Pilates or Yoga?

Which is better for toning?

Does one have more benefits than the other?

Also, can someone recommend their favorite DVD?

Any thoughts?


  • helena9
    helena9 Posts: 34

    Thanks for posting this :) Really intrigued to find out the answer as I don't know .... ecckkk sorry that isn't much use! xx
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    You burn more calories doing pilates. Yoga is more "strength" than cardio, IMO, even though you will burn some calories doing it as well. I tend to do both once or twice a week, and I just pick whatever I feel like doing from Netflix instant (each one will work things a little different)..I have really been enjoying the Crunch Gym: Fat-burning pilates lately...
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I've done both pilates and a generic yoga class.
    I personally preferred yoga as I found it so relaxing. They removed the yoga class at my gym and replaced it with pilates. I have noticed a real change in toning my body since I started pilates - however this could simply be down to one of the instructors being better than the other, and the type of yoga - and I'm never in so much muscle pain in the week, as I am 48 hours after pilates!! Not even after intense cardio! I really enjoy it, but I do miss yoga for the calm spirituality of it.
  • kswizzy
    kswizzy Posts: 15 Member
    I've done both... and I can definitely see the benefit in each.

    I'd say it depends on what type of yoga you do. Some yoga just feels more stretching and relaxing and "ommmmm"ing than strength increasing, which is fine if that is what you are into.... but for me - no thanks.

    I know the yoga that is in the p90x dvd feels like a power-yoga .. so i love it.

    My suggestion: if you want something with a little more umpf to it, do one of these two:
    # Vinyasa: more aggressive stretching, with a focus on sun salutations and connecting breathing with movement
    # Ashtanga: fast-paced and more intense (sometimes referred to as "power yoga"), this form focuses on constant movement from one pose to the next .\

    so my suggestion is p90x yoga x. :)

    Tho winsor pilates isn't bad if you do decide to go that route