StalgiaPasternak Member


  • Okay you can do it by grams here. How much does Premium cost? There are some apps for Keto but they look tacky and can be pricey.
  • I’m thinking of doing this too. I have a similar scenario. I lost 50lbs with Weight Watchers and gained 20 back. I think my system is messed up. I’m nervous about counting all these grams of carbs, etc. I considering using this app for that. But I think I have to pay now to set my macros and I don’t know if you can do…
  • 50 pounds is A LOT of weight! I'm considering going vegan to lose weight and to feel better. I do believe veganism is the healthiest diet and I do think it's best for the planet. I have a 3 year old and a meat eating husband though so it's tough to change your own diet so extremely when you have to cook for two other…
  • Thank you so much for sharing! Truly inspirational! I have about 50 pounds to lose and you make me feel it is possible! Thank you and enjoy! You deserve a spa getaway!
  • If you can figure out that logging is correct or incorrect I am sure I can! Also, not everyone here subscribes to the logging fanaticism and I tried to make that point many times as I have logged for many years and yes I have lost weight but gained it back and I think in large park the obsession with logging is unhealthy…
  • Only one was a woman and women can be awful to one another (as I pointed out on what I said about new mothers). You don't have to have a D11K to be one!
  • Cool = READING what the poster writes and responding to it in a respectful way IF you have specific experience with or knowledge of what is being posited. Uncool = Skimming over what the poster writes, responding in a condescending way that is in no-one helpful nor respectful of what the poster writes nor their experience…
  • AGREED! I have to say this whole post has reminded me so much of becoming a new mother when non-mothers would bark their opinions at me about god know's what that they had no clue about. Each human being is different. Each body is different. Each person experiences things differently. AND I'm a 35 year old mother with a…
  • Seriously, log properly for a week and then come back and let us know how many calories you estimate to have eaten, and then add about 200 calories to that to account for error with the take out and lack of weighing food.[/quote] Yes, well as I said I'm going to log religiously again for a month but try and stick to Paleo…
  • I'll come back and post here after my experiment and let you all know if it worked! Thanks for all your advice! Well the positive helpful advice!
  • Plateaus do hit a lot of dieters. Sometimes changing things up helps, sometimes you just need to be patient a little longer until the scale or your inches start moving. I hope things work out for you. Good work on your weight loss so far (especially while working out and taking care of a toddler), and good luck. Thank you!…
  • It's not that I haven't done that religiously many times. In fact, there could probably be 5-6 years of my life over the course of the past 15 years I was doing that. I just find it's depressing and unsustainable and quite frankly not realistic (at least for me) long term. I want a lifestyle change not a temporary fix.…
  • Yeah it's weird. Doctors are so useless though. I find you really have to figure things out these days. All they do is try to give you drugs. Or, they don't do anything and say it will just improve on its own! lol Must be nice to make so much money for doing very little (talking about GPs here).
  • I see what you are saying and this could work only as I said I really find having to count calories depresses me that's why I'm considering Paleo or Clean Diet so that I don't have to do that.
  • I am quite shocked you would make this kind of suggestion! Are you a qualified person to assess something as serious as an eating disorder based on a thread online? I am just as puzzled as anyone that I am suddenly never hungry when I use to be such a gourmande. The fact that I am trying to figure it out indicates that I…
  • I know right! Comments like "Actually no, you are wrong" could be way more tactful and are generally considered very rude when people are actually trying to help. My guess, if it were someone in person it would have gone more like: "Thanks for your input but I have logged some days and found X... is it possible to stop…
  • So when I was counting calories I would get a Starbuck's breakfast sandwich (390 or 400 calories for lunch), have a Subway sandwich for lunch (550 calories) and then have Chicken and some veg for dinner with maybe a cookie or two (European cookies I buy only have about 40 calories for two!!!) The only place that I would be…
  • @findingabetter Thank you for your useful and insightful help. I do suspect that it must be that I am not eating enough as I burn about 700 calories a day in exercise and barely eat so that combined with my limited food intake I think is leading to a starvation mode. I think maybe I have to start cleaning up my diet. I've…
  • Actually no, you are wrong. I was eating 1200 calories before and tracking religiously for months. I am eating WAY less than I was when I was tracking and the San Pelligrino I am drinking is the unflavoured zero calorie bubbly water not flavoured with all that sugar crap. The few days I double check and enter my calories…
  • Thank you everyone for your advice. It's all so much to take in at the beginning. There is the eating to control, the workouts to get use to, and I'm a mum so I don' t have much spare time in general. I'll take this all into consideration and thank you again!
  • Hi, So I got the book and I'm wondering how to start. I see the Phases but it's all a bit overwhelming really. I have 60 pounds to lose and just started. Should I cut some BF first before I start heavy lifting?
  • Thank you so much for all your answers. I should clarify, I'm not so much avoiding going to the gym in spandex or any other tight fitting clothing so much because of what people will think it's more because I'm just not comfortable and I feel like I need to enjoy myself working out and I don't feel as though I would in a…
  • Amazing! Well done!
  • Few so I'm not the only one! I just really want to do things right this time so I don't want to be overeating or worse not eating things because of faulty calculations. I think I'm going to go with double checking with that other source for a while and seeing if MFP comes up consistent.
  • Okay So I just compared MFP's calculator for one recipe (Gwyneth Paltrow Brownies) to the Calorie Count one and they were identical so I think that's good.
  • Hi Everyone, Thank you for all your replies! I honestly did check all the ingredients about 4 times and I did have to alter a few. At first, it said one slice was 9000 calories so there was obviously a serious issue! The crust in this recipe is included so all the ingredients are included in the calculation. It's so…