

  • Congratulations! I love that feeling of getting back into my "skinny" clothes! Good for you!
  • Totally awesome! My personal best is just over 30 minutes, with intervals. Congratulations to you!
  • Hi, Deidre. Welcome aboard, and may your journey be an easy one!
  • I second that...awesome abs! And your legs look great! Love to hear your workout, 'course, not sure I could handle it, lol.
  • I wasn't crazy about it either. But I was told it takes 21 days to create a habit. So I stuck it out and made it a habit to get up early and use my elliptical in the morning, and first thing when I get off work. Believe it or not, now I don't like NOT exercising. Now I'm looking for different things to make me feel good. I…
  • Hi, Chuck. Welcome to MFP, and if you need a friend, feel free to add me or accept my friend request.
    in New guy Comment by SueSee April 2011
  • Glad you had positives, keep it up. Remember we're here for you! Keep busy when the darkness looms, and it'll lift soon enough. It can't stay snowy forevery, it just seems that way!
  • We only have a limited amount of days that will be just right for getting out in and really working. Then the heat sets in: We'll hit 95 degrees in June, and it will quickly heat up after that. We're on the coast, so the humidity is really formidible. So I'm really looking forward to getting out while I can. Funny thing…
  • Howdy from the Gulf Coast area, between Corpus and Houston! Anyone heard of Seadrift, or Port O'Connor?
  • I love this site. My son sent it to me first, I had to pass it around the office. One by one we fell out by the aisle, until no one was working.
  • You have two great reasons to stick with this. You also will have all the support you need. Good luck and God bless.
  • I have about 21 - 23 pounds to lose! Let's go for it! Well, should say by my scales, Butt naked, not by Dr.'s scales! LOL Fixing to change my Official weigh in weight and day.
  • Hi, Karen. I can sympathize with you, to a certain extent. I live in South Texas, where we NEVER get snow. BUT, the wind here has been driving me crazy for the past month. 40mph + every day! I hate to even go outside. I know that our spring is coming, the birds tell me so, and the temperatures are marvelous, but the wind!…
  • I'm lucky enough to have an insurance com;pany at work that awards points for different healthy activities. I've saved enough points and just ordered the Polar FT7 for free! Only thing is I didn't get to choose a female one, so I'll probably get a male version. I had bought a New Balance one, but took it back. I couldn't…
  • Wonderful! So glad for you! You are and will be an inspiration for a whole lot of people! Way to go!
  • Sounds good. I would never have thought of the pineapple.
  • Thanks for the answers. I just got the Zumba Fitness DVDs from Amazon. Just started today, so will not start with high impact, but am sure I will work uip to it quick. I think I paid about $65 for the set. It includes 5 dvd, and the "toning sticks." pluc instruction book. I'm still going through the basics right now, but…
  • All of my sugars are coming from things like carrots, my fruits, etc. I don't eat anything sweet. As for my sodium, I can drop that, but I don't think my 4 pounds are water related, not all of it, anyway. If I drop my fruits and nuts because of the fat and sugar content, and the sodium, I just don't know what to eat. I…
  • All my weighins are at the Dr.'s: same scale. I'm always clothed, usually in my jeans and a shirt, no shoes. Usually I weigh in at noon, today it was 5:00. Not much to account for the gain. I've opened my food diary, if anyone wants to look. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • I'm about to go to my Grandson's 5th birthday party in two weeks. We have to travel 10 hours to be there for his party. I'm not sure whether he'll notice, being a ball of fire, but I plan on having a tiny sliver of his cake. Then the family is going to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. He's been begging for a year to go there. I…
  • Monday 3-28 3.56 Miles Tuesday 3-29 2.58 Wednesday 3-30 2.50 Thursday 3-31 3.06 Friday 4-01 5 miles Sat 4-02 None Sunday 4-03 3.6 miles These were all done on my elliptical machine except for Friday, April 1st which was our Relay for Life and was done around a track. Total Mileage for the week: 20.3 miles! WOW Surprised…
  • I assume your Garmin came with a GPS, and that's why it needed a Satellite. I also assume that the HRMs that don't use GS don't need a satellite. Anyone?
  • Thanks for posting! I'll print this and use a lot of it!
  • Absolutely stunning! You are beautiful!
  • Hi! I've been here a month, and I"ve found the easiest for me to do is record my calories on my iPhone as soon as I eat. I mean, I'm usually sitting down, anyway, and I have my phone with me, so... Then at night I finish things up. Oh, and if you still need a friend, I'll be glad to be one. Must warn you, I haven't seen 23…
  • That's what I use, Almond milk. A cup is only 60 calories, and it tastes delicious.
  • Hi, McKenzie. Best of luck to you, feel free to add me if you want. My husband and I used to fry a LOT. Then we got this wonderful microwave, believe it or not, that cooks everything. We can cook a chicken breast in it with a little dab of olive oil on it, and it tastes like it was fried! It's wonderful! Also, we can put a…
  • I'm just getting started here. I have a lot of back and neck problems, so haven't started any strength training yet. Right now I work on the Elliptical machine every morning and night for 20 to 30 minutes each, varying my workout from easy to hard. Somedays I'll get in 60 minutes total and somedays 45 or 50. Sometimes on…
  • My life long dream vacation would be a trip to Italy. I'd like to go to Austrailia and Alaska also. I"ve been to Germany twice, and England once, with a day trip to Paris. I've spent 10 days in Taiwan, and lived 3 years in Japan. Took my kids to Disney World, and been to Vegas twice. And that's about it.
  • I'm always at loss when I go there: I never know what to order, even before I began this change. Now I just get the turkey on wheat with veggies, or turkey and ham on wheat and veggies. Still a treat!
    in Subway Comment by SueSee March 2011