Are these realistic goals

These are my goals. Can people weigh in on whether they are realistic in my time frame or am I pushing myself too hard, maybe too little?

Current Size 10 Weight 158 Bust 37 Waist 30 Hips 38

Goal is
Size 6 Weight 125-135 Bust 35 Waist 26 Hips36

I do 30 minutes on the elliptical everyday and have started using Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones but have not made it through the entire workout yet. I will though. I wanted to lose 17 pounds by 4/22. I eat 1200 calories a day or less (on the days I stick to my diet) and typically rest on Friday's with no workout. I do follow Atkins to a degree. I lost the weight after my first child doing Atkins but can't seem to stick with it this time around. I have reduced my carb intake and avoid high fat foods along with high carb foods. Drink lots of water a day. I am on the right track?

Any suggestions.


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    That would be 17 lbs in a month so I'd say that's probably NOT a realistic goal. Over a 4 week period that would be way more than the suggested loss of 1-2 lbs per week. Good luck!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I think it's an ambitious goal to lose 17 lbs in a month. I would eat 1200 plus calories. You really shouldn't go under 1200 just from a nutritional standpoint. You won't get everything you need to fuel your body for your workouts and you'll probably start feeling very tired.

    P.S. I love No More Trouble is hard but so worth it.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Truthfully, any "diet" that you cannot maintain for life is not a good choice. As soon as you go off the "diet" the weight will creep back on. Your best bet is to attempt to eat a well balanced diet of clean and healthy "natural" food, just stay away from "white" carbs and opt for the whole grain versions as these are important for your energy levels.
    Also, you will not lose 17 pounds in just over a month, that is not a realistic goal. Losing weight, done right, by exercise, limiting calories, and eating healthy should only take off one to two pounds per week.
  • bfh123
    bfh123 Posts: 33 Member
    I do not think this is realistic. 1-2 per week pounds is realistic and obtainable.

    Also, I personally do not like atkins, and do not believe in their philosphy. I did Atkins about 8 years ago and afterwards I blew up like a balloon. From what I read, this is common with Atkins. Carbohydrates are not evil and are a key component of a healthy diet along with Healthy fats, and protiens. The trouble with carbohydrates is simple vs. complex carbs. You want to avoid simple carbs as if they were a greesy 1200 calorie cheeseburger, and you can embrace complex carbs as put of your diet.

    What you should be focusing on is healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Keep your calories in check for your body-type, and fuel your body with healthy choices. Also make sure to make time for fitness.

    85% of dieters (IE ATKINS) fail and wind up gaining all the weight they lost back within a year. What you need to strive for is the choice of a healthy lifestyle.

    Hope this helps.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    the weight loss seems a bit fast, really, for the time frame you've set out. maybe extend that by another month. and you may or may not get to the proportions you want, simply because most bodies are not built that way. you'll probably keep your (very healthy) current proportions and just shrink a bit.

    regarding your calories (which seem a bit low to me depending on your elliptical burn), there are a LOT of threads out there on the subject. in fact, there's a whole website on the subject, started by MFP user Taso42. it answers the calorie question very well.

    you'll find a lot of great info there. and also, click the link in poster kao708's siggy. that has a lot of good stuff too.

    good luck, work hard, do your research. i'm sure you'll do fine. just try to be a little more realistic with your body and its capabilities.
  • deepmidnyght
    deepmidnyght Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone. I had hoped to get down to 140 by my birthday but I should just be happy with what I can lose by then. Sounds as if it would be better to shoot for 8 pounds losing 2 pounds a week. I realize that Atkins isn't working for me this time around. It did work but after my second child I just have not been able to get this weight off and he will be 4 in July. I guess I am putting myself into starvation mode by not eating enough. It would explain why I am exhausted at night and having a hard time getting up in the morning. I still would like to stick to a lower caloric intake is 1400 more realistic or is even that too low given that I am working out nearly an hour a day?
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    I agree with these girls. 17lbs in a month is way too much for someone your size. You will starve your body and it will hold onto fat for energy making you tired and you will loose muscle. When you loose muscle your metabolism slows down. One pound a week is more will loose fat and maintain muscle making your body a better fuel burning machine....!!
  • Cori615
    Cori615 Posts: 100
    Not realistic at all. 1-2 pounds a week is more realistic. 4-8 pounds is realistic in one month.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thanks everyone. I had hoped to get down to 140 by my birthday but I should just be happy with what I can lose by then. Sounds as if it would be better to shoot for 8 pounds losing 2 pounds a week. I realize that Atkins isn't working for me this time around. It did work but after my second child I just have not been able to get this weight off and he will be 4 in July. I guess I am putting myself into starvation mode by not eating enough. It would explain why I am exhausted at night and having a hard time getting up in the morning. I still would like to stick to a lower caloric intake is 1400 more realistic or is even that too low given that I am working out nearly an hour a day?

    One thing doesn't always work for everyone, obviously. However this might give you an idea of how much to eat. My goal is set to 1250 for the day before exercise. Once I add exercise that number goes up to anywhere between 1850-over 2000 on some days. My NET at the end of the day is back around 1250. When I hopped on the scale this morning I was down 3 pounds making it a total of 5 pounds since signing up for MFP a little over 2 weeks ago. I get a good amount of carbs and it's done wonders for my energy and work outs. I work out about an hour a day, on weight training days I do a 30 minute stationary bike ride in the morning, on cardio days I ride for 60 minutes. Sundays are my rest days.
  • deepmidnyght
    deepmidnyght Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I don't think I was doing it right. I would only eat my 1200 calories and exercise on top of that. I would not "eat" what I burned doing exercise and as a result put myself into starvation mode I guess. It is difficult to figure out some of this stuff without help. Should have started using the forum before now. Thanks again everyone.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Thanks everyone. I had hoped to get down to 140 by my birthday but I should just be happy with what I can lose by then. Sounds as if it would be better to shoot for 8 pounds losing 2 pounds a week. I realize that Atkins isn't working for me this time around. It did work but after my second child I just have not been able to get this weight off and he will be 4 in July. I guess I am putting myself into starvation mode by not eating enough. It would explain why I am exhausted at night and having a hard time getting up in the morning. I still would like to stick to a lower caloric intake is 1400 more realistic or is even that too low given that I am working out nearly an hour a day?
    still seems to high 2 lbs a week at a 158 is not a good goal 1 lb is better this should not be a race. if it is be ready to but the weight back on once you get off your diet. Hopefully you will relook at your goals and chooose health over a number. Please. Take care of yourself more than a number on a scale.
  • crazymgpilot
    crazymgpilot Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I don't think I was doing it right. I would only eat my 1200 calories and exercise on top of that. I would not "eat" what I burned doing exercise and as a result put myself into starvation mode I guess. It is difficult to figure out some of this stuff without help. Should have started using the forum before now. Thanks again everyone.

    Don't worry about it. That's why we can all work together to help each other understand. Sure, you may have put yourself in starvation mode, but you sought the advice and are willing to receive it. Don't ever hesitate to ask for advice on here. Many of us got into the predicaments we're in because we only listened to our own advice, and we're usually good at lying to ourselves. I agree with the others on here. Eat back your exercise calories and you'll feel better and lose weight. Just keep your NET above 1200.