Diet vs Proper Nutrition.

I've just run over MyFitnessPal's topics and I have a serious question for you all. Do you really think that being healthy and having a beautiful, strong body could ever be achieved by some Atkins or Soup or 2-days detox diet? Are you even serious? Maintaining a healthy body is all about turning your life healthy. You have to read, learn and practice everything that helps you. Of course you can eat olive oil. Yes, I know there are so many kcals in it but it's healthy. You're not going to gulp down 100 avocados a day, because you're going to be super fat, but yes! they're healthy food! You have to eat everything, just smaller portions of some. Okay, McDonalds aren't in my list, but it won't kill you if you taste them every now and then. Eat everything, but eat responsibly. Quit your junk eating habits. Don't drink that much alcohol. It's empty kcals. Eat fruits, vegetables, meat, healthy fatty acids and add some exercise up. Give your body some serious workouts 3 to 4 times per week and fuel it up so that it can recover.
If you turn your life into this plan, then you'll have the sexiest body ever. You'll be strong and healthy and it's going to be safe! Don't destroy your metabolism by eating soups for a week or by only eating fruits for a month. I guess you know that this kind of "diet" is not a real one. I think you know that you are only losing muscle tone and have to work twice as hard when you'll gain these pounds back.
Do not be afraid to eat! Eat fully. I've only started losing weight when I actually started eating. You know what does it take to fill a 1200 calories day? I'm actually eating the whole day and dropping pounds! I could eat a 1200 kcals pizza. That's true... You know what? That's only 6 slices of my favorite pizza! I could eat that in like 15 mins. Instead, I choose to eat clean and I actually feel full all day long, rather than eating junk and starve throughout the rest of the day!
So, if you really want to drop those extra pounds (and stay that way), start eating and choose wisely!


  • stryder2807
    stryder2807 Posts: 41 Member
    I agree 100%
  • mcouey84
    mcouey84 Posts: 31 Member
    Sounds right to me...there's no reason to starve yourself! People laugh when you tell them that you eat 5-6 times each day and still manage to lose weight! Next question - what are you taking?

    I used to hate that one :)
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I fully agree with you! It's not just about calories and your body needs the fuel.It's about giving it food that will actually help your body to function properly.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Sorry, not giving up my Timmies and vodka. Your so-called "junk" is what keeps my mentality semi-healthy.

    Edit: Sentence structure needed reworded to make better sense.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I'm positive I could get a sexy body eating only soups. I don't know why you hate soup. Cabbage soup? Sure but with the massive variety of soups out there and the endless number of ingredients that can go into them, soup is fine. Now that winter is getting here, the majority of my meals will be soups because it's comfort food when it's freezing outside, for me anyway.

    And I love vodka and beer. Will not be getting rid of those anytime soon.

    Come to think of it, I should make some beer cheese soup this weekend. Yum.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You don't need to eat clean to be healthy, or to lose weight...
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I'll keep my junk food and still get the body I want. Thanks though. I'd rather be dirty and happy than clean and miserable. :bigsmile:
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I could eat a 1200 kcals pizza. That's true... You know what? That's only 6 slices of my favorite pizza! I could eat that in like 15 mins. Instead, I choose to eat clean and I actually feel full all day long, rather than eating junk and starve throughout the rest of the day!
    So, if you really want to drop those extra pounds (and stay that way), start eating and choose wisely!


    OR you could have two slices of your favorite pizza (Im jealous it's only 200 calories Btw), meet your macros and stay within your calorie goal AND look hot and maintain a sexy bod. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I could eat a 1200 kcals pizza. That's true... You know what? That's only 6 slices of my favorite pizza! I could eat that in like 15 mins. Instead, I choose to eat clean and I actually feel full all day long, rather than eating junk and starve throughout the rest of the day!
    So, if you really want to drop those extra pounds (and stay that way), start eating and choose wisely!


