Sodium in everything, especially "lite" foods



  • ES110791
    ES110791 Posts: 43 Member
    I am almost always way, way below sodium requirements. The sodium I get comes from bread or deli meat (ugh I need to stop eating that)

    Where do people get so much sodium from? Eat fresh instead of canned food and it's really easy to avoid. Isn't it?
  • kyregi
    kyregi Posts: 55 Member
    I'm also on a low sodium diet per doctor's orders. I've been eating quite a bit of salmon since i started on that diet in January and honestly I cannot believe your salmon data. (or I will be totally frustrated now since I ate way more sodium than I thought over the past few months...)
    Here is what I usually log:
    Kroger - Farm-raised Atlantic Salmon, 6 oz sodium: 65mg
    straight from MFP....

    Yes, there is some natural sodium in most foods, but you can easily keep it below 1500mg or (even easier) 2300mg if you need to. Read the labels, read the labels , read the labels. It is annoying in the beginning, but after a while you will have your staples and find it much more easy than you ever thought it would be. I absolutely love chips and I can fit in some Doritos every other day without going over my sodium or my calorie limit (which is now at maintaining 2000cal).

    You can do it, you just need to be aware about all the sources of sodium.