redlipsticklyfe Member


  • Julie-Yaaaayyyyyy for the new gym finally being open! I'm glad your mom's doing okay now. Beeps - love live theater! I don't think I've seen book of Mormon. I'll have to see if I can find the script online. Day 4 of 4 in the gym and as beeps says BOOM! I did basic training 2b today and can I just say that doing these…
  • Congrats on finishing stage one Dawn! That first stage just dragged and dragged for me. I'm pretty sure I didn't finish it cause I got bored. I think you'll like stage Thanks beeps! It feels great to be back! I'm with you. I never eat before a workout. I always feel super nauseous. If I do eat it has to be 3 hours before.…
  • Heeeyyyyy everybody! I've been lurking on the thread for a few weeks but since I hadn't lifted or really worked out since January (yikes!) i didn't have much to add. I've moved twice in the last two months and thankfully won't have to do it again for at least a year. I hadn't been lifting because I literally didn't have…
  • @jamaicanlady‌ You were an absolutely beautiful bride! Your arms look amazing! And that DRESS!!!! I swoon. @Ali_momof2‌ hope you feel better soon and congrats on the new job! @Beeps2011‌ That schedule sounds challenging and fun! @jo_marnes‌ I hope you feel better! Happy New Year ladies!I hope you all had a great holiday…
  • I'm IN! I need a challenge to keep me motivated and focused. My goals are: 1. Lift 3x a week 2. Meal prep on Saturday's 3. Lose these last 3 pounds and maybe an inch off my waist
  • Dou- I'm loving super charged! I'm especially loving RAMP since it keeps my back pain at bay. It's printed on the worksheet that I use to track my workouts so I remember the whole thing. Dna- Your reasons are fantastic and I'm sure you would look killer in a bikini Did my second A workout in Basic Training 1. I didn't do…
  • Hello hello everyone! You guys are busy and amazing! I watched the handstand push ups and the pull ups/ chin ups? dna and they were amazing! You're badass for that! Jamaica I think you're making good solid decisions for yourself but I do hope you go to your doctor. Knowledge is power and all that jazz. Julie your progress…
  • This is crazy amazing!!!!!!
  • Hiiiiiiii!!!! I'm back you guys and definitely missed you! These new forums completely confused me. I spend a great deal of time looking for part 20 of this thread and then being mind blown when I finally opened this page up to see 300+ pages. And all the good emojis are gone! How will I give you guys flowers for a job…
  • Ali- I definitely applaud you on your decision regarding your job. I used to complain about how I lost everywhere except where I wanted to lose. I wanted my stomach to shrink but instead it was all in my thighs and arms. Eventually I just accepted that my body was going to lose in the order and way it wanted to lose and no…
  • I DID REAL PUSH UPS!!!!! REAL LIFE ON THE FLOOR ELBOWS IN- CHEST ALMOST TOUCHING THE GROUND - THIS IS SPARTA PUSH UPS!!!! I decided that today, after only doing one work out last week, was the day that I would try push ups from the ground. I've been doing them at about a 35 degree angle on my sofa and decided today that I…
  • I'm baaaaaaaacccckkkkkk!!!! Pudding: YOU'RE ALMOST FINISHED NEW RULES!!!!!!!!!! I'm super excited for you! I'm sorry your little one is giving you so many problems while you're at the gym though. Pudding, Jamaica, BBCowgirl: I don't know what it was about today but I noticed all of your tickers and started screaming. No…
  • Sunshine: It is absolutely a shredder! The first few times I did it I collapsed on the floor after and didn't move for at least 15 minutes. I definitely think that my results have picked up and started moving a bit faster because of that stage. Pudding: How has stage 7 been for you?