    OR you could have two slices of your favorite pizza (Im jealous it's only 200 calories Btw), meet your macros and stay within your calorie goal AND look hot and maintain a sexy bod. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!

    ^This, you don't have to eat 100% junk food or 100% "clean" food, eat whatever you want that has you hitting your macro and calorie goals, and you'll get the body you want
  • Well, I understand that everyone needs something to hang on to, so that he can be... mentally healthy... That's gym to me, actually. It can be vodka, or Big Macs or Pizza Hut or Pop Tarts, or Dr.Pepper, or whatever, but don't expect to get there ( Feldman 2.jpg ) any time soon. Of course, everything depends on each one's personal goals. You could answer back, telling me that you would never care about having such a body and that's perfectly okay with me.

    brower I have nothing against soups. I was talking about that eat-only-this-and-you'll-be-skinny-in-a-week soup diets, or any super-duper-you-only-need-me diet. Soups are fun and if you add many ingredients you can add flavor and take everything you need from them.

    About alcohol. It gives you nothing but calories. I'd rather eat smart. I'm human though, as mentioned before, I know what junk tastes like and of course I like it, but I chose wisely (most of the times).

    AJ_G how can you be healthy without eating clean? What kind of "non clean" eating keeps you healthy? If the bacteria won't eat it, why would you? Also, you need clean eating to safely lose weight and maintain your goal weight once you've achieved it.

    That "miserable" thingie is what people that can't get there say? I don't lower others' goals, but you know how quotes like "I prefer having a pot belly and be happy about it than being miserable eating healthy, being strong and reaching goals at the gym" sound like, right? I mean, everyone could be at a bar instead of being at the gym. Why do some people pick the gym? It's harder and all sweaty and it doesn't taste as good as beer, right? Well...

    Phoenix_Warri I do it all the time. I'm not only eating veggies. I'm a food lover, not a hater. This post was all about inspiring people not to quit eating, thinking that they're going to lose weight anyway. Everything is good, in the right portion! Actually homemade pizza is pretty much my favorite part of my nutrition.

    To sum up, my first post was about food and how someone could be healthy through nutrition. I didn't say skinny, but healthy. Of course you can be skinny (fat) without any exercise or clean eating, but that doesn't mean you're healthy or fit or whatever.
    You're ok with that belly or flabby arms? That's perfect! It's YOUR body and you can make it whatever you want. And it's really good feeling good with your body. Not having any doctors' prescriptions doesn't mean you're healthy though. Adopting healthy eating habits is what will keep you healthy (and maybe some lifting could fill in vodka's gap).
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    I could eat a 1200 kcals pizza. That's true... You know what? That's only 6 slices of my favorite pizza! I could eat that in like 15 mins. Instead, I choose to eat clean and I actually feel full all day long, rather than eating junk and starve throughout the rest of the day!
    So, if you really want to drop those extra pounds (and stay that way), start eating and choose wisely!


    OR you could have two slices of your favorite pizza (Im jealous it's only 200 calories Btw), meet your macros and stay within your calorie goal AND look hot and maintain a sexy bod. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!

    ^This, you don't have to eat 100% junk food or 100% "clean" food, eat whatever you want that has you hitting your macro and calorie goals, and you'll get the body you want

    Sorry Christine but I agree with this. And I know multiple people who are extremely healthy and do not eat clean. They eat whatever they want, mostly in moderation, and they work out.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Do you really think that being healthy and having a beautiful, strong body could ever be achieved by some Atkins diet?

    Are you even serious?

    So, if you really want to drop those extra pounds (and stay that way), start eating and choose wisely!

