Robin_Brown72 Member


  • I actually completed 3 rounds of Gamma (after doing Alpha and Beta). I still include it in my weekly workouts a couple of times a week. My first round was pure gamma then I did 2 rounds of the pure strength hybrid. I really like it, but I also got bored after 22 weeks of T25. It was definitely worth the investment for me.…
  • I'm also going to the beach in a couple of weeks. Our condo is minus a fitness center as well. My plan is to take my laptop as well as several of my workout videos. I'm also looking for somewhere to run.....I may attempt running on the beach early morning but not sure how I'll like that. I'm curious to see how others might…
  • I'm 2 days away from completing round 2 of gamma. There are 4 discs in gamma and 3 out of 4 are weights. I'm really starting to see definition in my arms. I love it!
  • I pre-log almost all of my food and just edit if something changes. I find helps me "plan" my meals better and for me the key to success is definitely planning.
  • This may be a dumb question, but how often do you wash your chest strap? I rinse mine after every use, but I think it's important to wash it after every 5 uses. Mine wasn't picking up my HR one day last week, so I threw it in the wash - worked fine the next day. Just a thought.
  • This past Friday was my last T25 gamma workout. Tomorrow I'm starting the 2nd option of Gamma - pure strength. I've considered getting turbo fire but I think I'd miss out on the weights. I'm considering buying it and doing a t25/turbo fire hybrid. Good luck!
  • Tomorrow is Day 4 of Week 3 of T25 Beta cycle and I also have the Rockin' body videos. They are absolutely nothing alike. RB is more dance - great cardio workouts and I still do them because they are fun. T25 is much harder (IMO). I personally think T25 produces much better results.
  • You look absolutely amazing and I love your hair! So cute!!
  • Oops duplicate
  • My progress so far: Hubbies progress so far:
  • Me too! I was hesitant to try the almond milk but I love it with my chocolate protein powder. And like you, I like that it frees up a few calories. OP - and remember fat isn't bad :).
  • How'd ya do? Today was also my first day of Beta. Holy smokes, nothing like jumping right to it! Can't wait to for Speed 2.0 tomorrow!
  • My hubby and I are also ready to start Beta on Monday. We're both still modifying some on Alpha but I think we're ready to move on. I usually do a second non T25 workout everyday so I may make my 2nd workout one from Alpha. I honestly don't know if I will ever be able to alpha without some type of modifications. Going to…
  • Is it even physically possible to burn 3400 calories in an hour? I don't think so.... I also where an HRM when I go to Zumba and I burn anywhere between 500-550 calories :).
  • Did you take before pics and measure? I'm sure you are making some great progress even if the scale isn't going down. Monday starts week 4 for me. I've yet to "nail" any of the workouts, but I am feeling stronger. On the lunges, I usually step back into the it instead of forward just because it's easier on my knees. For…
  • I'm currently doing T25, but supplementing with other workouts. I have Rockin' Body, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Jam, Cathy Smith - Project You and Slim in Six. I supplement with all of those except the Slim in Six. I did it for the 6 weeks (years ago) and lost inches, but just don't really care for the workouts. With all the…
  • I'm actually doing T25 with Shaun T (tomorrow is day 5 of week 2), but I do supplement with Rockin' Body. I consider those my "fun" workouts. I did Disco Groove today after my T25 workout. I'm NOT a beach body coach, but I do have several BB videos. I also supplement with Hip Hop Abs, Cathy Smith videos and Turbo Jam.…
  • Why don't you want to add cheese and sour cream. Just measure/weigh and count. The soup sounds delicious. Can you share the recipe?
  • Today my lunch consisted of Cajun turkey breast, half a baked potato with light ranch, broccoli and 2 cuties. 3 hours later had yogurt and a piece of homemade bread for a snack. Supper tonight will be chicken tacos :)
  • So true Allison! We need to be patting ourselves on the back for what we DID do! Thank you for reminding all of us!!
  • Great job everyone! Just finished Week 2, Day 3 - Speed 1.0. I'm definitely not as quick as Shaun doing the burpees (well or anything else for that matter) - but I do give it my best effort! I'm logging my workouts as aerobic, high intensity or circuit training, general - depending on which workout I do. Today was aerobic,…
  • This is day 1, week 2 for me and my calves are what bother me the most too! I modify some, but in my own way - not quite as low impact as Tania, but not full out like Shaun T. I hadn't previewed either, but I had seen the infomercial. I'm a Shaun T fan. Tomorrow for me is the Total Body Circuit and it's tough! Good luck!
  • Will you please share your Alpha Phase results? I'd like to know how many inches and pounds lost :). Great job! Have you been taking Saturday completely off and stretching on Sunday or are you supplementing other workouts? Just curious what everyone else is doing. Yesterday was the first Sunday in awhile that I didn't do…
  • Great job! I just finished week one with Friday as my double day. I didn't measure yesterday though; I will probably just wait til the end of Alpha phase. Did Stretch today and it felt amazing! Nine more weeks to go!
  • How was everybody's double day? My legs were shaking and I definitely had to modify! Looking forward to "Sunday Stretchday".
  • Abs, Abs, Abs. I just sneezed and it hurt! Lots of up then down alternating between ab work and cardio. Didn't sweat quite as much during this one but I am definitely feeling it!
  • So true! You'll appreciate her even more on Day 3. Wow! I do love the way I feel when he says "TIME". Keep up the great work!
  • "This is the year I lose the weight for good". I'm fairly new here myself, but I'm playing anyways LOL!:tongue:
  • Glad to see I wasn't the only one questioning! I'm starting tomorrow; was going to wait until the 6th but thought "why wait?" I'll be honest, I'm a little skeptical about the workout only being 25 minutes long. I've been doing videos the past 8 weeks and they have all been 40 min to an hour. Some days I've even done more.…