kswizzy Member


  • What's the difference between the Polar FT7 and the Polar FT4?
  • Thank you for the input! lol rather than being unhelpful and telling me to go buy something I can in no way afford. That's what I've been doing is just upping my cals on those days some (which makes sense since I tend to be hungrier anyway!). appreciate the input!
  • I have the SAME question... only I CANT change my activity level to active because 5 days out of the week I have a desk job But ON WEEKENDS i work at a catering place... and it might be just saturday or saturday and sunday (depending) but on those days I am carrying heavy trays and running around getting stuff on my…
  • WEll I couldnt say what the point of wanting one was because I was asking what they do and what the point of getting them is. I"m worried about wearing it and it looking like this big bulky thing around my midsection... how do women weigh in the on how comfortable they are, and where/how they wear them?
  • http://1yeartolose.blogspot.com/ that Blog is by a girl I know... if you scroll down you'll see some of her pictures... she chronicles everything she goes thru (pics too) with how much weight she's lost.... Follow it! It's so inspiring. I believe she's lost 60lbs already and is shooting for that last 23 or something. SHe…
  • ur body needs that cheat day. THATS MY FAVORITE PART! (and what i've always told my friends and family who wondered how I could occasionally go have a milkshake with fries and a burger or eat that brownie sunday with hot fudge after a ridiculous meal out... and still be trim and cut). I tried to explain that I ran 3 days a…
  • mapmyrun has one... i LOVE it
  • Incline matters... a LOT. The best way to monitor is with one of those watches that Nike has that are extremely programmable... Otherwise... just use estimates. Anything you plug in your weight and distance or weight and timeframe into isn't going to account for what your heart-rate was or for how the incline's changed.…
  • also, sometimes I may just have a little coffee rather than food.
  • I'm a runner and I've definitely done it... a lot. I try not to work out on a completely empty stomach, but for sure I would get up and try to eat half a banana or a small piece of a granola bar ... and then go to the gym or out for a run. There have definitely been times I've gone without even that little bit in my…
  • I've done both... and I can definitely see the benefit in each. I'd say it depends on what type of yoga you do. Some yoga just feels more stretching and relaxing and "ommmmm"ing than strength increasing, which is fine if that is what you are into.... but for me - no thanks. I know the yoga that is in the p90x dvd feels…
  • Good question! I wonder the same thing... As the HRM on the treadmill always tells me i'm way higher than I should be. But to keep it in that range... I basically can't run.. I have to just do short jogs and walk, when frankly, I'd rather just run. I'm curious to see what the answer is!
  • I'm definitely NOT a diet soda drinker. I'd much rather just drink water than any type of soda to begin with. For beverages sometimes I do add in some crystal light (just to keep it interesting!) But today I was over my sugar by the end of breakfast! Just from the sugar in my cereal and in the milk that and my coffee! but…