    Nice sentiment. And quite true.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Well, I understand that everyone needs something to hang on to, so that he can be... mentally healthy... That's gym to me, actually. It can be vodka, or Big Macs or Pizza Hut or Pop Tarts, or Dr.Pepper, or whatever, but don't expect to get there ( Feldman 2.jpg ) any time soon. Of course, everything depends on each one's personal goals. You could answer back, telling me that you would never care about having such a body and that's perfectly okay with me.

    brower I have nothing against soups. I was talking about that eat-only-this-and-you'll-be-skinny-in-a-week soup diets, or any super-duper-you-only-need-me diet. Soups are fun and if you add many ingredients you can add flavor and take everything you need from them.

    About alcohol. It gives you nothing but calories. I'd rather eat smart. I'm human though, as mentioned before, I know what junk tastes like and of course I like it, but I chose wisely (most of the times).

    AJ_G how can you be healthy without eating clean? What kind of "non clean" eating keeps you healthy? If the bacteria won't eat it, why would you? Also, you need clean eating to safely lose weight and maintain your goal weight once you've achieved it.

    That "miserable" thingie is what people that can't get there say? I don't lower others' goals, but you know how quotes like "I prefer having a pot belly and be happy about it than being miserable eating healthy, being strong and reaching goals at the gym" sound like, right? I mean, everyone could be at a bar instead of being at the gym. Why do some people pick the gym? It's harder and all sweaty and it doesn't taste as good as beer, right? Well...

    Phoenix_Warri I do it all the time. I'm not only eating veggies. I'm a food lover, not a hater. This post was all about inspiring people not to quit eating, thinking that they're going to lose weight anyway. Everything is good, in the right portion! Actually homemade pizza is pretty much my favorite part of my nutrition.

    To sum up, my first post was about food and how someone could be healthy through nutrition. I didn't say skinny, but healthy. Of course you can be skinny (fat) without any exercise or clean eating, but that doesn't mean you're healthy or fit or whatever.
    You're ok with that belly or flabby arms? That's perfect! It's YOUR body and you can make it whatever you want. And it's really good feeling good with your body. Not having any doctors' prescriptions doesn't mean you're healthy though. Adopting healthy eating habits is what will keep you healthy (and maybe some lifting could fill in vodka's gap).

    If you're okay with how other people treat their bodies, then why are you deriding our decisions? You don't want to eat donuts or cake or hell, even chocolate a few days a week, then don't. But please don't come off acting superior to me because I do eat those things. That's how your posts read to me, at least.

    I don't want to look like Kathy Feldman. I want to lose enough weight that my doctor will treat my health problems rather than fobbing them off on being fat, because, apparently, thin people don't have high BP and glaucoma :huh:. I want to be small enough to buy clothes without spending a butt ton of money. I can achieve weight loss without cutting out the foods I like, so why do so? It didn't work in the past.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Well, I understand that everyone needs something to hang on to, so that he can be... mentally healthy... That's gym to me, actually. It can be vodka, or Big Macs or Pizza Hut or Pop Tarts, or Dr.Pepper, or whatever, but don't expect to get there ( Feldman 2.jpg ) any time soon. Of course, everything depends on each one's personal goals. You could answer back, telling me that you would never care about having such a body and that's perfectly okay with me.

    brower I have nothing against soups. I was talking about that eat-only-this-and-you'll-be-skinny-in-a-week soup diets, or any super-duper-you-only-need-me diet. Soups are fun and if you add many ingredients you can add flavor and take everything you need from them.

    About alcohol. It gives you nothing but calories. I'd rather eat smart. I'm human though, as mentioned before, I know what junk tastes like and of course I like it, but I chose wisely (most of the times).

    AJ_G how can you be healthy without eating clean? What kind of "non clean" eating keeps you healthy? If the bacteria won't eat it, why would you? Also, you need clean eating to safely lose weight and maintain your goal weight once you've achieved it.

    That "miserable" thingie is what people that can't get there say? I don't lower others' goals, but you know how quotes like "I prefer having a pot belly and be happy about it than being miserable eating healthy, being strong and reaching goals at the gym" sound like, right? I mean, everyone could be at a bar instead of being at the gym. Why do some people pick the gym? It's harder and all sweaty and it doesn't taste as good as beer, right? Well...

