BrakemanSlova Member


  • Hi! 5 weeks of abstinence today. 301 plan and no sugar, flour, diet soda, alcohol (omg), and a low carb primal-type diet
  • I agree. I lose weight when my carbs are lower and I also don't get as many cravings when I'm a fat burner.
  • I can't eat sweets at all. If I do, I go back to active sugar addict. Also, artificial sweeteners can be a trigger for me to eat sugar. I find that it gets easier each day I go without sugar and wheat. Today I had a diet drink and I hope it won't be a trigger. I won't give in, but I sure hate white knuckling it...
  • I am discovering that it is much more effective to work the steps while in abstinence. Since my overeating is about avoidance of fear/emotions, I need to face those emotions, not stuff them down with food. Today is day 6 of abstinence (301 plan, no sugar, no wheat, no alcohol) and I am able to use the tool of writing to…
  • Hi ! Hang in there. I have 3 kids and struggled with my weight after age 40. I don't know what kind of dieter you are but Paleo is the easiest - once you get your carbs down some. Check out my website: and look at "Please Warm Up My Turkey"
  • If you don't have an organic reason for your (very real) pain, check out the book Healing Back Pain. My brother sent one to all his sibs and it helped me so much.
  • I know how you feel. Tib-fib fractures a week ago. Wah. Thanks for the tips johjeff.
  • @Quinnstinct - This is what you do: Buy meat, canned coconut milk, coconut oil, canned tomato sauce and curry paste(online or international section of stores - check ingredients for acceptability). There are lots of kinds of curry paste. Brown 1-2 pounds of stew beef or chicken "tenders" (that's so you don't have to cut up…
  • Oh, yeah. If you are in a hurry, get a crockpot and make a lot of extra. I eat beef curry for breakfast sometimes. Also the breakfast egg and sausage bites recipe at is a paleo fast food breakfast. I make a big pan of that and eat a square anytime.
  • I definitely hit the berries at Costco, often they have organic ones - frozen and fresh. Sometimes I buy organic chicken which is not as good as pastured, but ... If you can afford a few carbs, they have a great price on maple syrup. I can't afford the carbs... They finally have "uncured" bacon at my Costco, but they just…
  • Well I have lots of tips about how to switch over (which I am now giving to my husband, yay!) but after 4 months you are probably pretty good at paleo now! You can friend me if you like. I need all the support I can get. Catharine
  • Our small town family doctor of 15 years and his doctor wife are now into paleo now and he said he wasn't sure anyone should eat wheat. How about that?!
  • Yeah, and I had to quit drinking cuz it makes me want to eat bad stuff.
  • I just got back on the wagon about a month ago. But now, due to intestinal irritation probably, I can't even eat aged cheese! Anyway I've gone from 171 to 160 in about 5 weeks! And I'm definitely back in the fat burning metabolism instead of carb burning, which was the worst thing about falling off the wagon.
  • I think a lot of really good parents are getting a lot of misinformation about what is good for their kids and perhaps they weren't taught good critical thinking skills re: advertisements. I think TV and the food industry are killing the kids.
  • Alright! You look really different. Good job!!!!! I hope I can lose that much...
  • That last was @ callmecupcake's post. Also, for fast results, I highly recommend going on the paleo/primal diet. It also lets you focus on health which is more motivating than weight alone. A fun and hilarious book is Robb Wolf's The Paleo Solution.
  • Good response. I agree that habits get you to the point where you don't have to rely on willpower.
  • Hi Professor, Can you change your username? Catharine
  • Wow, just wanted to say I admire the heroic efforts to stay paleo while depressed. I also hope that your depression lifts as you stay paleo/primal. Another good treatment for depression is exercise. It's the best motivator for me to do exercise...
  • I've heard chromium helps with sugar (carb?) cravings. I have a heck of a time with sugar.
  • When I don't drink diet soda I have fewer sugar/carb cravings. I got a SodaStream machine and am trying to drink bubbly water with maybe a little lemon extract in it. Surprisingly, the bubbles really hit the thirst-quenching spot for me.
  • I have been experimenting and I have way more willpower against excess/bad carbs when I don't use artificial sweeteners. Got a Sodastream and make bubbly water with a little lemon or orange extract. It really does a pretty good job of satisfying my diet soda urges.
  • I eat eggs with veggies and sausage or bacon and sometimes fruit. I also eat cold salami, cheese and nuts if I'm in a hurry. Also I sometimes eat leftovers from last night's dinner. One way to get the eggs, sausage and veggies is to make Sausage Breakfast Bites from which is like a convenience food you…
  • Not too bad except went over 100 carbs due to red wine. Snuck a couple dark Dove chocolate "Promises" from the boxes we gave our daughters.
  • 10 pounds since going Primal (I eat cheese, cream and butter), that is in about 2 months. I don't watch my calories, just my carbs. I could lose more if I ate less cheese and more salad!
  • I do 60% fat, 20% protein and 20% carbs which is 93 grams, 70 grams and 70 grams. I should up the protein a little and I usually do.
  • Bread! But I don't want to eat gluten so, if I'm dying for something bad, I have potato chips and its rare.
  • I never thought about getting leaner cuts if it's not grass fed. Thanks.