corkeylynn Member


  • Water DONE and I will NOT eat after 8!
  • I ate dinner and know I will NOT be eating again. I got all of my water in and I got a 30 min step aerobics in. I am very happy with myself today!
  • Great! I lose track after I get my 64 oz in but I know I get more than that! I pretty much only drink water :)
  • My water intake was over 64 oz. I lose track after I get my 4 bottles in! Dinner was at 5 today and that was it for me! I was happy to see the scale move DOWN 2 lbs!! My motto is slow and steady wins the race. I am not looking to lose 5-10 every week because I know that is harder to keep off!
  • I got all of my water in, but ate a banana at 9! I tried not to eat, but our normal schedule is to eat dinner after church on Sunday nights and we are never home before 8. I wasn't going to eat anything, but knew I wouldn't be able to function today. I did come in 350 calories left to eat so I made a good choice!!
  • No food after 8 tonight!! Early dinner :happy: I got over 64 oz of water in too! Monday is weigh in day!! Hoping to see GOOD results!
  • I have over 64 in, and tonight is a late dinner night tonight. Hubby had to work late (he is helping a cancer patient with an electrical problem) and stopped at the store so I didn't have to drag the kiddos out! We are eating taco salad so at least it is a lighter meal!! Thankfully this is NOT our normal practice! We have…
  • I made my water goal AND have not eaten since 7! On my way to bed now, and feeling really good about myself! The only thing I didn't do today is work out.
  • I have almost reached my water goal for today. I :heart: my water!!
  • It may be your sodium intake too! I have to read ALL of my labels to make sure I keep my sodium down so I do not retain water.
  • I got my 64 oz in and did not eat after 6. I had to resist my normal after church snack, but it wasn't too hard. I grabbed a bottle of water instead :) I am loving this challenge because it is helping keep me on track!
  • I also did not eat after 7:30!! I juiced for breakfast this morning and I feel great!! After a month off due to health issues and the holidays it feels good to be eating right again! I am using my Wii fit for exercise and LOVE it!:happy:
  • 187 this morning and I want to be 181 at the end of the 30 days! PS How do I add my ticker?
  • I met my water goal today!! I LOVE water!:bigsmile:
  • I am in for the water challenge and no eating after 8!