    Phoenix_Warri I do it all the time. I'm not only eating veggies. I'm a food lover, not a hater. This post was all about inspiring people not to quit eating, thinking that they're going to lose weight anyway. Everything is good, in the right portion! Actually homemade pizza is pretty much my favorite part of my nutrition.

    To sum up, my first post was about food and how someone could be healthy through nutrition. I didn't say skinny, but healthy. Of course you can be skinny (fat) without any exercise or clean eating, but that doesn't mean you're healthy or fit or whatever.
    You're ok with that belly or flabby arms? That's perfect! It's YOUR body and you can make it whatever you want. And it's really good feeling good with your body. Not having any doctors' prescriptions doesn't mean you're healthy though. Adopting healthy eating habits is what will keep you healthy (and maybe some lifting could fill in vodka's gap).

    If you're okay with how other people treat their bodies, then why are you deriding our decisions? You don't want to eat donuts or cake or hell, even chocolate a few days a week, then don't. But please don't come off acting superior to me because I do eat those things. That's how your posts read to me, at least.

    I don't want to look like Kathy Feldman. I want to lose enough weight that my doctor will treat my health problems rather than fobbing them off on being fat, because, apparently, thin people don't have high BP and glaucoma :huh:. I want to be small enough to buy clothes without spending a butt ton of money. I can achieve weight loss without cutting out the foods I like, so why do so? It didn't work in the past.

    exactly. if the OP is happy wih her food choices then why should she care about what other people eat or how they approach their eating?

    seriously OP, do you get a $25 gift card to amazon every time someone avoids the cabbage soup diet or something?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    About alcohol. It gives you nothing but calories. I'd rather eat smart. I'm human though, as mentioned before, I know what junk tastes like and of course I like it, but I chose wisely (most of the times).

    Truth be told, it is not alcohol per say that makes you is the other foods you consume that do it.

    When you take in alcohol, your body does everything it can to get rid of it it oxidizes that over fat/prot/carbs.....
    So if your body is busy with that, it will store the excess calories from the other macros.
    And, finally, as noted above, there is absolutely no store of alcohol in the body. None whatsoever. Effectively, alcohol is seen as a sort of metabolic ‘toxin’ or ‘poison’ to the body. And this means that alcohol oxidation is 100% perfect, that is, the body will effectively do everything in its power to get rid of the alcohol increasing alcohol oxidation to maximum (which means decreasing the oxidation of other nutrients consumed with that alcohol) so that the alcohol can be gotten rid of.

    I’m going to ask readers not to read anything into the above paragraph, don’t infer or try to draw conclusions about how alcohol might or mightn’t fit into the diet in terms of anything. As it turns out, alcohol is an oddity among nutrients with seemingly contradictory effects on things. I’m going to address that in detail in a forthcoming article and, for now, just take the above as some much needed background information.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Kinda milk toast and not really saying much.
  • exactly. if the OP is happy wih her food choices then why should she care about what other people eat or how they approach their eating?

    seriously OP, do you get a $25 gift card to amazon every time someone avoids the cabbage soup diet or something?

    Because we're in a Food and Nutrition forum. That's what people do here. Talk about it.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member

    Do you really think that being healthy and having a beautiful, strong body could ever be achieved by Atkins

  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I've just run over MyFitnessPal's topics and I have a serious question for you all. Do you really think that being healthy and having a beautiful, strong body could ever be achieved by some Atkins?

    Yup, I've lost body fat percentage, gained muscle, and have amazing blood tests, all by eating almost exclusively bacon cheeseburgers fried in butter with no bun or vegetables, and a spoonful of coconut oil as dessert.
    So, if you really want to drop those extra pounds (and stay that way), start eating and choose wisely!

    Thanks, I did! KETO FO LYFE MAFUKA!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you should have been a brain surgeon.