  • @runzalot: Thanks! That really was the most accurate description that I could find for it. I have taken horrible progress photos in non flattering clothes as well so I feel your pain. However based on the picture you have as your avi you already look amazing and the progress photos would just be showing how much you've…
  • 3/3 the last two weeks. An ex friend gave me hemp protein powder and I was super excited because you get 60 grams of protein for just under 300 calories. It tastes like all the bad decisions you made in your past but I dealt with it because it was high protein low calorie. So I'm standing in Safeway contemplating what my…
  • Hiiiii! It's been a while since I've been on here but I'm glad to see you ladies doing so well. I finished two rounds of stage 7 and I'm currently doing stage 4. I've added in yoga on my off days but....I hate yoga. It's so slow. I have tooooo much time to think. And it just keeps going and going. But it's supposed to be…
  • mnsmov: I love that even though you stopped lifting you maintained the progress that you had made. Welcome back! Sunshine: take some time to get yourself together if you need to! The lifting will be here when you're ready to get started again. I'm doing 3 days of yoga this week and three days of lifting. I got a little…
  • Jamaica: I weigh every day too. Seeing the numbers helps keep me focused during the day. Also I've ignored your justifications of your supposed "fatness". I have decided that your body is fabulous and you just don't see it yet. But you will :angry: :drinker: :flowerforyou: 3/3 for last week. I hit my calories, lifted, and…
  • Maya: I hope you're feeling better! The flu sucks especially when you get it in the summer. I've only got 2 workouts left until I finish stage 7 round 2 as well. I took a mental health break after I finished round one because stage 7 can take a lot out of you. Now of course I'm so exercise obsessed at this point that I…
  • marieann: I’ve done a whole 30, 60, and 90 and the thing that made all of those possible was planning. When I had to think about what I was going to eat everything went downhill. Also I reminded myself that not having grains which is my major temptation was not that big a deal and there are plenty recipes and foods I can…
  • Just realized that I haven't been checking in for the challenge. I've been 3/3 the past three weeks! Thank GOD for this challenge it's what motivates me to get up off my butt and work out. Okay I'm going to go back and read what's been going on with you lovely ladies lately.
  • Runz: That tea party looks so wonderful! Beeps: Pretty dress! Do you have to wear all white for the even or are you just super chic? Stage 7 workout 3 today. I only do three rounds because by the fourth I'm usually bored out of my mind. Also I'm only .4 pounds away from my first goal weight! I'M 135.4!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so…
  • I'm 5'2 and I have the 6ft. I love it. I Immediately was able to lift a lot heavier than I had with my shorter bar. Probably has something to do with the distribution of the weight. I've done all of new rules and seen results working out from home. I love the convenience of working out in my underwear and not having to…
  • HI! Random check in. I'm taking a mental health break from lifting this week. I went to do my second round of stage 7 and my mind and body just couldn't get with it. Lou says that if you really don't want to do a particular workout....don't. Of course he meant added cardio but I think it applies to lifting too. Stage 7 is…
  • sunshine: So I totally forgot to take pics when I was on the beach. I'll get them next time I go. Stage 7 is rough. It's non stop. The rest breaks are literally a joy. 30 seconds is enough time to pick up the next set of weights you're using. Maya: I know right! The changes that stage 7 brings to your body are unbelievable…
  • And so bikinigeddon has come and gone. I went to the beach yesterday and laid out in my bikini and achieved a delicious and beautiful tan. I wasn't embarrassed in my bikini or my body and my mom even said I looked really good and I'd lost a lot of weight. I turned bikinigeddon into this huge deal. As if it were a bikini…
  • Bikinigeddon is Saturday and I checked the mirror this morning to see how much back fat I was going to be covering this weekend. It's gone yall.....GONE!!! I'm happy dancing all over the place. Oh and I finished stage 7 which is the first stage I've finished completely since I started new rules.
  • 3/3 last week. finished stage 7 today. I wanted to stop halfway through the workout because its sooo hard. The moves are pretty simple but doing them so quickly back to back just wears you out. Looking forward to the rest of this week since bikinigeddon is saturday. SATURDAY!!!
  • I'm baaaaaccccckkkkkk. I haven't really been posting but I have been working out. I finished workout 5 tonight and I'm like you guys. I'm kind of over it. I dread doing it and while I'm doing it I want it to be over. As a matter of fact I stopped taking the rest breaks in between the super sets. I just go straight through…
  • HI! Beeps: that Dexa scan blew my mind. Like seriously. If that's 33% BF I'm in trouble. But as always I LOVE your attitude and how you approach your weight loss journey Manic: 10 years cancer free! Go head with your bad self! That's absolutely awesome! Jo: You can break out of the funk. Even if you can't go pick up the…