crazymgpilot Member


  • When I went through officer training, I had a drill instructor that had us doing 200 a day in sets of 20 throughout the day. By the end of 13 weeks I improved my non-stop amount from 45 to 88. It works!
  • Don't worry about it. That's why we can all work together to help each other understand. Sure, you may have put yourself in starvation mode, but you sought the advice and are willing to receive it. Don't ever hesitate to ask for advice on here. Many of us got into the predicaments we're in because we only listened to our…
  • Originally So. Cal, but military so everywhere, currently....afghanistan.
  • This will sound a little comical, but I remember reading that JARED the Subway guy, lost most of his weight doing the same thing, walking stairs in high rise buildings, until he could walk up and down the Empire state building....that's a couple floors right!
  • I listen to an eclectic mix - depends on the day: 80's pop, 90's alternative like Green Day or Yellowcard, Serbian/russian/spanish rock! or I said, eclectic!
  • I don't use them because most are just gimmicks anyways. There have been many studies that have shown that some "work" but not as advertised. If you read all the disclaimers, the people that they have use them and show their before and after pics are also on a reduced calorie diet and extreme workout plan, therefore their…
  • Thanks, not only did I typo, but I didn't have it in my gym bag with me and forgot the correct name. Thanks again! Good book.
  • I'd leave as is and make it a mini goal to get under that weight on the new scale before logging more. However, scales tend to be different, as you've now noticed. The only "accurate" scales are those certified, usually in gyms or doctor's offices. Keep up the good work and use only one scale now that you've gotten one…
  • For baked or grilled I personally love crushed garlic with pepper. However there are some awesome combinations of spices in the spice aisle. Any of the grillmates spices, or mixtures for chicken or beef tend to taste great on veggies. Also, you can use lemon pepper for a bittersweet taste. The fun thing is to experiment…
  • Yeah, I've had the same thing happen and that's why I eat my workout calories, or at least a lot of them back, One thing to try though is instead of eating out at restaurants that don't serve good food late, either make or purchase somehting healthier earlier in the day to just eat when you get home, that way you're eating…
  • I've found keeping MFP open on my computer all the time is a serious snack deterrent. Because I'll be sitting there bored, wanting to snack and i look and realize...I don't want to log anything into my food log, so I'll opt for water or a diet coke to take the edge and then if I still crave a snack, I'll eat something like…
  • Not necessarily. If you're keeping at or around your NET daily calories, it doesn't matter too much that you're eating at night. After all your body needs the calories and won't store them as fat if you're burning them at the gym. I tend to eat late too when I've had a late afternoon evening gym workout, as long as i don't…
  • I think you gals are on the right track. Once you take the "appearance" quotient out of it and begin to do this for yourself it totally changes your perspective. Congratulations on a healthy approach to weight loss. I commend everyone on here for wanting to be better, healthier, for themselves and not because their family…
  • One other thing...I've seen some people mention the book "Tobal Body Solutions" byTom Venuto....excellent book because he talks about the mental aspect of losing weight and how to be happy with ourselves.
  • I feel your pain. The first step to happiness is acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, who you are, what you like and dislike, acceptance of whatever you weigh now. It doesn't matter what you do or try or achieve with goals, if you can't accept who you are first, you'll never be happy. My wife struggled for years with the…
  • Bottom line, I think you're doing the right thing. There've been many discussions on here about eating back your calories, whether to eat them back or not. Everybody is different but the thing is that your body needs so many calories to function, regardless of whether you work out or not. when you work out you burn many of…
  • You know I think the military wives have it harder than the spouses who deploy. i'm currently deployed and am finally almost done with 15 months of deployment with the AF. It's hard to be away, but the big thing is that we're busy, we're working and we have a mission that keeps us occupied and often worn out. Our wives on…
  • Personally, I think that it is not a good idea to change your goals, if the end goal is really what you want. But, what I would do is change my interim goals. Check the timeline on your goal. Now that you've been doing this for a little while you know what your body is doing, and don't be afraid to change up your routine…
  • I love the support and answers and guidance that people put on this site. Not only is it a lifestyle change that is different than a diet, but it's the people you assosciate with, those that hold you accountable to keep you going. We tend to attract to ourselves people that are like minded. If we are part of this…
  • Here as well!
  • The calories you burn weight training depends on how hard you're hitting the weights, your body weight, etc...a good guestimate is inputting "Strength training" in the exercise cardio log. It'll give you a number. The number seems low to me, since I'm hitting it pretty hard when I lift, but it's a good place to start if…
  • It's normal to feel soreness, especially after an illness...I've had the pain last for a week. The best way I've found is to workout again. As you workout your muscles will work through the lactic acid and it may take a couple weeks but your muscles will get used to the efforts. I would take it slowly at first, then build…
  • I've run to audio books before and it really depended on how "into" the book I was. A couple times, I was really into the story and the running didn't slow down. Other times, I couldn't get into the book and as a result couldn't get into the running. Everybody's different. Find what you like and go for it!