Dream Vacation-What is Yours?



  • misty92
    misty92 Posts: 10
    Well to start..... Hawaii,Italy, Ireland, Austrilia.
  • RosalieCrain
    What part of Spain are you going to? I've been to Ibiza, Valencia, Gran Canaria and Barcelona
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    My life long dream vacation would be a trip to Italy. I'd like to go to Austrailia and Alaska also. I"ve been to Germany twice, and England once, with a day trip to Paris. I've spent 10 days in Taiwan, and lived 3 years in Japan. Took my kids to Disney World, and been to Vegas twice. And that's about it.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I think I'm officially jealous of most of you. Those are places I'll continue to dream about only. As a teacher, I'll never be able to afford most of those vacations.
    I have been to Hawaii once. My daughter played in the King Kamahemahe Volleyball Tournament there in 2008.....one of my motivations to lose weight. I told her if she was going, so was I. The coaches that took her team were AWESOME, and the tourney was a minor part of the trip....we snorkeled, toured Pearl Harber (A MUST FOR HISTORY BUFFS), parasailed, went to a luau, shopped, hung out at the beach, etc. etc. It was a WONDERFUL time for both of us. As a plus......her team (made up of nine girls from five SMALL high schools in western Nebraska) won the tourney (over another Nebraska team -- Nebraska East.....much larger schools for the most part).
    I do plan to go back to Hawaii when I retire from teaching. Close friends go every winter for about eight weeks to their timeshare. I keep telling them that I will be there the year I retire for a long visit :wink:
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    I think it would have to be Dubai ,Borneo and Belgium (not sure why)