any cost is unhealthy and not worth it.