mcouey84 Member


  • Based on your weight and height, I would think more background info is necessary in order to answer how you can better satisfy your hunger... Are you exercising? Tracking calories burned? Are you active otherwise throughout your day? Being someone who gains easily (not lean weight), I have to tailor my intake around my…
  • I used to joke with my friends that I wanted to have to walk through doorways sideways... ...also that I wanted my shadow to scare the pee outta people haha
  • B-12 can increase your mood, energy and appetite! I've used the sublingual, chewables and at one point was prescribed an injectable when my intake was 6k+/day.
  • "1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (2.2 g/kg of BW) per day has been a bodybuilding rule of thumb for decades. Higher levels of protein intake, usually in the range of 1.2 – 1.5 grams per pound of body weight (2.6 – 3.3 g/kg BW) per day, are commonly recommended when “cutting” to lose fat." -Google, Muscle for…
  • This exercise/tool is excellent for forearm and grip strength...for the life of me I can't remember the name... A few years ago I made one with a length of cotton rope tied to a dowel rod and small plate (2.5 or 5#)...worked like a charm!
  • barefoot indoor cycling and free weights at home...I'm too clumsy in socks
  • You will lose weight eating 1750/day...1200/day is quite aggressive, depending on your age that could be 50% of the required calories to maintain your current weight. Where are you seeing that as your recommended intake? For that matter, what length of time have you given yourself to reach this goal? I believe MFP's food…
  • You'll feel better before you look better.
  • not really...all I'm really doing is making a very general statement.
  • My first post asked about his goal(s)....
  • The pic is me. I had just decided to practice some posing after a workout, difficult to do by yourself I might add! I was 175 in the picture, down from 210 ~8 months before. I think to explain will justify as hi-jacking, but your edit deserves my reply. I was an amateur BB in college, training came easy as I played several…
  • I take offense to that and frankly, feel sorry for you. I'm glad you thought it was necessary to attack my character. You must be so proud of yourself. Note that I chimed in to help the OP...not to give you a reason to up your "impressive" 9k+ posts...
  • One of my favorite BB mentors taught me the best way to drop water is to drink logically, the opposite would make sense to retain. If that's all you want to gain maybe try some zero cal sports drinks...they're basically sodium and a few vitamins anyway
  • Seminole Wind - John Anderson
  • So you're saying that generally, you can't classify people into one of three different body types based on composition or genetics? ^---read above.
  • Are you an endomorph? I am and I can build muscle walking to the mailbox. There's not enough information from the OP to say definitively which is why I stated "you may" before the rest...
  • totally agree... OP - based on several factors (body type, balance of macros, rest between training) you may have actually lost fat and gained lean muscle mass. Do you have a weight-loss or more of a body image goal?
  • To the OP.... I would recommend hitting the free weights after warming up elsewhere in the gym. Once you get into the groove of your normal routine you'll subconsciously become more relaxed and be able to focus. Focus comes easier for many with free weights over machines simply because the exercises require specific…
  • You might be slowing the recovery process if you're not taking in the right nutrients to build/repair muscle tissue after training. Just my $.02 - good luck!
  • Easy - the guy who raps and shadow boxes right outside the ladies' weight room. About two months ago he was hard at it and accidentally punched the wall o' mirrors in front of him. He made good contact, but luckily he didn't break it and just had to leave embarrassed. I laughed so hard I had to hop off the stairmaster…
  • DannehBoyy - try reversing your workout. It's the simplest thing you can do since you already have an established routine (I know you said not strict, but you have an idea of what you're gonna do each time you go to the gym). This way, you have more energy for the exercises you might typically leave til last! If you can…
  • Jon - I'm with you on this. I absolutely think that you could achieve an Alcide look with a 30min/day training program. Have you considered something like this: It's an overview of Dogg Crapp/Dog Crap training - high intensity, short rest, major muscle group, training…
  • Whew...I respect anyone that does Insanity! Sounds to me like you're building muscle. If you've overdone it, your body may just need some rest. Those that tell you to push through or suck it up don't know how you feel - you have to listen to your body and only you know how sore you must be! One thing that helps me is…
  • Congratulations Rick - thank you for sharing your story! I'm sure you'll knock out those last 25 in no time. Good luck to you!!
  • OP--> How long have you been doing your current routine? What does it look like?
  • Sounds right to me...there's no reason to starve yourself! People laugh when you tell them that you eat 5-6 times each day and still manage to lose weight! Next question - what are you taking? I used to hate that one :)
  • what he said... the ONLY ingredients you NEED to reach your fitness goals are; diet, exercise and sleep...don't consider supplements until those things are in check!
  • You know...we're all here for our own reasons and you'll find incredible diversity and gobs of inspirational stories to keep you motivated! What type of gainer are you? In my experience (and I'm sure there's science somewhere to back it up) that determines what kind of "loser" you'll be! Also, what kind of small, habitual…
  • Hello Sam! To start, I feel you on the retail thing...13 years through HS and college - I had my share and can truly empathize with you. If you don't mind me asking, what are your goals? I'll be happy to tell you that I'm very recently back on the wagon after two injuries and can't wait to be in shape again!
  • Oh yeah...and I always put cardio after weights. Since your HR will already be elevated from lifting, you're more likely to burn calories at a faster rate! I like Abs towards the end so I can lay down :)