What does healthy eating mean to you?

I've asked so many of my friends this question and everyone has a different definition of what healthy eating is. I'm putting this question out there so I can hear from many more people on what this means!


  • not processed , close to the natural form, balanced and right amount each meal, have certain patterns of eating time. Hopefully i can do it , lol
  • ES110791
    ES110791 Posts: 43 Member
    Honouring your hunger. No food rules. Nourishing your body with whole, unprocessed good foods, but not banning yourself from nourishing your soul with 'unhealthy' foods if the occasion or craving calls for it.

    I think moderation comes naturally when you have a healthy relationship with food. All the people i've ever known who have never dieted and maintain healthy weights eat like that.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Eating in a way to maintain a healthy weight and fuel my body
  • I don't have much knowledge about nutrition but if I am going to be strict about the meaning of healthy eating, I think that it would be somewhat boring. You need to eat mostly natural like going back to basic, you can't eat any highly processed foods like cakes, junk foods, fast foods, etc. You eat mostly fruits, vegetables and you prepare and cook your own food with no artificial flavor enhancers and minimal oil-frying. For me, that is healthy eating but honestly I think I can't do that kind of healthy eating.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    Eating in a way to maintain a healthy weight and fuel my body
    I couldn't think of a better answer. One can still have bad eating habits even if the food is "clean".
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    - Eating nutrient dense foods to avoid deficiencies, especially iron
    - Not overloading on carb rich foods in a short period of time to the point where my blood sugar goes whack
    - Not eating things that make me sick, like having egg whites too often
    - Getting plenty of fiber to avoid constipation
    - Having reasonable amounts of sodium because I'm prone to hypertension
    - Not going over my maintenance calories for more than a few days at a time to avoid gaining weight and going back to horrible blood panel results
    - Keeping my trans fats to a minimum to avoid screwing my cholesterol which I worked so hard to bring down
    - Having the above rules be a part of a natural flow without getting obsessive to provide continuity
    - Eating foods that don't necessarily fall into the above criteria if I crave it to keep sane

    Basically, it could be different for every person based on their personal needs and situation. Healthy eating is eating in a way that does not have adverse effects on your body or mind, even if it includes foods that are usually deemed unhealthy by the public or excludes foods that are usually deemed healthy.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    Just making sure I eat at or under my calorie goal. Food is food to me, but I have an eating disorder (Selective Eating Disorder) so I eat the small list of foods I'm not phobic of to stay alive.
  • KatrineJensen
    KatrineJensen Posts: 75 Member
    - Eating nutrient dense foods to avoid deficiencies, especially iron
    - Not overloading on carb rich foods in a short period of time to the point where my blood sugar goes whack
    - Not eating things that make me sick, like having egg whites too often
    - Getting plenty of fiber to avoid constipation
    - Having reasonable amounts of sodium because I'm prone to hypertension
    - Not going over my maintenance calories for more than a few days at a time to avoid gaining weight and going back to horrible blood panel results
    - Keeping my trans fats to a minimum to avoid screwing my cholesterol which I worked so hard to bring down
    - Having the above rules be a part of a natural flow without getting obsessive to provide continuity
    - Eating foods that don't necessarily fall into the above criteria if I crave it to keep sane

    Basically, it could be different for every person based on their personal needs and situation. Healthy eating is eating in a way that does not have adverse effects on your body or mind, even if it includes foods that are usually deemed unhealthy by the public or excludes foods that are usually deemed healthy.

    And there we go, this is basically my philosophy as well. :flowerforyou:
  • Navtendon
    Navtendon Posts: 168
    To me, it means

    Eat real food. Plants as they come out of the ground and animals that eat plants as they come out of the ground.

    Yes this is unfortunately expensive, but life has never been so delicious.
  • Fitteacherc
    Fitteacherc Posts: 38 Member
    For me, it means eating within certain macros (similar to "If It Fits Your Macros / IIFYM"). I've learned over time that non-processed foods are best for me and that I need a good protein source with each meal. I think healthy eating is about finding the framework and habits that work for you.