

  • Can't judge you . . . you are actually an adult so you can wear things like that. Have fun!!!
  • Funny you should mention high school because I teach at one, and we had a girl (about 15 or 16) come in as a french maid this morning, fishnets and all. I almost died. :noway: And I am not prudish at all if that tells you anything. I wonder if her parents even knew she left the house like that.
  • I would love to joing this group. I have been wanting to joining one, but I didn't want to start halfway into it. I have only been doing this for a couple of weeks, and Saturday weigh-ins are perfect for my schedule. I agree with the "life limit" idea. I have set myself small goals, but my overall goal is to change my life…
  • I'm not dressing up, but my 6 month-old daughter is going to to be a flower (think Anne Geddes). This is my first Halloween as a mom and my daughter's first ever (obviously), and I am SO excited (probably more so than her). LOL! I also don't understand why little girls' costumes are so provocative. It's quited disturbing.
  • I, too, believe in the power of a good breakfast. My mom, a nurse, says that if you don't wake up hungry, you are eating too late at night, and I've found that to be true.
  • That's a really good idea! I am going to try that. I work better with a plan anyway so it might help me.
  • I have the same problem. I think my problem is that I need to fit in an afternoon snack so that I am not starving by dinner time. I think weekends and evenings are hard for me, too, because I am with my naturally thin husband (:sick: ). :laugh: I came home last night after doing so well all day long and ate 700 calories…
  • I completely agree. I had no idea how much I was eating as far as calories until I started using this site. Kind of puts it in perspective for me. Good luck and best wishes!!!
  • Welcome! How did you do the detox, and what did you think about it? Good luck with the rest of your weight loss!
  • Congratulations! :flowerforyou: It' s looks like you are not only losing weight but changing your life. That is my goal, too, to not only lose weight but to stop using food as a crutch and change my mindset. Good for you!!!:happy:
  • :frown: Sounds like you are having a really bad day. I had one of those last Friday where I basically looked at my husband and said (keep in my mind I had a baby 6 months ago), "I'm ugly! My hair looks like crap, and I'm fat." He looked at me like I was crazy :noway: , and then went on to say some really sweet things that…
  • Congratulations!!! :flowerforyou: That is such a great feeling especially when other people notice it. :happy: Kudos!!!
  • Thank you! I hope I can keep my enthusiasm up as we enter the holiday season. :wink:
  • Hi! I, too, have a 6 month old. This is my first, and I have lost my baby weight, but I still have 20-25 lbs left to go to lose the weight I gained after getting married. I am teetering on being overweight so I really want to get back to my goal weight. I know how hard it is to fit in diet and exercise with a new baby so…
  • I love zumba and body pump so I am a little biased. but I would think that if you are going through all that to do bootcamp, then going to the gym should be a piece of cake. Give yourself some credit. :flowerforyou: What you are doing now is obviously more stressful than what you would be doing by going to the gym, and you…
  • I am having the same problem of yo-yoing between 5 and 10 lbs. My goal weight is 130, too, and I only have 20-25 lbs to go (depending on the day :wink: ). I wish you the best of luck because I know how hard it is too work and take care of family and still find time for yourself and exercise. Why does it seem like the quick…
    in hey Comment by IDefineMe October 2009
  • Welcome! Good luck!
    in hello Comment by IDefineMe October 2009
  • Hi everyone! I am here to lose weight and get into shape. I have gained about 40 lbs since I got married, and I want it off. I want to have a baby, but I want to lose the 40 lbs first so that I don't to lose it plus baby weight. My husband is a Marine and very active and physically fit. I want to be able to keep up with…
    in Hello Comment by IDefineMe April 2008