how to perform with aches

Ok im doing insanity and I add few reverse pull ups and push ups etc with a bar as I find it alot more comfortable to do and alot more effective, but effectiveness creates aches and pains in the usual places biceps triceps etc

But how do I work through that pain I did insanity plyo today and because my muscles are sore from yesterdays work out half the moves I found highly uncomfortable and probably didnt even do any or many effectively even any everything felt so slow and heavy.
I found even the straight arm jacks a challenge so least I know the work out yesterday usung my bar was effective but if im not able to do nxt days routines because of sore arms how am I ment to improve.


  • mcouey84
    mcouey84 Posts: 31 Member
    Whew...I respect anyone that does Insanity! Sounds to me like you're building muscle. If you've overdone it, your body may just need some rest. Those that tell you to push through or suck it up don't know how you feel - you have to listen to your body and only you know how sore you must be! One thing that helps me is getting enough BCAAs...branch chain amino acids. Glutamine, while not essential is a key amino acids and aids is the recovery process. From what I understand, it is a transport AA and helps to facilitate recovery by rebuilding muscle tissue after intense training activity. I take three grams per day, one gram with three of my meals and it seems to help me. I know how you feel though...I once did a leg workout that left me bound to an office chair on muscle relaxers to keep me from crying :)

    Good luck!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    When did you start insanity?
    Because if it was recently, you're going to be sore for a bit until you get used to the program and working your muscles in that way.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    I know it's hard to imagine, but sometimes more exercise helps alleviate soreness/aches. Whether it's light activity or intense activity, but once someone is sufficiently "warmed up" and into a workout, then he or she will often see the symptoms of muscle soreness diminish.

    It'll come back after you've cooled off, but it does allow you to get through a workout.

    Keep in mind that this is muscle soreness/stiffness I'm talking about, not sharp pains or other indicators of something more severe.

    It also works in alleviating symptoms from a cold (the tail-end of a cold, when you're no longer contagious but the body's immune system is still charged up and giving you the sniffles or sore throat).
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Try doing a really good warm-up. One that gets your heart pumping a bit, and then stretch. I find that helps me a lot when I'm trying to work through soreness.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    You keep on keepin'' on........
  • MichaelaDWard
    Thank you all for your replys.
    Ive been doing insanity on and off for bout 4 months.
    Ots not so much insanity now hurting my arms I been there and done that the first couple of days
    Its more when I used my bar for the reverse pull ups and press ups as im finding it alot more comfortable to use the bar than do it shsun t's way and from the pain I reckon its working.
    I just needed some tips on how to work through the pain... half way through a 60 min work out only then did the pain ease

    Everytime I move mg arms or try to pick myself off a chair or something my arms are protesting.. of which I know means ive worked what I needed to and my body nedds to repair but carnt really afford to take day off exercise it took me a while to re find my motivation again after my knee injury
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I don't know exactly how Insanity goes, but if you are reaching failure while doing those bodyweight exercises, I'd take a recovery day the next day anyway. It depends on why you are doing them to a great extent, but if your muscles are taking it like full-out strength training, recover like it's strength training, imho.

    Still work out, though :) Just don't use the same muscles with a lot of resistance. Don't mimic the strength training the next day, and that's usually enough rest, so you can still do lots of other things.